Dedicated to the advancement of the State of Indiana by re-affirming our state's constitutional principles that: all people are created equal; no religious test shall be imposed on our public officials and offices of trust; and no special privileges or immunities shall be granted to any class of citizens which are not granted on the same terms to all citizens. Advance Indiana, LLC. Copyright 2005-16. All rights reserved.
In light of the recent investigations concerning the non-campaign-related business affairs of my campaign finance chairman, I have made the decision that it is appropriate to return any and all financial contributions and loans that my campaign has received from him or his affiliated businesses.Unfortunately, this leaves my campaign in a non-competitive financial position.Therefore, it is with regret that I have decided to end my campaign for the office of Marion County Sheriff.I want to thank all the friends and loved ones that have supported my candidacy.
Mr. Durham recently asked me to serve on the Board of one of his companies, Fair Financial. While I initially accepted the position, I never attended a meeting of the Board, never voted as a Board member, was never involved in any of the business decisions of Fair Financial, and was never compensated as a member of the Board. Upon reading the October IBJ article and uncertain whether I had yet formally taken a position on the Board, I indicated to Mr. Durham that I was no longer interested in serving on the Board.
Advance Indiana, thank you for your true news work on this growing scandal. Much to dig through to read through the B.S. scrambling that is going on among the political hacks caught in their self-made vipers' nests. A quick question: does Brizzi have a personal media representative who is speaking for him, or is this the media spokesperson (Marion Massalimany, sorry on spelling) who is paid for by taxpayers as an employee of the Marion County Prosecutor's Office, doing the personal work of the tainted elected prosecutor for his personal, not office-related, activities? I'm guessing it is one and the same person.Why are taxpayers paying for Brizzi's personal problems through a prosecutor's office employee? Brizzi pulled this same stunt when the press reported his divorce in Boone County, and Massalimani issued a press release on Brizzi's behalf several months ago. Melanie Brizzi didn't sue for divorce from MCPO, she sued for divorce from the imperfect man, Brizzi. Isn't it a crime to use public resources for private purposes? Isn't Massalamani's employment for the office's purposes only, not for Brizzi's attempt at personal crisis management. Are Brizzi or his sugar-daddy, Durham going to cut a check back to the Marion County treasurer for this expense?
You raise a good point, Karma. It is one I raised when Andre Carson's government-paid press secretary fielded questions about the $25,000 in campaign contributions Carson accepted from Phyllis and Marla Stevens. I raised the same issue with former Mayor Bart Peterson, who repeatedly used taxpayer-paid employees to field questions about his re-election campaign in 2007. In Brizzi's case, these questions related to nothing involving his official duties. A government employee should not be answering questions about his marriage/divorce or personal business matters. He can get by with it because the media won't raise questions about it.
Certainly Motsinger had a lot more funding sources for his campaign than Durham. I just don't buy that the loss of Durham's contribution is solely the reason he dropped out. There has to be more to the story there.
AI, looking through my handy-dandy criminal code book, I find I.C. 35-44-2-4, "Ghost Employment.""A public servant (Brizzi) who knowingly or intentionally assigns to any employee under his supervision (press hack, any researching done or composing of the press briefing done by other employees) any duties not related to the operation of the governmental entity that he serves ("ahem") commits ghost employment, a Class D Felony." Also under the same section, any employee who accepts property (such as monetary compensation, a salary) for the performance of duties not related to the operation of the entity commits ghost employment. We can all easily imagine the behind-the-scenes panic mode on the 6th floor at MCPO, w/ Brizzi, Wyser, Marschall, Massillimani, and who knows how many others being summoned to a meeting, researching Brizzi's role with Fair Finance and anything else involving Durham, pooring over the press release, editing, re-discussing, etc. Those are easily identifiable and provable crimes being committed by these people, just get their pay stubs and their emails showing who was there and who did what, and that they still took pay for the time. Brizzi's involving them would simply entail multiple counts against him. What's the official route for making an ethics complaint to the disciplinary commission? And what mechanisms exist to seek a special prosecutor from a state entity, presumably the A.G.'s office. Perhaps more appropriately, what federal official would make the call to go after these charges? They nailed Capone on tax evasion, perhaps Brizzi can go down in history as Casper.
I try to catch the evening news when I am able to do so. Always watched Mike Ahern REPORT the news..when he retired I went elsewhere. If I have that channel on and Shella shows up I change the channel. And while I'm at it... ALL tv news outlets, if you think I'm going to sit with my laptop and go to your web sites and click on the links section for additional news...well your all in dreamland!!!!
