The commander of the U.S. Navy's Carrier Strike Group, Admiral Richard Williams, Jr., was relieved of his duties last Friday. The official reason given for his removal was lack of confidence after an investigation allegedly found he misused government computer equipment by viewing pornography. A far different account is being reported by the Foreign Intelligence Service, the official external intelligence agency of Russia, which claims Williams made the mistake of discussing a home purchase in Dubai supposedly for President Obama's personal use.
The house in question was being offered for sale at $4.9 million, a deposit for which was supposedly made by the influential Washington lobbying firm, the Podesta Group, which was co-founded by Tony Podesta and John Podesta, two former Chicagoans with close ties to both President Obama and the Clintons. John Podesta has served as personal counselor to President Obama. The powerful law firm, DLA Piper, is reportedly representing the Podesta Group in the purchase of the seaside luxury home.
According to the Russian intelligence report, Admiral Williams was sacked after he posted a query on January 8 to the U.S. Naval Institute's "Readiness Kill Chain" list serve inquiring as to why Navy security and intelligence personnel were dispatched to Dubai for what he termed an "Obama house hunting mission." Within 18 hours of posting his message (since deleted), Admiral Williams was fired.
The Pentagon further sullied Admiral Williams' reputation by telling the Navy Times, a military news website owned by an affiliate of Gannett, that Williams was fired because he viewed pornography on his computer. Notably, Admiral Williams' supposed misuse of government equipment did not involve the misuse of any classified government information. The Russia intelligence agency claims the pornography claims are dubious given more recent restrictions it claims have been added to military computers to prevent misuses, including visiting pornographic websites.
Williams had been in charge of Navy Region Hawaii and Naval Pacific Group prior to assuming command of Carrier Strike Group 15. He had received numerous military awards, including the Defense Superior Service Medal (two awards) Legion of Merit (five awards), Meritorious Service Medal (two awards), Joint Commendation Medal, Navy Commendation Medal (four awards), Army Commendation Medal, and Navy Achievement Medal (three awards).
It's quite interesting to see the swift action taken against military folks like Williams or Gen. David Petraeus compared to the kid gloves treatment former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton has received after it was learned she illegally used a personal e-mail account to conduct official State Department business, which included the transmission of thousands of e-mails containing classified information. Clinton even instructed a State Department employee to strip one document of its confidential markings and send it via unsecured communication means in one of those e-mails.
You are either at Obama's table or on his menu.....It becomes more obvious every day with the "firing" of top rated Generals and Admirals. If you doubt this, review the numbers let go since the Obama Administration took office and review the alleged reasons. You might also review the numbers of top echelon officers that have just left the military via retirement. History repeatrs itself once again. Who, with any experience, will be left to defend whatever is left of the United States. Obama's Government wants civilian weapons, the military has been neutered and all these things in the name of making civilians safer. Wouldn't it be interesting to see how the investigation of an Admiral's computer began and who started it?
Two of Obama's last acts will be to pardon Snowden and Bergdahl.Treason has had no meaning since the days of Jane Fonda.
Well, well, well I knew the name DLA Piper that you mentioned rang a bell. As Bernie Sanders supporter I have been keenly interested in the dust devil performance by $hillary Clinton. $hillary spins around kicking up dust and sand in the air. When the dust and sand settles $hillary is a mirage.
Now to the point DLA Piper is $hillary's number 3 Ranked career campaign contributor at $700,530. Individuals of DLA Piper gave $673,530, and their PAC gave $27,000. https://www.opensecrets.org/politicians/contrib.php?cycle=Career&type=I&cid=N00000019&newMem=N&recs=20
According to Open Secrets Individuals of DLA Piper were Obama's 12th largest contributor in 2012.
According to WIKI Notable Staff at DLA Piper are:
Former US Senator George Mitchell was DLA Piper's chairman between 2003 and 2009.
Tom Daschle, a former US Senator and US Senate Majority Leader, was Policy Adviser at DLA Piper from December 2009[56] to October 2014.
Saxby Chambliss, former US Senator, has been Partner since 2015.
It appears that woundedamericanwarrior.com has turned into a Putin propaganda machine.
Very interesting that Russians seem closer to truth than Obama and his lying Administration. There are good reasons that the Military, as a rule, does not vote for Democrats lately.
A friend just suggested that his dismissal is one of Dubai-ous distinction...
With all the web security and "Big Brother" going on at the three-letter-agencies, I find it very hard to believe he could even access anything remotely related to porn. Even a small company can get a $100 web filter or subscribe to a service that filters out porn.
I can't even look at my dating profile from work, let alone porn.
This is not hard to believe coming from Obama.
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