A 27-year old Monticello man, Nicholas Spitzer, disappeared on August 15 after coming to Indianapolis with friends. He was first reported missing by family members on August 18. His body was recovered in a retention pond near 96th Street and Gray Road nearly a week later on August 21 when a local man discovered his body while boating. Social media is abuzz over the circumstances of his disappearance and death. Friends claim he was last seen with a prominent local Indianapolis businessman. Some were appalled to discover a cruel message posted on a social media website linked to the businessman the day he was reported missing, which read: "What if u go missing . . . how can we find you if you look like Beyonce on instagram and waka flocka in person." Information regarding the manner and time of Spitzer's death has not yet been released by authorities. News websites have deleted comments made to their websites referencing the Indianapolis businessman's name.
Why does so much of Indianapolis' sordid side center around Massachusetts Avenue?
Bulldoze that weirdo street and everything five blocks around it. Put in some gas stations and strip malls instead of what's there.
So who is the businessman??
Stand up and be counted Mr. Anonymous, your a coward.
There have been numerous persons trying to post individual's names on these thread. If you have direct knowledge of Nick's last whereabouts and would like to share what you know with Advance Indiana and its readers, then identify yourself by name and provide specific information supporting your statements; otherwise, I cannot publish it.
But lets keep Washington Square Mall up.
Just what America needs - another strip mall.
Mass Ave is one of our cultural districts, and is an important way for Indianapolis to recognize and value diversity. I'm sad you find diversity "weird" and "sordid." I hope nobody close to you who might be wanting to come out overhears your narrow-minded opinions... I'd hate for them to feel such rejection...
We all need more acceptance and compassion - not judgement and hatred.
As much as people will defend the kid, if he wasn't hooking up with a random dude he still might be here.
You got to think with your brain, not your d*ck.
Mr. Anonymous,
You have no idea of what, or with whom, Nick was doing that led up to the devastating end to his life. Although I may not have known him well I know a great deal of the people his death has affeced, all of whom are high caliber human beings. Existing peacefully in a world full of judgemental people, such as yourself, can be disheartening at times. However we are a community of great diversit, from all walks of life, straight, gay, transgender, black, white, asian, rich, poor, skinny, fat, and the list goes on. The one thing we are not is judgemental, in time of celebration, and in times of great loss (such as this) we will band together, and support one another as we assemble. You will be the only minority in the crowd my sad friend.
And you can say this because you're a saint who's never hooked up with someone?! That doesn't justify the reason his body was found in a pond- you are ignorant.
Man up if you even believe what you're saying put your name to it!! Yeah thought so coward!!
Very well said.
Just so everybody is aware, the "what if you go missing, look like Beyoncé/Waka Flaka" thing is a popular tweet that was been retweeted thousands of times by random people. If this businessman posted it, it is purely coincidental. Bad timing on his part, I agree, but coincidental.
Anonymous = businessman?
No businessman....out of businessman.
I couldn't have said it better myself David! The community we have in Indy is GREAT, i am glad to know a lot of the people in it.
PLEASE invite folks to "like" the facebook page HELP FIND NICK SPITZER!!!! (see invite at left side of this page) I realize he has been found, but the page is staying up to hopefully keep the word going so the circumstances surrounding his death can be confirmed. I know it's not necessarily the easiest thing to do, but Nick's family deserves to know what happened to their lovely Nick. The best way for anyone to REALLY help, is to give a gentle nudge to each of our friends, who have friends, who have friends. The hope is that those who NEED to see this page will see it...and have the HEROISM to contact Monticello Police Detective and/or IMPD police detective. There are 2, both assigned to this case. There is a timeline and it matters!!! Likely there are many folks who could help put the timeline PUZZLE together, so Nick's tragic and mysterious death has closure for his family. The detectives are not interested in ANYTHING other than getting this timeline, so folks should not be afraid of telling what they know. HOW Nick ended up in the water needs to be fully determined. Please help this family....Please help so the "Good Samaritan Law" can be implemented and the word can be spread about how to help someone who is "unresponsive" or in some sort of "distress" without feeling you will be in some sort of trouble with the law for helping someone in need.....
Why does this site just assume he was murdered? Is there any evidence to back that allegation? Let the coronor and police do their job before we start jumping to conclusions.
