A spokesperson for the school district quickly cut Dr. Ferebee's press conference short when a reporter focused questioning on what Dr. Ferebee knew and when did he know it. Dr. Ferebee had just outlined at least five persons who knew about Taylor's sexual relationship with students, including the school's principal, assistant principal and the school's director of student services, human resources director and a human resources case worker, none of whom reported Taylor's abuse of students because each believed someone else had taken responsibility for the reporting required by state law. Did it not occur to anyone over the passage of that six day-period why nobody from DCS or law enforcement had contacted the school to investigate the allegations against Taylor? If five IPS employees knew about the allegations, at least three of four times that number became aware of the allegations over the ensuing six-day period before the assistant principal finally reported it to DCS.
The Indianapolis Star learned a short time after the press conference concluded that Dr. Ferebee had learned of the allegations against Taylor the very day a parent had gone to Taylor's school to share evidence and concern that she was having sexual relations with a student. Incredibly, Dr. Ferebee believed he was blameless for the failure of five subordinate employees to comply with the same law under which he also had a reporting duty. The media silence since that bombshell revelation has been deafening. Despite all of the recent attention focused on these very issues after the child abuse allegations against former Park Tudor boys basketball coach Kyle Cox were first made public, members of the Indianapolis media have showed no similar interest in the IPS story. No rapid online response from The Star's yelpers in chief, Matthew Tully or Tim Swarens. Why is that?
Taylor was arrested by police within three days of DCS learning of the allegations against her for child seduction charges. She made her first appearance in court to face formal charges last Friday, the same day Dr. Ferebee addressed his administration's failure to timely report child abuse allegations for the first time nearly a week after state child welfare workers were first alerted and nearly two weeks after IPS officials learned of the allegations. IPS' board had previously scheduled a meeting Friday afternoon at which their plans to redevelop the valuable Coca-Cola property along Mass Avenue were to be discussed. Board members went into executive session on Friday, but beyond a decision made during the board's public meeting to terminate Taylor, not a single board member commented publicly on the gross misconduct of Dr. Ferebee and members of his administration to comply with state law and school policy when contacted by the media. The board's paid spokesperson was tweeting jokingly about MILFS while the story unfolded late last week. Where's the outrage, Indianapolis? Can someone tell me why Dr. Ferebee and others responsible for this debacle haven't been fired already?
In addition, your IPS Board knew all the details as well and they clammed up. The short answer to the question asked is that this Board was unhappy with the previous Superintendent....(who would have acted immediately, I think) and went shopping for a new Black Superintendent amenable to their plans to ruin IPS via their conceptions and misconceptions concerning what could be accomplished in the rotten system (rotten now for decades and a cause of white and other flight from the City). Like most socialists and socialist systems, the avoiding of blame and the shifting of it elsewhere is endemic to government schools. Well, also to note, our Legislature won't clean up the mess they created in the schools either-their idea of endless tinkering and pandering demonstrates that their creatures are more political at essence than educational. BOSMA, et al, are running a state wide day care center based loosely on the 1920's vision that gave us Soviet collective farms....little islands of socialism floating (like excrement) on the ponds of markets trying to work when oppressed by the regulatory state.
The little twit doing that twitter thing is typical. Anywhere else in the private sector that yet competes she would have been fired-gone-replaced easily. Mike Pence erred with her husband as well. However, it is an interesting diversion from the continual failure of this system to perform anything remotely associated with what the public thinks it should be doing.
What about their high-paid law firm where one of the board members' brother is a partner? IPS' HR department doesn't make a decision on how to handle one of its employees without consulting them first.
Now, now, now, folks. Take it easy. You know the standards for black people are always lower. They can't do anything without the government's help. Why are you being so hard on this poor man? (/s off)
You would think since IPS has existed all these years one person would have ultimate responsibility to report this type of allegation to the proper authorities.
Oh I suppose IPS will have to create a new position paying a six figure salary to report this type of allegation. IPS will probably not ignore an opportunity to create a new position with the appropriate amount of Cronyism.
The outrage? Who, in society is left to be outraged after all these years of tolerance being preached? I think we have established that all elected Marion County Judges pay bribes. Having conditioned their conscience to bribe paying it might not surprise that bribe taking would be, in their minds, a lesser offense than formerly. And, being a payer of bribes themselves they might tend to overlook the lack of virtue in the office of prosecutors...also elected and also corrupt (can't recall the last one who was a free actor). I don't think the Muncie Prosecutor took his time in going after the designated fall guy so why is the Marion County one silent? What more does he need to know to get off his ass?
Getting back to outrage, for a moment, the people have always desired independent judges (for thousands of years). We also compel them to take an Oath upon a Bible (it being well understood that an oath on a Koran or a Talmud is of negative value). English Common Law developed in a Catholic country and grew over a period of some thousand years. Magna Carta was written by a Catholic Bishop not under the influence of Roman pagan law or belief. Coke and Blackstone were in that tradition with the latter coming into influence in America somewhere around 1800 or so. Still, Americans wished to preserve the independence of their judges. But, America was always tied to English Laws and traditions, natural law being one source of that law, and the Christian religion being another
So, if you want strong outrage,the short version is that you must have strong Christians. Strong Christians need not be so tolerant of evils. What seems to be needed is some sort of public process where elected officials can be directed to do the duties which their office is commanded to do....thus ending what is called prosecutorial discretion in some fashion. If judges in Marion County pay bribes does anyone in Marion County believe that prosecutors don't accept bribes? If Muncie knows how and why school officials have to be prosecuted to the max when they abuse the laws meant to protect children why is Indianapolis still in the Dark Ages?
