If you needed any further proof that what I've been telling you for weeks is true--Julia Carson is not seeking re-election--you need only read about former Rep. Andy Jacobs' stunning announcement today that he is backing Carson's grandson, Andre, as her replacement. The Star's Maureen Groppe has the big scoop:
You can bet Jacobs' announcement will set off a major war within the Democratic Party over Carson's successor. It's no secret that businessman Bill Mays badly wants his niece Rep. Carolene Mays to get the seat. And former state health commissioner Dr. Woody Myers is itching to run as well. And don't forget Melina Kennedy. A lot of party faithful support her. Hang on folks. It's going to be a wild ride the next few months.
Former Rep. Andy Jacobs is backing Andre Carson to replace his grandmother should Rep. Julia Carson decide not to seek re-election next year.The message has now been broadcast loud and clear to all Marion County Democrats. Get out of the way, Andre's the choice and if you even think about getting in his way, well? No matter that the guy has only held office a few short months thanks to an appointment this blogger opened up for him on the City-County Council. By the way, Andre, I'm still waiting for my steak dinner, or at least a thank you.
I have the same confidence in him that I have always had in our congresswoman," Jacobs said in a statement. "Andre has prepared himself for whenever the time comes, and it will be an honor and privilege for me to work for his nomination and election."
Jacobs helped Julia Carson, D-Indianapolis, win the seat to succeed him in 1996. Carson, who has had health problems throughout her congressional career, has been on a medical leave from Congress since Sept. 24. In August, she said she planned to seek re-election next year, but she sidestepped the issue during a brief radio interview that aired this month.
"When I get to the point where I've come to the end of my road and talk to the Lord about what am I going to do now," Carson told WTLC-AM. "I think he'll show me the answers.
"Jacobs said he had announced his support for Julia Carson on the eve of Thanksgiving 1995. "Now it's Thanksgiving 2007, and it seems appropriate for me to ask Julia's constituents to chose her grandson … to succeed her if and when she retires," Jacobs said.
Andre Carson was just elected to his first full-term on the Indianapolis City-County Council. Jacobs said Andre Carson, whom he's known since birth, is "intelligent, wise, kind and experienced."
You can bet Jacobs' announcement will set off a major war within the Democratic Party over Carson's successor. It's no secret that businessman Bill Mays badly wants his niece Rep. Carolene Mays to get the seat. And former state health commissioner Dr. Woody Myers is itching to run as well. And don't forget Melina Kennedy. A lot of party faithful support her. Hang on folks. It's going to be a wild ride the next few months.
At the Westin on Election Night, Alot of people were talking about Julia and Andre taking over. They vented a lot of anger towards Julia and many said there was no way in hell they'd let him win the nomination. Many said they were tired of the Ghetto Mafia running the party and wanted Monroe, Gibson, Akles, Julia, Andre, Rozelle, et al. to simply go away.
As a Democrat, I would love a Melina Kennedy campaign. She would be the standard bearer we're looking for.
No worries. Everyone's favorite dumpster diver will fabricate enough fiction on all of those opposing Andre to ensure Andre's anointment to the Dem nomination if Grandmother declines another term.
Now Andre is going to need to actually campaign and not have the seat handed to him like the City Council.
Why wouldn't endorse Andre. I would endorse my son.
Ment to say, "Why wouldn't he (Jacobs) endorse Andre."
Does he have a single skill or qualification (other than political patronage employee) for the position of Representative?
Andre is intelligent and wonderful but not ready. Carolene Mays comes from a family that supported Mitch Daniels......There is another experienced intelligent candidate I would support if he is ready and that Rep. Greg Porter.
anon 5:57, God son, perhaps, not biological son. Think about it.
No, Gary. I have it from a reliable source that 5:57 is correct.
Is the Marion County Democratic Party becoming a big joke or what? Does anyone expect a college-educated person like myself to accept that this is the best candidate for one of the most important positions in our government?