THERE IS no assumption of murder that I can see here....Saying someone was killed does not automatically mean murder. The most important point is that there is a timeline leading up to his death. Anyone who talked to him or anyone with him on August 15th and/or August 16th needs to contact the IMPD detective on this case and simply tell him all they know, even if it seems unimportant. Please believe that all information is important no matter what. If it was a connection to Nick Spitzer on August 15th and/or 16th and/or anyone who was actually with Nick Spitzer on those dates, please inform IMPD of what you know. Nick Spitzer's family has the right to closure. As of right now, there is a lot of information and more information being reported all the time. Please don't expect the police detective to tell what he knows as that is not what he can or will do. IT is for us, the citizens to tell what we KNOW to be true and report anything to help complete the timeline of those 2 days. Thank you everyone who has helped and reported........and to everyone else, please be kind. There is a grieving family reading these posts who need answers.
The IMPD Detective who is in charge of the Nick Spitzer case's name is Detective Gary Smith IMPD. Please contact this detective if you saw, spoke to, texted, were in the company with, emailed with, ....you get the idea......IMPD is not interested in anything other than Nick Spitzer's whereabouts and how he ended up in the water. So please, please, please if you have ANY connetion whatsoever to Nick Spitzer and/or folks he was with, please call.
Nick Spitzer on Saturday August 15th and/or Sunday August 16th. These are the dates that are important. Did you talk to Nick Spitzer? Did he share where he was or where he was going? Did you give Nick Spitzer a ride? Did you chat with Nick Spitzer? etc.
These things may seem insignificant but they are not. Please call IMPD Gary Smith with whatever information you have. Please help Nick Spitzer's family get closure. They deserve to know what happened to their beloved family member and friend.
Nick was doing PNP (party and play, it's a drug culture thing) at 14th and Delaware on Saturday afternoon, he was on adam4adam (his screen name is lilmonsta88) inviting dudes to come top him... one of those dudes was my friend.
Please contact IMPD detective Gary Smith with the your valuable information!!! If you were invited to a party Sunday night that Nick attended or you were at that party or you know folks who were at that party....please contact IMPD Detective Gary Smith and let him know.....so very important....THank you for your help!!!
I hope this is a wakeup call to our community. Drugs and anonymous sex can lead to dangerous and life threatening situations. I was not friends with Nick but I knew him and I know that he engaged in such activities. I feel bad for the loss his friends and family are experiencing and I extend deepest regrets to them. But again, I hope this tragedy is a wake up call to our community.
To the above Anonymous....."wake up call" I am compelled to respond to your comment. This is tantamount to "blaming the victim". Nick Spitzer did not deserve to end up in a retention pond with no information about how he got there. I understand he was a Team Swimmer, so how did he end up alone and drowned? He was picked up by friends and brought to Indianapolis. He was supposed to be driven home by another friend, so how did he end up alone and drowned? What happened to Nick Spitzer? Someone, or several people know what happened to him and how he ended up drowning. THese folks need to come forward and they need to tell IMPD Gary Smith what they know! INformation given to the IMPD detective is ANONYMOUS. Nick Spitzer's family has the right to closure and to clearly understand what happened to their beloved Nick. Posting things such as " I knew him" and "Cautionary tale" stuff really is not helpful. What IS helpful is to come forward and not allow those folks who were last seen with Nick Spitzer to remain unaccountable. I dare say that I cannot FATHOM that a young man with no car and VISITING this city specifically to socialize would end up in a retention pond on the far north side of Indianapolis and NO ONE HAS A CLUE how he got there? C'mon.....do the right thing people....do not allow the behavior of OTHERS to go unchecked. Do not blame the victim here. AFter, all HE lost his life!!! Think for one minute....do you have a cousin, nephew, brother, close friend, CHILD....If that person went missing, then a few days later was found drowned in a retention pond with no witnesses to say what happened to him. Wouldn't you want answers? Would you "blame him" for ending up in that pond or would you realize that, whatever choices he might have made, he never deserved to be 'deserted' or "left" ....rather....maybe this "someone" or these "folks" should have taken him to the nearest hospital? Please let you conscience be your guide!!! THis seems to me to be a VERY clear case of.....this person was in distress and needed someone to HELP HIM not leave him for dead!!! Who did that? Who left this person for dead? Who put him in that pond? Someone did....it is very clear.....this family has the right to answers!!! If you saw Nick Spitzer Sunday night, tell the truth and tell what you know.....be a descent citizen and tell what you know.....