I might add for the benefit of legislators that if it is their intent to open government schools to practicing homosexuals they need to know that such predicts child molestation and that their actions will be held to be complicit....not the administrators who suffer under legislative incompetences. This Black Superintendent needs to be history along with ALL who failed...including the school board, and their hired twits. I'd imagine a law firm ought to be fired as well and never rehired.
Roger, you old, entitled, white man, keep your bigoted comments to yourself.
The media is too busy promoting Peyton Manning idolatry today to cover real news stories.
"Ferebee said school officials are planning districtwide training. He also said the district will "aggressively" pursue disciplinary action against school employees who failed to immediately report suspected child abuse to authorities." Such training and the records for such have long been in place. Let's ask some teachers and lower level sorts about such. One problem might be that a closed administration as opposed to an open one gives pause to administrators who rightly feel that they might be fired for telling the truth or telling anything at all....Thus, the Wagner Theory that only one person can speak for IPS? She needs to be let go after telling Indianapolis just when she was contacted about the problem and then, perhaps her name could be added to the list of criminals at IPS?
I believe that the matter should be left in the hands of a Marion County Grand Jury.
Interesting...If the Indianapolis Public Schools has followed protocol, it is highly unlikely Dr. Ferebee would have received the $64000.00 increase during the February 23, 2016, school board meeting. The amount of money that is going to be paid out to the victims will affect all the taxpayers in the city of Indianapolis, regardless of insurance protection. The gross misconduct by the former employee, Shana Taylor, was probably shared by everyone on the 7th floor of the Ed Center, including the school broad president. However, the plan was to ensure Dr. Ferebee received his raise. Of course, this is pure speculation, but it makes sense to me. Hopefully, the vice principal and principal will share what they know and not take the fall for those employees at central office. Districtwide training for something you learn in school law is another misuse of taxpayers funds. Just my 2 cents.
C. Roger Csee said...
Now, now, now, folks. Take it easy. You know the standards for black people are always lower. They can't do anything without the government's help. Why are you being so hard on this poor man? (/s off)
C. Roger Csee, I am black, and the behavior of the superintendent in not reporting the gross misconduct to CPS is unacceptable. As the leader of any school district, one is obligated to protect the welfare of all students regardless of race, gender, creed, etc. We are so quick to focus on one's race when it come to incompetence, when the focus should be on the whether or not they are qualified to do the job. In this class, the superintendent appeared to delay the process for his own self gain--the raise.
The people who could fire him are not talking to anyone. The media doesn't seem to think there's a problem, and
the board doesn't seem to think there's a problem. The parents don't seem to be protesting. So why do something so rash? What's the problem?
This situation has nothing to do with anyone's race. It has to do with their competence or lack thereof to do the job for which they have been hired, including the Superintendent. He will throw others under the bus, but will not accept his part in this debacle. Every educator is a mandated reporter without exception. It's not rocket science, it's the law.
I've always wondered what stupidity ("credentialed" with a PhD), incompetence, and girly-man "leadership" looked like.
Then I saw the picture of this Ferebee clown on the blog.
Now I know.
For what it may be worth, posters on this thread include at least two former members of an Indiana school board.
I just am flabbergasted someone in a similar situation at a private school ended their life over a situation close in nature. It really shows how bold and untouchable he thinks he is! But I guess when your special interest groups that give you pay outs pay for the seats on the school board, one is untouchable.
Why have training ? It was stated that all involved knew that there was mandatory reporting immediately and surely they know the number to call . And why do they "investigate "....I thought they were educators not investigators and if they are doing investigations what training/education do they have to do investigations ? They have their own police department and did they use that resource ? Not only incompetent but wasted money and resources .
Gary, it's Lewis D. Ferebee, not "Louis." ijs
Ye olde double standard. When it's a Jerry Sandusky or Kyle Cox with man-on-boy or man-on-girl it's vile and disgusting. When its Shana Taylor or remember that one out in Washington State that got knocked up by her male student and later married him then its "hot for teacher".
Going with Sir Hailstone- what is it when a city counselor has a CPS file they won't open?
In all five states I've taught in, the first adult to know or suspect abuse should be and is required to report it.
Folks, if any of you have ever taught in Indiana within the past ten years, you know EXACTLY why nothing was done: This is all taking place during ISTEP+. There are to be no scheduled absences (imagine five or six in that school's administration: No one to pick up from Downtown, secure, count, distribute,
pick up, ........ then return Downtown.) Nope. Everything, including student safety, grinds to a halt during ISTEP+.
This stinks of another cover-up from the highest levels!
School Administrators appear to have a pattern of behavior in Indiana whereby they ignore violations of law, fail to document behavior problems, decline paperwork for assaults, etc so that they can falsely use what was formerly called "Frank Straub math", NYC called it "CompStat", where crimes and violence are not reported or documented so it appears there is a much safer environment that actually exists.
I suggest the first step to correct this situation is to De-Certify all "School Police." This would mean real police who do not report to the principal or superintendent would have to respond, report, and do the job.
I understand that the Star only prints what the people at the Gannet headquarters tell them to print.They print what ever the PR "guy" at IPS tells them to print because they fund Freedom Indiana.I don't understand how parents stand for the voice of IPS to be as rude and mean as their PR "guy" is. While she claims to be all about the children, she is spinning this to help the board that gave her the no bid contract...in the mean time the children suffer.......and the leader gets a $64,000 raise. it looks like IPS and their PR "guy" are just following Chicago style politics.....
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