Whatever setback Donald Trump suffered during this past weekend's voting he more than made up for tonight. Trump easily outdistanced John Kasich and Ted Cruz to win the state of Michigan with at least 38% of the vote. His victory in Mississippi is even larger where he's winning about 50% of the vote. Voting in Idaho and Hawaii will be reported late tonight.
Trump will have great momentum going into the big states next week, including Florida, Illinois, North Carolina and Ohio. Florida and Ohio are winner-take-all states that could propel Trump with a big delegate lead over his opponents. Rubio has lost a lot of steam. He finished in single digits in both states tonight. It's doubtful a miracle win in Florida could save his campaign at this point. Kasich has a realistic chance of winning Ohio, which would be his first, but it's hard to see where he finds any victories after that.
Hillary Clinton walloped Bernie Sanders in Mississippi, capturing more than 80% of the vote, and she's locked in a neck-and-neck race with Sanders in Michigan. Sanders has given this race his best shot, but unless FBI agents show up to arrest Clinton for the multiple felonies she and her racketeering husband and daughter have committed, she already has the Democratic Party's nomination locked up.
UPDATE: Cruz picked up a single win in Idaho for the night, while Trump took Hawaii, giving him three wins for the night. Trump leads Cruz in the overall delegate count 461-360. Sanders winds up edging Clinton in Michigan, but she walks away with more delegates for the day with her big win in Mississippi and the split vote in Michigan. Clinton continues to lead Sanders by a more than 2-1 margin in the delegate count.
Hilarious Drudge headline:

It appears the best chance Kasich has at this point is gathering enough delegates to claim he still matters if it comes to a brokered convention and hope those occupying the "smoky back rooms" making the deals will recall that Ohio is the home state of more Presidents in history. Watching Fox Biz Network today some GOP campaign conslutant stated DJT gets so much "free media" that he hasn't needed to spend much of his self-created campaign war chest. DJT should thank Lorne Michaels for giving him hours of attention, even though SNL is constantly lampooning Trump.
Still boggles me why Rubio is still in the race. He could still salvage his political career if he dropped out. I'm sure he can get a good gig outside politics, but these numbers are very poor on his behalf.
Someone wrote a letter to the editor in the Star pushing Kasich. Here is a case where Mike Pence did a better job for Indiana than Kasich did for Ohio (though, as usual, I think Mike didn't do a good conservative job of it). "Leon Dixon ·
Kasich is fleeing Ohio. His fiscal time bomb (Medicaid expansion) will soon hit their taxes. It won't be pretty.
Like · Reply · 13 hrs
Bob Summers ·
Works at Retired
John Kasich is not the one to run our country. He loves social spending programs and it is evident throughout Ohio. Though he may be a solution for the debt in the beginning, he will increase it later with a ton of social programs for the lazy. Trust me on this, I know him.
Like · Reply · 1 · 12 hrs
Leon Dixon ·
Kries knows even less than alan. When you have a real newspaper, even the Wall Street Journal (WSJ) the you might be given views or facts important to know. For instance, Kasich spending on Medicaid has grown by $5.8 billion since 2011. They project by 2017 their spending will be $28.2 Billions a year. That is, sweet talking conservative fiscal guy, Kasich will have a tenure of growing that particular spending by 59% ALL BY HIMSELF. Paying for it will be someone else's problem but good old John crushed his Democrat 2:1 and has wind in his sails.....until the fiscal fails.
"Kasich is fleeing Ohio. His fiscal time bomb (Medicaid expansion) will soon hit their taxes. It won't be pretty." Ohio has lost a ton of manufacturing jobs, in addition, not that John could have done much about it, however, the new taxes needed are clearly seen by people who understand costs and fleeing those costs makes sense....see Indiana Legislature gumming for growing government with no attention being paid to any other than their donors.
I've met John, he is in with the good guys but any op research that doesn't come up with the fiscal facts of life for Ohio voters will be negligent. John shoveled money into medicaid, sucked the federal paps (and can do so for a bit more), voters then elected him two to one over the hapless democrat who couldn't bring himself to point out the tax implications of give aways....so, John now needs to get out of town, fast. When the voters find out who pinned the tax tail on them he will become reviled.
There will not be a brokered convention. If Trump carries a delegate majority into the GOP convention and is denied the nomination by devious means then a message is sent to the American people that the GOP elite usurped the will of the voter and the Democratic process. Think about that.
Last night's victory "speech" by Trump was very disturbing.
I wouldn't call it disturbing, but it was again a missed opportunity to sell the public on his substantive message. Instead, it turned into an infomercial for the Trump brand.
The Clinton's have certainly led a charmed life. Bill Clinton heavily contributes to the ruining of the Middle Class and those who might have entered it, with NAFTA, and Permanent Normal Trade Relations, trashing of Glass Steagall and the Telecommunications Act. All this set the stage for the Hillary's run in 2008 when it was her turn to be President.
