Former Indianapolis Mayor Greg Ballard has withdrawn his name from consideration for the Ivy Tech president's job after interviewing for the job according to Robert Vane, who once worked as a paid spokesman for Ballard when he was mayor. At least 30 applicants have applied for the job, including former Lt. Gov. Sue Ellspermann, who agreed to give up her statewide elected job based on her belief board members appointed by Gov. Mike Pence would name her to the position. One can only imagine just how badly Ballard's interview with the committee went. Vane told the Indianapolis Star that Ballard is focused on "numerous other opportunities."
I'm hopeful that he will follow the lead of former Indianapolis Republican Mayors including Lugar, Hudnut, & Goldsmith. He should move away -- far away.
Anon 7:03 Why do you feel that way? Are you a Democrat?
Anon 7:03, Why? Are you a Democrat?
This corrupt buffoon is seeking opportunities elsewhere, Mr. Vane???
You make me laugh my buns off... unless the opportunity Ballard seeks is in ankle chains in a federal prison accompanied by Jennifer Hallowell Walker who enabled his graft and who profited off his corrupt political life pockmarked by lawlessness we little people would never be allowed.
While I am pleased the ex-soldier withdrew his name, I have little doubt the high paying Ivy Tech job will go to a politically connected person with little actual educational managerial expertise.
Remember when Goldsmith registered to vote as Goldsmyth?
He was the worst mayor outside of Ballard.
Who can forget how he piratized (privatized) the Indy Parks and the disaster that led to with the golf courses. Plus the litigation including a $300,000 settlement with a former Parks employer.
My favorite is how he let IPD offices run through 33 cases of beer from the mayor's suite at Victory Field. Then after the game drunk cops went on a rampage through downtown screaming out racial comments, misogynostic names, beating up by standers and then pulling their own guns on uniformed cops who tried to calm them down.
Ballard forgot about his base and early supporters. I've heard that he got a big contribution from a former GOP official just after he announced. Ballard never came back to that person with a thank you or asked any advice. Ungrateful to his early supporters. He was led around by the Establishment Power Brokers. We'll see how many help him get a job. Hope his army pension is enough for him to live on.
Perhaps we would have been better off had Bart been re-elected.
I thought he was going to run Cathedral HS. Wasn't that announced a little over a year ago?
Re anon 1:30,as to being better off with Bart rather than Ballard the only discernible difference between the two is their demeanor.
What, is Ivy Tech where all old politicians go? He's not the only one there or trying out for the job connected to government.
anyone for Cricket?
Poor Dullard. No more junkets to exotic locales. No more gratuitous flattery to be thrown his way. Important people no longer accept his calls. He must feel like a dejected RockStar well beyond his prime/sell date.
Now he can spend his days in uncertainty. Just like many of those middle-aged people suffering from job losses by his in/actions. Dullard Ballard acted as if they didn't exist during his term. He was too busy in foreign lands and developing a DT DisneyLand for the young adults of the well heeled. Meanwhile, during his term,companies were closing up and throwing many older folks into the rolls of unemployment. Instead of addressing and acting upon these losses,,he spent his resources building a utopia,a mini InnoBoston within Indianapolis--that in due time will falter. Because no matter how many people play up to your ego,fawn over you because of the office, and no matter how many of those very same people refer to you as The Mayor of A World Class City......Indianapolis will/can never be a Boston. Indianapolis is not a World Class City.
Perhaps Ballard can spend his days satisfied with himself by continually driving around (what was once a decent thoroughfare) and along that small stretch of (the former) Georgia Street.
Wouldn't it be nice if fat ballard took on mowing his 10 million dollar cricket stadium?
he could probably sweat off some of pork if he used a push mower. Maybe then he can get a job with his buddy Susan Brooks; after all, she was one of his leaders as transition team.
And didn't Susan also work, I mean was employed by, Ivy Tech while she ran for congress?
An analysis of Ivy Tech employees once found they employed two dozen members of the Indiana legislature or their spouse.
Ballard either knows he's not getting the gig or he has something better lined up and promised to him. If it's #2, you can bet it's either a public sector gig or someone who wants access to his list of Cronies. There is no other reason he would withdraw.
What Cronies??? Anyone considered a "crony" of the former Mayor would be Bob Grand's crony.
Given all Ballard did for him, maybe Bob Grand will help him. Nope.
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