Boston Magazine has published bloody images supposedly taken by Sgt. Sean Murphy of the Massachusetts State Police the night of Dzhokhar Tsarnaev's capture following an unprecedented manhunt during which all of Boston was place under martial law while storm troopers conducted a house-by-house search of private residents' homes at gunpoint without search warrants. These images were taken after police falsely claimed the unarmed Tsarnaev had engaged them in a shoot out before he was prodded from a boat after riddling it with bullets and exploding several flash bangs. Apparently the release of these images is in response to a cover story by Rolling Stone magazine that used an attractive photo of Tsarnaev that the government propagandists complained made him appear as a rock star.
“As a professional law-enforcement officer of 25 years, I believe that the image that was portrayed by Rolling Stone magazine was an insult to any person who has every worn a uniform of any color or any police organization or military branch, and the family members who have ever lost a loved one serving in the line of duty," Murphy wrote in a statement published by Boston Magazine. "The truth is that glamorizing the face of terror is not just insulting to the family members of those killed in the line of duty, it also could be an incentive to those who may be unstable to do something to get their face on the cover of Rolling Stone magazine."Hey, Sgt. Murphy, the only face of terror was the one manufactured by the producers of this stage event. These photos don't pass the smell test. Don't look for a career in Hollywood if this is the best you can do.
UPDATE: It looks like Sgt. Murphy is in hot water. The Boston Globe reports tonight that the release of the photos by Sgt. Murphy was not authorized by Massachusetts State Police. Whoops!
“Today’s dissemination to Boston Magazine of photographs of Boston Marathon bombing suspect Dzhokar Tsarnaev and police activity related to his capture was not authorized by the Massachusetts State Police,” Procopio said in a statement. “The department will not release the photographs to media outlets.”
Procopio would not comment on whether Murphy will face internal sanctions.
“Per policy all I can say is he is subject to an internal investigation,” he said.
A spokeswoman for US Attorney Carmen M. Ortiz, whose staff is prosecuting Tsarnaev, said State Police have indicated they will be “taking action” in response to the leak.
“The release of these photos was completely unacceptable,” spokeswoman Christina DiIorio-Sterling said in a statement.
Neither Procopio nor DiIorio-Sterling would say if the photos have been entered as evidence in the pending case against Tsarnaev in federal court in Boston. He faces a slew of charges that could bring the death penalty for his alleged role in the bombings, which killed three, including a child from Dorchester, and wounded more than 260.
Murphy could not be reached on Thursday, and Tsarnaev’s lawyers did not respond to inquiries.
The release of the photos drew criticism from legal experts.
Rosanna Cavallaro, a professor at Suffolk University Law School, said the leak will exacerbate what is already a major problem: how to empanel a jury that has not seen or formed judgments about the case based on media coverage and photos.
But, she said, these particular photos will not transform the case, since there are already concerns about whether Tsarnaev can get a fair trial anywhere, let alone in Boston.
“The real concern is that people will see these new photos and think, ‘Oh, he must be guilty,’ because why else would he be surrounded by dozens of police and emerging, bleeding, from a boat,” said Cavallaro, a former assistant attorney general. “We have to make sure people don’t make decisions based on that because we want punishment to be based on a fair proceeding.”
John Cunha, a former president of the Massachusetts Association of Criminal Defense Lawyers, called the leak “disgraceful” and said that Murphy acted outside his bounds as a member of law enforcement.
“Does he think he’s our appointed champion against the fourth estate?” Cunha said. “Give me a break.” . . .Here's something to chew on. When Tsarnaev appeared in court last week to face charges filed against him by a corrupt U.S. Attorney, several of his former wrestling mates from high school were there to watch. They commented rather oddly to reporters that the person who appeared in court did not look or sound like their friend. The defendant spoke with a strong Russian accent. Dzhokhar didn't have a strong Russian accent because he immigrated to the U.S. when he was still a young child. I have my doubts that Dzhokhar is still alive. How can you ethically prosecute someone for participation in a false flag event, after all? This is the same federal prosecutor who filed bogus federal charges against Aaron Schwartz before he was found dead hanging in his apartment.
InfoWars has a question the mainstream media won't ask. If this picture is real, where is the serious throat wound authorities claimed Tsarnaev had suffered that might hamper his ability to speak?

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