The newly-elected president of the Young Republican National Federation, Glenn Murphy, has stepped down as the group's president less than a month after being elected to the post at the group's convention in Florida last month amid a sex scandal involving him, which may prove as embarrassing to the national Republican Party as the Mark Foley scandal did during last year's congressional elections. Murphy, who also serves as chairman of the Clark Co. Republicans, has been viewed as a rising star in the Indiana and national GOP. His consulting firm has advised congressional candidates like that of former U.S. Rep. Mike Sodrel (R). He is fond of using divisive wedge issues, such as gay marriage, to promote his candidates. Indiana Governor Mitch Daniels once said of Murphy: "Glenn Murphy is one of the most well-respected Republican leaders in Indiana. His media savvy and grassroots skills helped transform Southeast Indiana from a Democrat stronghold to a Republican growth area. He shoots for the 'impossible', and more often than not, he succeeds. I wholeheartedly endorse Glenn Murphy for Chairman of the Young Republican National Federation and his team for national leadership."
In a shocking police report filed by the Clark Co. Sheriff's office, Murphy is accused of sexually assaulting another man on July 29, 2007, while he lay sleeping in his bed. The alleged assault of the 22-year-old man took place in the Jeffersonville, Indiana home of his sister following a Young Republican party in which both Murphy and the 22-year-old man had been in attendance. The victim's sister had urged both men to spend the night at her home because of the amount of alcohol the two had consumed during the party. The victim awoke in the morning to find Murphy performing oral sex on him according to the report. When the victim asked Murphy what he was doing, he responded: "He was holding his dick with one hand and sucking my dick with his mouth." The victim then pushed Murphy away, gathered his personal belongings and left. Murphy was later confronted with the charges by the victim's sister according to the report. The sister says Murphy admitted to her that he performed the sex act on her brother. Taking Down Words reports Murphy is being investigated for committing criminal deviate conduct, a Class B felony. The police report also notes that Murphy was accused of committing a very similar act on another man back in 1998. It is unclear why Murphy was not prosecuted for the 1998 incident.
My Dear Republican Friends,
The time is finally here. My term as Clark County Republican Chairman is at an end, and I wanted to thank all of you for the years of support and for the great achievements we have made as a Party. I've been a Republican officer in Clark County for nearly 10 years and your County Chairman for the past 7 years.We've had some great successes - going from zero to 23 elected Republicans in Clark County and helping to elect the first Republican Congressman in 42 years. And I am confident that the Republican Party will continue to grow and succeed during this transfer of leadership.
We have been transitioning for the past month since I took the Chairmanship of the Young Republicans, and caucus notices are being sent to precinct committeemen with details for electing the new Chairman in two weeks.
Many of you may have already heard, but the favored replacement for Chairman is David Buskill. He will do an amazing job and take our Party to the next level. The rest of our our outstanding central committee will remain in place. I've been preparing myself for big changes since the YR election, but I didn't quite know how big some of those changes were going to be.
My company bid on a very large project more than a year ago. It was a job that I thought I would never get in a million years - one that could transform my company and do in one year what I could ordinarily do in five. Well, I got the job Friday.
Unfortunately, there was one major catch. Due to the nature of the client and a stipulation in the contract, I couldn't hold any official partisan positions, but I couldn't hold a Republican post myself. It was perfect timing for the County Chairmanship that I was transitioning out of anyway, but terrible timing for my volunteer Young Republican position that I had just worked so hard to achieve.
My family sat down with me Saturday evening to look at things from every angle. We determined that if I didn't take the job, there could potentially never be that type of opportunity again and I would be shorting the security of my future and the future of my family. I prayed with my family, and we determined that I have to take this opportunity for my long-term security.
I signed my new client contracts yesterday. Connie Sellers will act as interim Chairman until the caucuses in two weeks and Jessica Colón will take my place as YRNF Chair.
With strong and talented people in place ready to take over the good fight, my business decision became at least a little easier. It would be (as my family said) stupid to bypass this business opportunity.