Losing to Obama was not a terrible thing, both Clinton's cashed in on the Speaking tour and with the Clinton Foundation. Now it's Hillary's turn again. Given the Too Big to Fail, Too Big to Jail motto of the Obama Justice Department I would not expect any charges to be brought against Hillary. For one thing it would make Obama look like he was asleep at the wheel as Hillary went her merry way.
Years of inquisition, led by the likes of Darrell Issa and Trey Gowdy, have shown nothing except the admitted use of Congress as a sounding board for Republican political ends. If there was anything of substance involved then the accusers would not get bitch-slapped during testimonies by strong, intelligent women like Hillary Clinton and Cecile Richardson.
The more States that Trump takes more pressure is brought to bear on those Fed agencies that are stonewalling an indictment of Hillary Clinton. When a United States Secretary of State purposely circumvents national security in order to peddle influence and stuff bribe money in her pockets the chickens will come home to roost sooner rather than later. The more Trump talks up an indictment the hotter the heat in the kitchen.
Make no mistake, Sanders gut punched Clinton last night in Michigan. Her donor protection money will only cover her ass for just so long.
Trump was not doing an infomercial he was responding to Romney's attack on some of Trump's business related ventures. Trump had the props on stage to explain Romney was wrong. Trump Water is distributed at Trump's vast business holdings. Trump Wine in Virginia is indeed one of the finest vineyards in the world. Trump Magazine is distributed to Trump's club members and real estate holdings. Trump Steaks are available to the public as an aside to the beef served in Trump clubs etc.
It may have all seemed like an infomercial to those who did not hear Romney and others like Rubio. Trump simply brought the props out to make his points. He had no reason to push products that are basically side items used by his own businesses. Hell, I'd rather own a small water bottler than pay Nestle for water for my clubs. It's all common sense business for Trump and that it what he is campaigning on.
11:16...good points and things I didn't know.
Wow, I just heard something funny. I had to check it but yes it is true - Neil Bush, the brother of former Florida governor Jeb Bush, who dropped out of the presidential race last month, has joined Cruz's finance team.
None of the articles I read mentioned Neil Bush was a member of the board of directors of Denver-based Silverado Savings and Loan. Per Wiki - According to a piece in Salon, Silverado's collapse cost taxpayers $1.3 billion.
Trump water failed. trump airlines failed. trump steaks failed....the steaks at presser weren't even trump steaks. they were bush brothers steaks. trump U. failed. trump mortgage failed. trump casinos failed. 4 bankruptcies....
how this guy gets by bragging about being a businessman when he wrecks most of anything he touches.
has no substance. no policy understanding. this guy is obama 2.0. he'll be eager to make deals...with pelosi and biden.
after all of this, he polls the WORST of remaining gop against hillary. he's the only candidate that loses to hillary....no matter how many times he tells you only he beats hillary. the guy is running an entire campaign built on frustration of voters. he's taking advantage of voters anger. similarily, every business that he's built took advantage of unsuspecting consumers. he's a complete fraud.
whats so sad....we have one of the most conservative records in cruz who would make a great president not controlled by congress and hardly establishment.
his son bought trump wine. simply paid for it. he didn't build it. big difference. trumps steaks is defunct.
Nice try 3:09. Your a liar just like Cruz. If you so-called water carriers for the so-called "conservative establishment" were of any consequence to the American voter you would not have ran a Canadian citizen or a Cuban anchor baby to represent us. Go troll your lies someplace else.
The money is in the new Albemarle hotel and land you idiot. Trump saved the winery and bought it all for pennies on the dollar out of default. The winery is a loss leader in the long run. I guess they must have stopped having steak on the menu at the all Trump resorts too, lol.
Trump Winery specifically says it is not affiliated with Donald Trump or The Trump Organization.
Romney's criticism named Trump Vodka, which is indeed, a failed product.
The parties foolishly fancy themselves as brands; a notion devoid the key ingredient of principle. Like his brands or not; Trump will out-brand the amateurs of misperception- every time.
Trump was just working off some old unsold stock inventory. His business failures are legendary as are his failed marriages.
Adding to Trump's enhancement of the Republican Party image is news of a $200,000 fine levied, in 1991, by the NJ Casino Commission against the AC Trump Plaza Casino for removing African-Americans and women from gaming tables as Gotti associate Robert LiButti demanded. While Trump denies an association with LiButti, LiButti's daughter relates having rides in Trump's private helicopter on gambling excursions from NYC to Atlantic City and having a Trump attended 35th birthday party at Trump Plaza ending aboard the Trump yacht. Transcripts of a NJ State Police wiretap showed LiButti stating that Trump was 'in his pocket'.
By not having the early courage to sideline the reactionary, dog whistle element of the Party and by applying the Southern Strategy on a national basis, the Republican brand is now in the position of being poisoned from the top down.
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