Well no one can bitch about Elrod only being in office for a short time before running after Andre hasn't served at ALL, sorry, month.
sir hailstone..
the dumpster diver in on his way to try a smear campaign already.
Right now he's trying to find a way to disprove the comment from 5:57. Too bad 7:23 won't verify what his source says.
This years, the machine started falling apart. Next year, it goes down farther!
Andy & Julia's daughter...
Jocelyn Tandy has been peddling that gossip about André's parentage for many years now ... Jocelyn absolutely loathes both Andy Jacobs and Julia Carson and has spread the most incredible rumors about both of them.
Folk that have been around politics know to ignore anything that obsessive rumor-monger spews. She's probably the loosingest candidate in Indianapolis history - she's lost every of the many, many elections she ran for.
Who's Your Daddy?
Notice how the anonymous nobodies of the tabloid-politics crew have taken over a discussion of a serious Congressional election with idle gossip about who is who's father ...
Classy blog you're running here, Gary!
Andy & Julia's daughter...
So if I'm following all the rumors that I've heard, plus the facts that I know. . .
Andy Jacobs was hooking up with Julia when she had two children back in the 70s. . .
then Jacobs hooked up with one of those children himself, sired Andre, and remained friendly with Julia. . .
then Jacobs ran off with Kim Hood from WTHR and settled down to have two children of his own.
Unfortunately Wilson is right. Class has been lacking around here lately.
In the Democratic Party circles where I've been hanging out for almost three decades, you can bet if this rumor had legs, we'd have heard it. I read it for the first time here. Ridiculous.
That being said...Andre will not get my support. He has not earned it. His grandmother toiled thousands of hours for those who have no voice, in the office of a Congressman as an aide, then as a state legislator, then as a trustee, then as a member of Congress.
Andre has held a political patronage job, then had this council seat handed to him. Inside Julia's own inner circle, there are folks who'd likely support different candidates. (Note "folks" instead of "folk")
Many qualified names have been peddled here and elsewhere. Andre is not one of them.
Wilson, if you are so unhappy about this blog, LEAVE! We promise we will miss you, but you have to go away first!
Did Andy and Julia really have a daughter together?
Mr. Allen Wilson,
you sir are a moron.
you have no brain. Why don't you spend the rest of your days tossing salads at O.P.s lunch buffett and your nights shrimping at the 10!
people post "anonymous" because, even though they are democrats, Bart tells them they are not allowed to read or post on blogs.
Bart tells them what to think. By reading blogs, (AI, Indyu, TDW, etc..) it shows that they are willing to think for themselves and drawing their own conclusions.
Bart & Co. do not want people thinking for themselves.
All blogs are filled with one sided propaganda.
Go away since you hate this one so much.
I've asked this before, but did not receive a reply. Who the heck is Wilson? Details please...
Thank you.
Re: the aforementioned rumors: A wise man dates Democrats and marries a Republican.
"I've asked this before, but did not receive a reply. Who the heck is Wilson? Details please..."
Wilson Allen is a low down DOG who will dig up info on anyone who critizes the democrat party or Julia Carson.
He will sort your garbage, pull your police records, check your credit, stalk anyone who crosses him and report it all back to the democrat party and the ghetto mafia.
He's not a nice guy to cross.
Other than that he's a nobody.
It must really pain poor Gary Welsh to see his analytical political blog trashed by the anonymous commenters that want to gossip about André's parentage or Wilson Allen instead of real issues critical to voters of the Seventh Congressional District of Indiana.
This thread is looking more and more like the Star's notorious Talkback "discussion" feature. Too bad!
Wilson is a Democrat Party operative/lackey who is incapable of thinking outside of the Party orthodoxy. He is best described by George Orwell in a line from 1984: [I'm changing the gender of the pronoun and the tense of the sentence] ..."he has not a thought in his head that is not a slogan, and there is no imbecility, absolutely none, that he is not capable of swallowing if the Party hands it out to him."
Oh, and he's a gay man who has absolutely no fashion sense.