So, I hope you can understand how heart-wrenching this has been for me. And I hope you can support me in one of the biggest decisions of my life. For the first time in 10 years, Glenn Murphy is a private citizen again and looking forward to other ways he can help.
Your Friend,
Glenn MurphyUPDATE: Murphy's attorney, Larry Wilder, posted this comment on Taking Down Words this evening in response to the Clark Co. Sheriff's Department police report:
On behalf of Mr. Murphy I would point out several things:
1. Mr. Murphy has not been arrested nor has he been charged with a crime.2. Mr. Murphy contends that the events that took place that evening were as between two consenting adults.
3. Mr. ------- and his sister taped, without Mr. Murphy's knowledge, their exchange. Mr. ------- did not inform the police of the existence of the tape. We informed the police of the existence of the tape in order to make sure that the police had all of the evidence.
4. At no time was Mr. ------- ever asked to forgo making a police report. In fact, Mr. ------- was informed that if he felt a crime occurred he should make a report.
5. The 1998 report was a public record. The allegations in 1998 were investigated and no action was taken. Upon the determination that the 1998 incident was closed the report became a public record.
6. It is very disappointing that the police report was leaked to the press. This is an ongoing criminal investigation. The report is not a public record. The act of leaking the report compromises the ability of the police to conduct their investigation. The act of leaking the report was clearly an effort to deny Mr. Murphy the opportunity to have a fair, unbiased chance to defend these allegations.
7. I am not a Republican. I am an attorney who represents clients. In fact, my wife has served as a Democrat elected official for sixteen (16) years having just been re-elected. This is not a partisan issue. This is an issue of fairness and due process. Neither of these know party affiliation, race, creed or religion. We all, both Democrats and Republicans, should embrace them and hope that, if ever in these same shoes, no one decides to trample these to impugn us before the process has been allowed to proceed.
I will not respond to any posts. I will not review this blog again. I only provide this information at the request of my client.
Thank You.
Larry O. Wilder, Attorney at Law, 530 East Court Ave., Jeffersonville, In. 47130
Glenn just emailed this ...
Glenn's New Gig
August 07, 2007
My Dear Republican Friends,
The time is finally here. My term as Clark County Republican Chairman is at an end, and I wanted to thank all of you for the years of support and for the great achievements we have made as a Party. I've been a Republican officer in Clark County for nearly 10 years and your County Chairman for the past 7 years.
We've had some great successes - going from zero to 23 elected Republicans in Clark County and helping to elect the first Republican Congressman in 42 years. And I am confident that the Republican Party will continue to grow and succeed during this transfer of leadership.
We have been transitioning for the past month since I took the Chairmanship of the Young Republicans, and caucus notices are being sent to precinct committeemen with details for electing the new Chairman in two weeks.
Many of you may have already heard, but the favored replacement for Chairman is David Buskill. He will do an amazing job and take our Party to the next level. The rest of our our outstanding central committee will remain in place.
I've been preparing myself for big changes since the YR election, but I didn't quite know how big some of those changes were going to be.
My company bid on a very large project more than a year ago. It was a job that I thought I would never get in a million years - one that could transform my company and do in one year what I could ordinarily do in five. Well, I got the job Friday.
Unfortunately, there was one major catch. Due to the nature of the client and a stipulation in the contract, I couldn't hold any official partisan positions, but I couldn't hold a Republican post myself. It was perfect timing for the County Chairmanship that I was transitioning out of anyway, but terrible timing for my volunteer Young Republican position that I had just worked so hard to achieve.
My family sat down with me Saturday evening to look at things from every angle. We determined that if I didn't take the job, there could potentially never be that type of opportunity again and I would be shorting the security of my future and the future of my family. I prayed with my family, and we determined that I have to take this opportunity for my long-term security.
I signed my new client contracts yesterday. Connie Sellers will act as interim Chairman until the caucuses in two weeks and Jessica Colón will take my place as YRNF Chair.
With strong and talented people in place ready to take over the good fight, my business decision became at least a little easier. It would be (as my family said) stupid to bypass this business opportunity.
