Public personalities are learning that unless you intend to espouse views acceptable to radical liberals, you better keep your mouth shut. Former Chicago Bears coach Mike Ditka is expected to lose his job as an ESPN analyst after comments he made on a radio talk show criticizing President Barack Obama as the "worst president we've ever had" and throwing his support to Donald Trump according to the Chicago Sun-Times. ESPN is also mulling how to punish Curt Schilling because he criticized Hillary Clinton for her gross and illegal misconduct in handling classified information while serving as Secretary of State according to the newspaper. Here are the rules. Liberals can come out of the closet and say anything they want about conservatives, including urging their assassination with impunity. Conservatives are expected to stay in the closet and keep their mouths shut or face the music.
So CPAC thought FOX would be a good thing. Donald did not. Did anyone watch CPAC this year?
Faux-gressives gack (Dennis Miller term) when they encounter disagreement; likewise shocked to discover that every piece of kindergarten scrawl Mommy placed under a refrigerator magnet isn't art...
A week ago, I was betting people that Trump would beat Clinton, come November. Now, I am not so sure that that will be allowed.
ESPN is a radical fag, America-hating, special project of Disney to destroy the correct American social order.
ESPN is trying every new way they can think of to destroy normalcy, individuality and decency.
I used to be this passionate conservative and then I realized that all most of us do is talk and rage. He don't actually do anything that matters. This is real easy. If you despise ESPN, stop feeding them. Simple. Stop watching them. Cancel cable. Stop supporting their advertisers. They will know very quickly...before you do, in fact, and they will abandon them too. Either this means something and is worth changing or it doesn't and it's not. Decide, but please, stop whining about it. You have more power than you know to change things. Learn how to use it instead of flying your silly Gadsden and Culpepper flags and thinking that makes you a patriot.
Fire this scum bag.
Da Coach is right about one thing - Obama is the worst President ever.
ESPN has come after every conservative commentator, they give leftest a pass, it's all in the end game!
Either Ditka's becoming senile or
one too many hits to the head during
his playing days.
Sports commentators are a dime a dozen. If Ditka and Schilling have been infected by that old white man's disease, Trump fever, then put the haters out to pasture.
What... no one fed the trolls. =) So proud of this thread. The ESPN boycott began last year for us. Peronally, I wanted West in the White house, but would settle for Trump. Cruz is a politician. Sick of them.
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