In response to the person stating that Jacobs is Andre's father. This is not true. My family has been friends with the Jacobs family for 40 years and we know for a fact that Jacobs is not Andre's father. I know alot of people believe that Andre is not ready but he has been around politics, the good, the bad and the ugly since he was a young man and he knows the tempature in the district. How does one get the experience if they do not go for the opportunity. He has far more knowledge and understanding than those the are wanting to run. AS stated in this blog, if you don't like it don't read it. If you don't like Andre than don't vote for him. Plan and simple.
Anonymous said...
"I've asked this before, but did not receive a reply. Who the heck is Wilson? Details please...
Thank you.
9:11 PM EST"
A meat puppet.
How does one get the experience if they do not go for the opportunity. He has far more knowledge and understanding than those the are wanting to run.
Well, you can get the experience by starting small. Like serving on the city council for a while, and then the state legislature - and maybe then running for congress.
And I while I'm not exactly sure what, precisely, "knowledge and understanding" mean - I know that I would be much happier with Greg Porter or Carolene Mays or even Melina Kennedy as my rep since they actually have relevant experience and are all, IMO, thoughtful and intelligent individuals.
I have to say, Wilson, I'm surprised by the lineage debate. It's not exactly an issue upon which someone is going to decide whether to support someone. It really is a farse. I suspect Jacobs has enjoyed his playboy image over the years to a certain extent, but I think there is more fiction than truth to that image.
It's interesting to watch how this blog has evolved in one short week after the elections. It really is dipping to the level of the Star's Talkback discussion section, just as Wilson points out. That's particularly so with the lineage debate that's been lobbed into the mix here. It's pathetic. There are some really important issues that need discussion and unfounded gossip is a shameful waste of bandwidth and time.
But some of the goofiest stuff are the attacks on Wilson Allen himself. Attempts to diminish him ("Who the heck is Wilson?"), childish personal attacks, mean-spirited attempts to smear his integrity, character assassination attempts, and more.
Wilson is actually a great guy. He's extremely intelligent and as anyone who reads this blog surly understands that he clearly knows the political system well. He could be a civics teacher at the college level.
It seems the anti-Julia crowd here is the basis for these attacks. It'd be nice if they'd either knock it off, or go away themselves (though I suspect "they" are less than 2 or 3 malcontents).
Just sayin.....
Looks like Wilson is posting again anonymously. Before he denies it--he has done so, multiple times.
10:07 hit the ball out of the park. Ask anyone who's been on the other side of internal Dmeocratic kerfuffles. They'll tell you about Wilson's machinations. He stops at nothing to discredit or distract.
Royal courts used ot have jesters and royal deflectors.
It's the same thing, except, he's loyal to Queen Julia. It's also kinda like watching a train wreck...you just hafta look.
"I have the same confidence in him that I have always had in our congresswoman"
Yeah, me too, Andy.
Enough of that crazy Jocelyn posting anonymously with her vile untrue personal attacks...let's talk issues........Carolene Mays would need to run on the republican ticket if she wanted to be in congress. That is where her family money goes and they are big Mitch Daniels supporters.
One of the FEW good Tully lines.
The secrecy and questions surrounding U.S. Rep. Julia Carson are reaching Castro-like proportions. Out of sight and out of commission for nearly two months, the Indianapolis Democrat has mostly avoided the questions people are asking.
I caught that Tully comment too, Mike.
Tully hits a home run.
Well, look at it this way: even a broken clock is right twice a day.
Julia=Castro...brilliant observation.
The cannabalism has begun among Wilson's most treasured Indianapolis citizens.
And Wilson speaking of obssessive rumor mongers...you most gleefully circulated a rumor that I worked as a prostitute in a very failed attempt to discredit my grass roots activist work.
Wilson, the whore in this town is you.
I'll never forget Monroe Gray's fundraiser and how they kept you on the porch. Evidently you aren't fit to be in the house.