So, I hope you can understand how heart-wrenching this has been for me. And I hope you can support me in one of the biggest decisions of my life. For the first time in 10 years, Glenn Murphy is a private citizen again and looking forward to other ways he can help.
Your Friend,
Glenn Murphy
email: gmurphy@decmedia.com
So much for his career. I recall a similar event years ago when a Dem heir apparent to Congressman Hamilton's old 9th District was caught at the Dem Convention in San Francisco.
He lost everything.
Glenn Murphy shouldn't refer to Glenn Murphy in the 3rd person.
Wilson agrees with Lance.
3:07 ,you're only partially right. He wasn't "caught" at the 1984 Dem Convention. That's where he decided to come out, and upon returning, he gave up everything--wife, business, state representative's job. He recovered. Everyone's "coming out" story is different. His was 23 years ago, in a much different time. I happen to think it was brave.
There is no textbook on coming out. It sometimes happens as a result of unfortunate incidents like Mr. Murphy's.
The difference here, is that Murphy's rise to power was checkered with the wedge politics like gay bashing. Which, internally, must've killed him, but he kept his secret.
Oh how the mighty fall.
Betcha he's not alone in the Republican power structure. Hell, I know for a fact he's not alone.
I never begrudge someone their honest political beliefs. If the far right thinks gay rights is not proper, so be it. They're wrong, but if they believe it fervently, without hypocracy, it's understandable.
But the Murphys of the world, they make my skin crawl.
Of course, he's innocent until proven guilty. Looks like he passed the crash course in damage control. I doubt it works.
That's where he decided to come out, and upon returning, he gave up everything--wife, business, state representative's job. He recovered. Everyone's "coming out" story is different. His was 23 years ago, in a much different time. I happen to think it was brave.
I wouldn't call someone who lied to folks he loved and ended up ruining their lives "brave."
OK -- I overlooked that story about the State Rep. who came out. Who was it?
"When he was elected president of the YRs last month, he told his hometown newspaper, “I will essentially be the mouthpiece and effective leader for the tens of thousands of Young Republicans, 18 to 40, across the country.” "
Well, at least he was honest.
Wilson,. I sent you an email, did you get it????
539.. that was a good joke..!
5:27, you don't get it.
The state rep who came out, had effectively lied about his life until then. He came out at a very difficult time, when millions of men stay "safe" and only mess around on their wives.
Because of the havoc it caused, yes, it was brave. Because he could've easily slipped back into the shadows like so many others do. All around you, every day.
Wise up, huh?
“I will essentially be the mouthpiece and effective leader for the tens of thousands of Young Republicans, 18 to 40, across the country.” "
Well, at least he was honest.
Bwaaaahaaaahaaaahaaaaa !!!!!!!!!
Thanks for the laugh!!!
Because he could've easily slipped back into the shadows like so many others do. All around you, every day.
Yeah, Ted Haggard, for one. What a sad, sad story that is. Maybe if there wasn't so much hatred directed at gays people like this wouldn't try so desperately hard to fit into a mold that will never fit them.
It's not a lie, it's a desperate attempt to be what society tells them is "normal" and to "fix" what everyone says is "wrong" with them. It's tragic. For everyone.
Consenting Adults?
The other guy was asleep, and woke up to find he had Glenn's mouth on his private-est part.
Does not sound like consent to me.
Regarding the points form sMurphy's attorney - Ah yes, the ole I was framed and I'm a victim response. Waaaaaa. :( Freakin opportunist and hypocrit.
Maybe he was thinking that there was a "BIG TENT" down there between that young man's legs, but I doubt it.
I probably thought I was a Republican too when I was 22, and a closet case. Fortunately, I never woke up to find a big fat oinker quy between my legs, not quite my sexual fantasy then or now.
Sounds like rape to me, and quite tragic that Mr. Republican would accuse the young man who he raped of being a willing participant.