Has there been any updates? Was it accident or murder?
no updates coming from coroner or police detectives that I have seen. I do believe someone is responsible for his death, do not believe it was an accident. Whomever was the last person with Nick Spitzer needs to come forward and be honest about what happened. THose who know who the last person to be with Nick Spitzer need to tell what they know. I believe someone was there and someone knows what happened. If you saw Nick Spitzer Sunday night, or talked to him or texted, etc. Please call Indianapolis Police Detective Gary Smith 317-667-7839 and tell him what you know about the last time you saw or spoke or texted with Nick Spitzer. Your call will be anonymous. Nick's family deserves to get justice for their son and the proper closure. If this was your friend or family member, you would want all information to be brought forward. Please do the same for Nick and his family...
This is what I am sure happened..
GHB, METH, liquor......
Died during sex, exfixiation..
And who ever, for whatever reason..
Dumped his body in that pond to make it look like a drowning....
Why, because they trying to cover it up
Which makes this involuntary manslaughter
The sad truth is that nobody is going to come forward with more information. I would assume he died while participating in some kind of illegal activity (drugs). Those who were with him probably got scared and instead of calling the police dumped him in the pond.
It's sad that his family may never know the exact series of events that unfolded that night. But let this be a lesson to us all. Know the people you are hanging out with and stay clear of dangerous activity.
I completely agree with the 3 statements above!!! I believe Nick Spitzer overdosed, or has some sort of health issue....due to drugs, intoxication.....I also believe that there was someone with him when he became unresponsive....and rather than drive him to the emergency room, he was maybe determined to already be dead or something to that effect. Thing is....someone was the LAST person(s) to be with him. I believe SEVERAL folks know who that person(s) is/are. THose people need to come forward and tell the detective what they know!!!! Better yet!!! If you are the person(s) I am referring to and you were the last person(s) with Nick Spitzer and you put him in the "pond" because you thought he was already dead....you need to come forward and tell the truth!!! You need to be accountable for your actions!!! You need to take ownership for what happened!!! Nick's family and friends deserve closure and they deserve to know the absolute truth....If this action is considered involuntary manslaughter than so-be-it. If you did this...you need to own it so you can go on with your life too!!! Nick, sadly, does not get to go on with his!!!! Otherwise, this will hang over your head for the rest of your life, because you know what you did and others know what you did as well......and you will never know when someone decides to no longer hold on to your "secret" and you will have to continue to live in fear of this.....so do the right thing....come clean, pay your dues and move forward with your life......and mostly, let Nick and his family have the closure they need and deserve....
Dear person who commented about about the GHB METH Liquor asphyxiation comment.....I think you are ON THE MONEY!!! I also think you know who was there and who might have put him in the pond!!!! What you describe above......I don't know that it is a crime that would cause prison....but I do know that keeping this kind of secret is so very wrong for the family and loved ones of Nick Spitzer and also keeping this secret will destroy those that are KEEPING this secret....they all or one need to come clean and tell IPD detective Gary Smith what they saw, know, did.......allow this family closure....allow friends and loved ones closure....do the right thing....tell your story.....ok, so folks got scared and did not know what to do....maybe thought he was dead, etc. please please please do not allow this secret to continue......people are as sick as their secrets, after all.....can you really continue to socialize with these folks (or person) knowing this secret? Can that person or people really go on with their lives knowing this happened and they are keeping this terrible secret? The ONLY way this gets closure is the truth....the TRUTH WILL SET YOU FREE!!!
Why has there been no update on his cause of death ? Nothing has been reported since 08/24 of last year ??
AGREED! Going on 9 months since his death under very mysterious circumstances and NOTHING.....I Believe there are witnesses and/or folks who were TOLD the truth of what happened to Nick Spitzer. Those folks need to break their silence and report what they saw, heard, know to Detective Gary Smith IMPD who is in charge of this case. Nick's family deserves the truth and deserve to get closure from the mystery that surrounds this horrible death.
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