Paranoid Melyssa is spreading her usual lies and rumors again. I have never called you a prostitute - you will find nothing anywhere with me saying that. I know that'd be slander unless I had proof. I did once say that Melyssa knows the sting of lies and slanders what with so many calling her a hooker. In her true paranoid hysterical fashion, she assumed I too was saying she was a whore. Poor paranoid Melyssa - another issue for her and her "therapist"...
I'm a chain-smoker so I had to sit outside on the front porch to smoke -- enough with your childish insults, Melyssa!
Wilson...you know exactly what you have done. And Abdul proved once and for all that you are a liar.
By the way, don't you ever try to interfere with my employment or anyone else's employment in this town ever again or I will personally see to it that you are nothing more than a bad memory in the minds of the scores of people who loathe you and your utter lack of personal integrity and hygiene.
I love my job and find my work quite meaningful. And as it turns out my employer likes having my whacky self around campus.
Damn, Melyssa, I don't know who in the hell you are, but that threat against Wilson is WAY out of line. I'm not so sure threats like that are protected First Amendment speech--you might want to hope your comment gets zapped.
Melyssa, forget this Wilson turd. Not worth the time to type a comment. You have proven your commitment to an honest political system. No need to fall prey to the weak. Your spirt and passion inspire.
Jeff, I don't use or condone physical violence.
And Gary...please leave that comment I made to Wilson on the blog. I own my words.
Wilson, you crossed the wrong chick. You saw what happened to Bart last week, didn't you? You think it was an "accident" that he lost? Bart had power and money.
You don't have either. How hard can it be?
"I'm a chain-smoker so I had to sit outside on the front porch to smoke --"
That may be your story but to those inside it was a personal hygiene issue. I’ve been in the same room with you before I know for a fact why you were kept outside.
Howver, Wilson never lit up on the porch, he was always just holding his camera (or is that Robin's camera - you didn't take it with you when you left?)
When will Jacobs stop damaging this city? When will this man just go away? His annointment of Julia Carson a decade ago was the beginning of our city's downfall and now he endorses her grandson(the one not in prison). Does the Carson clan have the goods on Jacobs?..some nude photos perhaps?
At risk of making a huge mistake, is this Melyssa the same disgraced hooker who had the S&M chamber in her house which the City took down? If so it would be consistent with her obsession with trying to discredit anything having to do with the Democratic administration in Indianapolis (which took her seamy business down and cleaned up her neighborhood), as well as her obsession with trying to continually insult Wilson. Wilson seems to be able to hold his own -- she's not getting to him, and it's kind of like watching a little girl on the schoolyard attempting to be a bully, but not getting anywhere. Sort of like her wildly swinging at Wilson while he holds her little head in his outstretched hand/arm. A funny vision.
My suggestion for such a stinky little woman who ran a stinky little business out of her home: don't worry about trying to insult others about their hygiene or other frivolous things. Instead, I suggest you direct your energy toward serious issues and important things, lest your life become overrun with your anger at those who put you out of business and anything or anyone you think associated with them. May you find peace in your life some day.
I dont know Melyssa but she seems mean spirited and vile. I get the impression that she is no lady!!!!!!
This may be about a dead thread but I gotta know, is that true, the Melyssa who comments here is the Downtown Dominatrix? That's too funny.
So the girl who for money takes naked men to her dungeon and sexually humiliates them gets her feelings hurt when someone calls her a name? That is rich.
Well, Melyssa (assuming you and the above mentioned Dominatrix are one and the same) congratulations on single-handedly defeating your enemy Bart like that--a Dominatrix is much more powerful than I ever thought, wow.
Since Republican controlled areas are always so much kinder to businesses like yours, why don't you come on down here to Greenwood and set up shop? Rents in Old Towne Greenwood are cheap, and we're Republican all the way here. We even have our very own Tasty's Gift Shop!
I'm a little light in the loafers so I probably won't be stopping by, but I'm sure you'll find plenty of repressed right wingers who could use a little humiliation.
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