Monday, October 27, 2008

Three Indianapolis House Districts Will Decide Fate Of Property Tax Caps

Those of us who fought hard for property tax reform know too well that our efforts will be lost if we are not successful in implementing a constitutional amendment to permanently limit homeowners' property taxes to one percent of the property's assessed value. Past legislative efforts to reduce property tax burdens statutorily have always been eroded by subsequent legislative enactments. In Indianapolis, we have three extremely close legislative races which will determine control of the House. If the Democrats sweep these three races, they will control the House and the property tax cap amendment is as good as dead.

The three legislative districts in play are: District 86 between Republican Adam Nelson and Ed DeLaney; District 89 between Republican Chris Swatts and Democrat John Barnes; and District 97 between Republican Jon Elrod and Democrat Mary Ann Sullivan. Each of the Republican candidates are outspoken proponents of the property tax cap amendment. Each of the Democrats are opposed to the permanent property tax cap because they are in bed with the Indiana State Teachers Association, which has contributed tens of thousands dollars to their campaigns through its political action committee. ISTA will use all of its clout to defeat the property tax cap amendment and you can bet House Speaker Pat Bauer will have the full cooperation of DeLaney, Barnes and Sullivan should they win their respective House seats.

The same will be true for the stadium bailout for Indianapolis' Capital Improvement Board. DeLaney, Barnes and Sullivan all support the bailout. DeLaney and his wife, Ann, are good friends of Fred Glass, the architect of the disastrous lease agreement with the Colts. Sullivan's husband is an executive with Shiel-Sexton, which has millions of dollars in contracts with the CIB for work on the stadium and the convention center expansion. She's looking out for number one. Barnes' has refused to publicly take a position against the bailout, which is tantamount to supporting a bailout. Nelson, Swatts and Elrod have all made a public commitment to oppose a bailout. If you don't want more public subsidies for the billionaire Colts owner Jim Irsay, then support Nelson, Swatts and Elrod.


Paul K. Ogden said...

Unfortunately I don't see Republicans winning any of those three Marion County legislative seats this year. Two are now by Republicans. 2010 we might win 2 or even 3 of them back.

If people were voting strictly on the issues you cite, I think Republicans should win those districts. I just think the D's are going to swamp the Republicans at the polls, especially in Marion County. We might end up with 100,000 early voters this year. They are breaking heavily Democrat.

indyernie said...

Swatts should win over Barnes.

The Delaney name brings up images of Ann and her nasty disposition, that should help Nelson with voters.

Elrod will finish strong, he shouldn't need a recount this time.

Another race that the GOP could win is the race between Bartlett and Ray Shearer in HD 95. This should be the race to watch.

All is not lost, we just need to band together.

Anonymous said...

There are other possibilities for a Democratic win in district 87 and
92 based on heavy early voting in Marion County, as Paul mention, and strong campaigning by the candidates Hickman(87) and Dekemper(92).
Indye is delusionary.

M Theory said...

Ed Delaney sent me a flyer months ago that he wanted to hear from people in his district and learn our concerns.

I called his office and emailed more than once. I still have not heard back.

As far as I'm concerned, he's a liar. If he's not going to listen to me BEFORE an election, he sure as hell won't hear me after the election.

He's a political insider elite.

Adam Nelson, on the other hand, is a sweetheart.