There's an interesting report out of Chicago that voters handed paper ballots in Tuesday's municipal election were surprised to find them already marked for Rahm Emanuel. Similarly, people who voted on electronic voting machines were frustrated when the machines kept registering votes for Emanuel when they attempted to cast a ballot for Chuy Garcia. Anyone who believes Chicago voters went to the polls and voted to re-elect the widely unpopular Emanuel is living in another world. The election was obviously fixed to make sure the shape-shifting reptilian remains in control of the Windy City for another four years.
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Friday, April 10, 2015
Report: Chicago Voters Handed Ballots Already Marked For Rahm Emanuel
There's an interesting report out of Chicago that voters handed paper ballots in Tuesday's municipal election were surprised to find them already marked for Rahm Emanuel. Similarly, people who voted on electronic voting machines were frustrated when the machines kept registering votes for Emanuel when they attempted to cast a ballot for Chuy Garcia. Anyone who believes Chicago voters went to the polls and voted to re-elect the widely unpopular Emanuel is living in another world. The election was obviously fixed to make sure the shape-shifting reptilian remains in control of the Windy City for another four years.
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All this coming from the City of Broad Shoulders whose Democrat political machine literally found the votes that elected John F. Kennedy over Richard Nixon.
Locally and statewide Indiana you can rest assured that your electronic voting machines and your paper ballots may not be as secure as you are led to think by either the Democrat or the Republican political machines and their politicians. My credentials for this statement include poll worker, ward chair,and precinct committee person.
The mossad likely has no qualms about voting machine hacking.
A concern I had in watching the results come in on election night was how the raw vote percentages remained virtually the same from the first returns to the very end. Given the diversity and differences from ward to ward, the results seemed questionable. During the primary election, the percentage share of the vote of Emanuel and Garcia moved up and down as the results were tallied during the night.
Last election I noted to the poll workers that my name and address were entered with five different notations and variations. A first. I just got a card in the mail to confirm my address. Yep. Election fraud in Indy.
"Locally and statewide Indiana you can rest assured that your electronic voting machines and your paper ballots may not be as secure as you are led to think by either the Democrat or the Republican political machines and their politicians. My credentials for this statement include poll worker, ward chair,and precinct committee person."
As a former MarCo poll worker I can attest to this. Oh sure there's the security stickers, plastic zip-lock bags, accounting forms, and the like and its signed and sworn by both parties officials at the precinct. What they use to count the votes is that SD card the inspector is supposed to install and remove from the scanner machine. It wouldn't take much of an IT expert to see the data on that card and manipulate it without detection. The only time the paper ballots are even reviewed is recounts.
I was told of a practice done when only one party has all the poll workers in a precinct - after the polls close, look in the book and see who had not voted or even who may have died recently. Vote a couple dozen straight ticket votes and forge the voters names in the book. Unless its really obvious and doesn't exceed the normal voting pattern of a precinct you can get away with this and nobody will question it. There is no timer in the scanner, unlike in the touch-screen voting machine. Some wonder why certain precincts take a long time to report on election night when they don't need to travel far to turn in their ballot boxes.
It's funny you mention that practice, Sir Hailstone, because I've heard Democrats joke about how David Brooks' crack Center Township organization always failed to provide coverage in the black precincts where they could easily steal votes precisely in the manner you describe.
Soon after the Rock Indiana rally in 2005, I was contacted by a Democrat running for judge. This person asked me to lunch. I obliged and sat through a miserable hour-long meal whereby the only direct comment this person made was that she wanted me to work the polls. Everything else she said was nuanced. I was so politically naïve, I didn't understand at the time that likely what this person wanted was nothing short of voter fraud. I think this person was a little frustrated that I didn't "get" what she was asking me to do. After that lunch, I never heard from her again.
I worked at a polling station in Irvington one year, and that is the moment I became disillusioned. I couldn't believe that Marion County ran "elections" so poorly.
Has anyone ever looked into Frank "Short" which is not his real last legal name which he changed for some reason? ( Washington Township) Indianapolis. What is or was his involvement with the Democratic Party leadership Ed Tracey and Micro Vote in Broad Ripple during the local elections in 2010 - 2014?
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