Jim Schellinger |
Gov. Mike Pence today named one of the Democrats leading honey money boys, Diamond Jim Schellinger, as president of the Indiana Economic Development Corporation. Schellinger, of course, runs CSO Architects, one of those engineering firms that feast at the government trough by filling the politicians' campaign wallets with fat checks in exchange for no-bid contracts on government projects. Schellinger, an unsuccessful Democratic candidate for governor in 2008, has personally contributed over $200,000 over the years, almost exclusively to Democratic candidates, while CSO Architects has contributed over $80,000 to campaigns and candidates of all political stripes. This is how Pence puts lipstick on this pig of an appointment:
“Since day one, our administration has prioritized establishing Indiana as the best state in the nation for job creation. To do this, we need a top-notch team at the Indiana Economic Development Corporation, and Jim Schellinger is the right man at the right time to lead the organization,” said Governor Pence. “Already this year, Hoosier companies have committed to creating more than 15,000 new jobs in the coming years with salaries well above the state’s current average. I am confident that Jim, with his unmatched business leadership experience, will continue to build on this progress and attract both national and international recognition and investment in the Hoosier State.”
It's time to throw in the towel and declare Mike Pence's political career over. I don't think the guy has a moral compass guiding him at all in his decisions anymore, if he ever did have one. He said he had this big announcement to make today and now that we know what it is we can conclude nothing but the worst of what this man could possibly offer the state if given another four years in office.
another example of his "bright ideas." what a waste of public funding.
I like the guy. He’s rich. But he wasn’t always rich. Before they had health insurance his newborn son had a terrible health problem; it left them busted broke and in debt for a long long time. He tells that story in support of common sense medical insurance coverage for everybody we can cover. And I think his firm gets good projects because they do good work. Personally, I just love the new airport. Love it. And if you watch Jim on YouTube, he’s real easy to like. Isn’t that kind of smooth success the kind of guy you want in Economic Development? He knows everybody. I won’t pretend to like Mike Pence as a governor. But I think this was smart. He reached across the aisle, got a good guy from the other side who fit the job. That notched Pence up a couple in my estimation. I say give Schellinger a chance. He’s a local boy. Notre Dame. I hated it when Ballard hired that police chief from upstate New York. I couldn’t believe he couldn’t find a qualified Hoosier. So Pence gets another couple points for hiring a local. I don’t have a dog in this fight. But I think the guy looks golden.
"It's time to throw in the towel and declare Mike Pence's political career over. I don't think the guy has a moral compass guiding him at all in his decisions anymore, if he ever did have one...". I agree completely.
I said this a long time ago and my fellow GOP looked at me as if I were from Pluto. When Pence supported and backed his long time BFF Jeff Cardwell- himself a veteran political ladder climber and career stepin fetchit for the moneyed politically elite- for Chairman of the Indiana Republican Party, I knew we are in for more insider shenanigans than ever and the corruption would probably never change.
Pence is an abysmal failure as a leader and decision maker and Pence is a huge disappointment on so many levels. He is a faux "conservative" (lower case "c" intentional) with no real philosophical spine. The guy and his family would starve if it were not for public offices with huge taxpayer funded paychecks.
Mr. Pence, Go Home. Please. Just Go Home!
The half pregnant "logic" of economic development as a government entity is asinine, not to mention duplicitous counterfeiting of what once was & supposed to be, the Chamber of Commerce; just more toxic, statist trash. Public treasury pilferage is not a legitimate career- it's parasitism.
If the Economic Development Corporation were worth its salt, they'd explain that their department along with 80% of what they call "government," could be replaced with available software. The consumptive / public sector isn't good government, it's an adult daycare center for the criminally inane.
No qualified Republican. Just too funny. What does that tell u about the deplorable state of the Indiana Republican Party. No depth.
Everytime I read one of these stories I feel a compelling need to wash my hands before touching my keyboard again. I've lived in a lot of states and, with the exception of Louisiana, I can't think of one that comes close to this one on the clueless and dirty scale and in Louisiana's defense, the food is pretty good down there so there's that. Here? A guy can only eat so many pork tenderloins.
IEDC is basically another component of campaigning "job creation' such a scam
Anon 8:05- you wanna know how corrupt is the City of Indianapolis and the State of Indiana? Get involved in the Democrat Party or the Republican Party and attend every meeting your schedule permits and as many "fundraisers" you can get into without paying the "tribute". You will learn real fast, real close and personal how slimy are the politicos on both sides of the aisle and how the corrupt attorneys usually controlling the political processes pervert the very laws they vowed to uphold. These people are not worthy to wash the feet even of India's lowest caste, the Harijans- the mud hut builders also known as the untouchables.
This does it! Pence is now officially a RINO Traitor just like Godfather Mitch Daniels and Gregory "Sellout" Ballard! How in the world does Pence think appointing this man to run the IEDC is going to help him? Pence is letting himself be played! The leadership of both parties in this state needs to be disposed of yesterday! Pence should just admit he has betrayed the GOP! Hope you get creamed in next year's race Pampered Pence!
"This does it! Pence is now officially a RINO Traitor just like Godfather Mitch Daniels and Gregory "Sellout" Ballard! How in the world does Pence think appointing this man to run the IEDC is going to help him? Pence is letting himself be played! The leadership of both parties in this state needs to be disposed of yesterday! Pence should just admit he has betrayed the GOP! Hope you get creamed in next year's race Pampered Pence"
Who is going to do the creaming? Glenda Ritz?
You expected any difference out of Pence? His entire career from 2000 until now has been about selling out any sort of conservative principles that ever had. Not to mention that back in 2000 until his term ended in Congress, he went along with all kinds of big government programs for years despite screaming his conservative values. Kind of like how Bush doubled the national debt under his own watch from 5.7 trillion in 2000 to nearly 10.7 trillion in 2008 plus 700 billion more in the bailout package in 2008 which added to that debt.
Pence went along with everything that Bush and the rest of the Congressional Republicans wanted no matter how much it added to the national debt. The hype about this guy being a conservative is a laugh because he is most certainly not.
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