I dont buy Democrat Brian Williams hurried explanation that he didn't know Durham well and dropped his connection when things didn't look right. He bragged on his campaign web site about his relationships with Durham and Obsidian Enterprises. The Website was created long after Williams claims to have severed contacts with Durham. Why would you brag on your website about your business relations with someone if you had already decided that person was shady. .......hhhmmmmm!!!!
I agree with art for a change.
I won't watch Jim Shallow on Channel 8 or WFYI either. He has no credibility as a journalist. This recent story is just another reason to distrust Shella as a journalist.
It's the biggest political story of the week and Shallow is not planning to discuss it on Ice Miller Week In Review. Gee, I wonder why?
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Advance Indiana, thank you for your true news work on this growing scandal. Much to dig through to read through the B.S. scrambling that is going on among the political hacks caught in their self-made vipers' nests.
A quick question: does Brizzi have a personal media representative who is speaking for him, or is this the media spokesperson (Marion Massalimany, sorry on spelling) who is paid for by taxpayers as an employee of the Marion County Prosecutor's Office, doing the personal work of the tainted elected prosecutor for his personal, not office-related, activities? I'm guessing it is one and the same person.
Why are taxpayers paying for Brizzi's personal problems through a prosecutor's office employee?
Brizzi pulled this same stunt when the press reported his divorce in Boone County, and Massalimani issued a press release on Brizzi's behalf several months ago. Melanie Brizzi didn't sue for divorce from MCPO, she sued for divorce from the imperfect man, Brizzi. Isn't it a crime to use public resources for private purposes? Isn't Massalamani's employment for the office's purposes only, not for Brizzi's attempt at personal crisis management.
Are Brizzi or his sugar-daddy, Durham going to cut a check back to the Marion County treasurer for this expense?
You raise a good point, Karma. It is one I raised when Andre Carson's government-paid press secretary fielded questions about the $25,000 in campaign contributions Carson accepted from Phyllis and Marla Stevens. I raised the same issue with former Mayor Bart Peterson, who repeatedly used taxpayer-paid employees to field questions about his re-election campaign in 2007. In Brizzi's case, these questions related to nothing involving his official duties. A government employee should not be answering questions about his marriage/divorce or personal business matters. He can get by with it because the media won't raise questions about it.
Certainly Motsinger had a lot more funding sources for his campaign than Durham. I just don't buy that the loss of Durham's contribution is solely the reason he dropped out. There has to be more to the story there.
AI, looking through my handy-dandy criminal code book, I find I.C. 35-44-2-4, "Ghost Employment."
"A public servant (Brizzi) who knowingly or intentionally assigns to any employee under his supervision (press hack, any researching done or composing of the press briefing done by other employees) any duties not related to the operation of the governmental entity that he serves ("ahem") commits ghost employment, a Class D Felony."
Also under the same section, any employee who accepts property (such as monetary compensation, a salary) for the performance of duties not related to the operation of the entity commits ghost employment.
We can all easily imagine the behind-the-scenes panic mode on the 6th floor at MCPO, w/ Brizzi, Wyser, Marschall, Massillimani, and who knows how many others being summoned to a meeting, researching Brizzi's role with Fair Finance and anything else involving Durham, pooring over the press release, editing, re-discussing, etc.
Those are easily identifiable and provable crimes being committed by these people, just get their pay stubs and their emails showing who was there and who did what, and that they still took pay for the time. Brizzi's involving them would simply entail multiple counts against him.
What's the official route for making an ethics complaint to the disciplinary commission?
And what mechanisms exist to seek a special prosecutor from a state entity, presumably the A.G.'s office.
Perhaps more appropriately, what federal official would make the call to go after these charges? They nailed Capone on tax evasion, perhaps Brizzi can go down in history as Casper.
I try to catch the evening news when I am able to do so. Always watched Mike Ahern REPORT the news..when he retired I went elsewhere. If I have that channel on and Shella shows up I change the channel.
And while I'm at it... ALL tv news outlets, if you think I'm going to sit with my laptop and go to your web sites and click on the links section for additional news...well your all in dreamland!!!!
I dont buy Democrat Brian Williams hurried explanation that he didn't know Durham well and dropped his connection when things didn't look right. He bragged on his campaign web site about his relationships with Durham and Obsidian Enterprises. The Website was created long after Williams claims to have severed contacts with Durham. Why would you brag on your website about your business relations with someone if you had already decided that person was shady. .......hhhmmmmm!!!!
I agree with art for a change.
I won't watch Jim Shallow on Channel 8 or WFYI either. He has no credibility as a journalist. This recent story is just another reason to distrust Shella as a journalist.
It's the biggest political story of the week and Shallow is not planning to discuss it on Ice Miller Week In Review. Gee, I wonder why?
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