A Broad Ripple resident complained to WTHR that he's had a dozen Trump signs he purchased stolen from his front yard in recent weeks. He placed a security cam in his home that captured eight separate thefts of his signs. The unidentified Trump supporter says he's filed police reports for all of the thefts and police nabbed one of the thieves, although WTRH doesn't name the thief. "Since I've had the signs, I have been yelled and cursed at by multiple drivers who have passed me in my front lawn near the trump sign," the unidentified man said. "The insults have ranged from being called a 'racist' to being called 'a disgusting human being," he said. Media reports last year complained that people were stealing the "Pence Must Go" yard signs some Indianapolis area residents placed in their yards after Gov. Mike Pence signed into law Indiana's Religious Freedom Restoration Act.
Collector's items and likely of HUGE value....
Porky, the red car passenger shouldn't be hard to spot.
The first amendment is only for those who think like the thieves. They should be ashamed of themselves.
That's how they win by intimidation.
We've been over this before. One set of rules for angry liberals...another set of rules for civilized society. These fools are going to go in full meltdown mode when the Donald makes peace with the Republican establishment, takes their appointed one as his Veep candidate, offers the Supreme Court to Lying Ted and waltzes down Pennsylvania Avenue. Watch and learn. Peace will be made because no Republican is going to be willing to go down in history as the guy that got Broom Hilda elected. They're all cowards deep down and Donald is holding the cards. They'll make their peace and it's on to Victory in November.
Looks to me like the signs are on city easement -- right next to the curb.
Why doesn't he put 'em by his front door?
No 9:40- that's private property.
Cowards won't get near my signs. Here Kitty Kitty Kitty!
The Trump signs cost $25, so this is a big deal.
Can't believe people would be willing to give Trump money for a sign, but damn, that's what happens when you cut education spending, you get a stupid populace.
Since those signs have a definite monetary value, this is an actual crime in Indiana.
Except if you are an inclusive, tolerant, unbiased liberal. (/s off)
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