UPDATED: When IMPD staged its big press conference on Friday morning regarding the horrific home invasion killing of Amanda Blackburn in a quiet, comfortable middle class neighborhood on the city's northwest side, IMPD Chief Rick Hite made a point of claiming the department knew who her killer was from surveillance video it had obtained from a nearby home. The public was urged to provide any information they could to help locate the killer. A $1,000 reward was offered for help in leading police to the suspect. So why won't police release the video of the man they described as being a young, black male between the height of 5'4" and 5'9" wearing light-colored pants and a two-tone hoodie?
The Indianapolis Star tried to get an answer to that question seven days following Blackburn's killing. Police tell the Star it's unsure when the surveillance video will be released to the public. "On Monday, an IMPD spokesman said there were no updates on the case and no timetable of when investigators will be able to make the photos of the suspect public," The Star reported. A bit odd, don't you think? The story continues to gain national attention, as if some folks in the media expect some odd twists and turns in this case.
A long-time Advance Indiana reader called our attention to a rather detailed, quite lengthy analysis of Amanda's murder and how her husband coped with the horrific news and impressions of him based on the many videos of him and Amanda uploaded to the Internet. The author of Statement Analysis makes some very interesting observations about Davey Blackburn:
. . . When Davey Blackburn issued a statement, no deception was indicated, though the statement did not show any concern for the vicious head-shot killer on the loose, nor did he mention his pre-born child in the statement. Given the position of faith, he did not say anything about his hope or belief for Amanda's status: that she was in heaven.
None of this, however, implicates him in her death. It raises suspicion, however, because it is not "the expected", even when the expected is viewed within a realm of faith.
What was also noted in his statement was a narcissistic like focus upon himself . . .
In one video, filmed just a month ago, he and Amanda reveal how troubled their marriage was. Both use language to indicate a severely dysfunctional relationship, and Davey speaks repeatedly about sex, including using his own example, for his mostly young audience. There appears a strong competitive attitude towards his wife, as he corrects her, over-talks her, and humiliates her with personal anecdotes; mostly about sex, and specifically, his own sexual needs and drive.
In other videos, he speaks about sex, not so much as biblical teaching, but his own sex life, with the emphasis upon his own sex drive, again, before a presumedly young audience, as he is theatrical, walking back and forth, dressed in tight shirts, as the self described 'unconventional' method. He refers to his "bad" marriage, but repeatedly brings the topic back to one thing: his own sex drive . . .
In viewing another of his 'performances' from the church's website, he makes a joke about a life insurance policy, not for he and his wife, but on her life. Given what has happened, police must look into this angle and clear him of any possible involvement.
He speaks often of the gym: he was at the gym, on video, at the time of the killing. Some have speculated that his personality may have undergone a dramatic change after building up his body, causing the obsession with sex that is found within his words.
He said that her pregnancy was a cause or factor in their bad marriage: his wife was 12 weeks pregnant at the time of her death.
He spoke often of his "needs", which, in one video, he justifies as being "articulated", which suggested that since he made this clear to his wife, any lack of fulfillment would be her fault, and reminds the young audience that unless the wife "knows" the needs, she cannot meet them, labeling the problem of "unarticulated needs' being the man's fault.
What we have is a narcissistic controlling immature male who, by speaking of his own sex drive before a young audience, may be grooming, even if inadvertently, as his words are designed to cause all focus to be on him, while his clothing and theatrics affirm.
Then, after the performance, he is able to "connect" with the young people.
Thus, for example, teenaged girls are told of his sex drive and sex needs, having just seen him display himself in his hip, young clothing, with tight shirts, strutting back and forth, entertaining them, inviting word pictures within their young minds, specifically, of him and his sex drive . . .Read Statement Analysis' full take by clicking here. Apparently, Davey Blackburn is giving an exclusive interview to ABC's "Good Morning America," which will air in the 7:00 a.m. broadcast tomorrow morning.
UPDATE: I guess the pressure got to IMPD. This grainy, black & white photo of the suspect was released tonight.

Hite and the Indy braintrust are not credible. If they open their mouths, the odds are good that they're lying. I suspect that the husband remains their number one suspect and they were hoping he would slip up. I could be whistling past the graveyard, but I think that's what they think. That's the way it looks. Personally, I have no clue.
IMPD not done editing the video yet?
A $1,000 "reward" means the cops don't want to solve the case.
While a black man may have committed the crime, it seems a bit ready of a perpetrator in wake of the suicide cop outside Chicago.
Yes, Anon 5:37, YES on all counts, especially that if Hite and the Indy no-brains trusts' lips are moving they are lying. No murder makes sense to me but this particular murder and all that surrounds it is "odd"... and I could be wrong but it seems the hubby has to be the number one suspect- one doesn't have to be at the scene to be innocent of the murder. But why have a show and tell presser, claim you have photos or video and then refuse to release what you say you have? Unless you are incompetent... or something...
It appears (guess is), IMPD does not have much to go on. Unless someone with a guilty conscience comes forward, this will not be solved.
So...they won't release the photo because they don't want or need help from the public!
What's up with that?
I said from Day 1 that this case was too similar to the David Camm case.
Thanks for editing your entry to include Nancy Grace's analysis.
Lots of young fathers are getting less sex than they were before the birth of their child. And lots of husbands of pregnant women bemoan these changes in their wives as they become mothers. My nephews would complain bitterly about their sex lives when they were starting their young families. Lots of husbands of pregnant wives cheat on them. And I think whatever the pastor was experiencing was probably a normal young man's sex drive interrupted by the start of his family. I am not going to blame him for anything based on sexual frustration. If you want me to believe this pastor had anything to do with his wife's murder you better have hard evidence because I think its very unlikely. He has a strong alibi. Nobody who knows him suspects him. They think a black man responsible for a neighbor theft is the murderer. I'm guessing they'll catch the bastard. The preacher appears to be a hot guy. But that doesn't make him a scoundrel.
I wonder sometimes if there isn't some pathway or set of steps that detectives take.
It isn't important to me that I see a picture of their prime suspect. I wouldn't know
him from any other young black criminal....pictures of which duh Star sometimes
prints as homicide victims, or as breaker into homes (invasions). I can see where
the Police might not wish to have their suspect flee or maybe pressure him to flee-not
my expertise.....
unless a video clearly identifies the criminal - makes it fairly possible to identify - you likely want he video kept under wraps, while still announcing it's out there.
oh gees... i hope nothing happens to my wife, or, pretty much the wife of every man i know, because everyone will be able to say, "well, he did complain about his sex life."
Who walks to a robbery job in a subdivision on a cul-de-sac?
For that matter, who walks to a rape-and-murder job in a subdivision on a cul-de-sac?
No car suggests that robbery was not the job, that this was always a rape job.
Exactly!, ANOM 5:40. This is just a photo of some guy walking in the neighborhood. If the police were serious, they would release a photo of the unidentified suspect. I'm refraining from saying the husband is guilty, but his behavior seems totally odd. Don't get me wrong, fundamentalists (Christian or otherwise) are odd people. But, I was speaking to two retired police officers over the weekend. They told me that based on what they have read, saw, and heard leads them to believe that our community should not be shocked when the truth is finally revealed.
Little doubt she was sexually assaulted. Trace evidence at scene would quickly profile race of perp as white or black. Stop thinking like Nancy Disgrace.
Lieutenant Povenza of the LAPD Major Case Squad says, "It's always the spouse."
It is cruel to read the unsubstantiated things people who have absolutely no firsthand knowledge of a situation will say.
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