More Republican hypocracy. Yikes.
embarrassed texan
well he could have tried use the excuse the state Senator from Florida is trying use why he was caugt in a public park hitting on undercover cops because he was afraid of black men who made him scared so he had to keep going back in to the park rest room. But oh yeah this one was another young Republican he molested typical predator
He should join the Log Cabin Republicans! LOL
"No marriage for Gays! Do not redefine marriage! One man + one woman! Now excuse me while I go suck some hot college boy penis!"
The Log Cabin Republicans I know would reject this criminal. In fact, if this guy comes out, I think he should have to be accepted into the gay community. Prove that he knows how to behave and not rape sleeping victims.
He looks like the son of Barbara Bush and Tucker Carlson.
WOW! Republicans realy do SUCK!
I'[m still trying to get over the freakish mental image of Babs and Tucker mating. Pearl necklace indeed.
Thanks for that.
In yet another example of the perils of citizen (amateur) "journalism", this problematic passage in this gossip column blind item makes no sense, yet it is being picked up and rebroadcast ad infinitum without so much as one brain cell bothering to think, to analyze and to realize the absurdity of this reported "fact":
"The victim awoke in the morning to find Murphy performing oral sex on him according to the report. When the victim asked Murphy what he was doing, he responded: 'He was holding his dick with one hand and sucking my dick with his mouth.'"
So, I just took an extra logic pill to make sure I was reading and understanding what was being said correctly. I do. It still makes no logical sense. The victim woke up to find Murphy holding the base of his dick and swallowing the head of it, presumably. The victim, quite naturally, says "WTF are you doing?" Murphy takes the dick out of his mouth and, referring to himself in the third person, said, "He was holding his dick with one hand and sucking my dick with his mouth." Was Murphy laying the groundwork for an insanity defense by feigning MPD? (Muliple Personality Disorder)
I can see it now: "Yes, your honor, the penis was in my mouth, but *I* wasn't the one performing fellatio. No, your honor, my alternate personality, Glenn, isn't available to testify today. In fact, I think she's committed suicide."
"Since the alleged assailant is not available for trial or incarceration, these charges are dismissed in the interest of justice."
Ah, yes. Carry on, noble citizen gossip mongers.
I saw this cartoon during the 2000 Presidential campaign. It is more relevant now than then, as the Republican Hypocritical sex scandals are increasing exponentially!
Republicans - conservative, repressed politicians by day and perverted hypersexual vixens by night.
Isn't that cartoon hysterical? I especially love the cat, spazzing out, while sticking out of the Republican's ass.
Addendum to police report:
"It was very difficult to get my penis out of Mr. Murphy's mouth. He had such an incredible suction on it that when I was successful it sounded as if it were a cork being popped off a champaign bottle! Once my penis was removed, Mr. Murphy responded to my outraged verbal assault by pathetically curling into a ball on the floor, and rocking back and forth while sobbing, "SANCTITY OF MARRIAGE! SANCTITY OF MARRIAGE!"
That guy is 27? Looks more like 40. Sexual repression must really age you.
"Two consenting adults"... while one of them was asleep!! I suppose Murphy's attorney will argue that silence implies consent when charges are filed.
I love the puerile 'I'm not going to respond or even review this blog' comment. It's like a child sticking his fingers in his ears and singing, which to his mind, means he had the last word and is therefore right.
And WTF does his wife have to do with this? So, she's a Democrat; so what? I notice Mr. Attorney only says he's not a Republican, not that he is a Democrat. Likely a registered as a "Libertarian" which is (far more often than not) a Republican trying to be incognito.
what a crock,don't you think it is concentual he the victim is also a pillar of the comunity. he did not ask some big guy to rape him.this took a lot of guts to come forward and i hope you take this serriosly!
he had a life and now he is devistated to think some rich prick could do this and get away with it!! justice must be had!what if it was your son-still making jokes???i think not.. i want justice that is why i pay taxes!!
Its interesting that those who often shout louded against one group.. are often secret participants in the same.
As a gay man I have found it intertesting that MANY gay bashers are often found in gay sauna's seeking anonymous sex.
Hey - if you shout loudest against Gays NOONE will believe that you might be Gay yourself.
Hypocrites really make my blood boil!!!!
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