One of the most corrupt mayors in Indianapolis history has landed a job on the faculty of the University of Indianapolis as a visiting fellow of the Institute for Civic Leadership & Mayoral Archives. Perhaps he can teach students how you win election to office by lying to voters by promising to cut taxes and government spending, and then spend the next eight years raising taxes, selling off city assets and contracts in exchange for campaign contributions and running to the state legislature to get laws changed to strip the City-County Council of any mayoral oversight when the council gets in your way.
Hey Mayor. You can take the new Red Line from University of Indianapolis up Shelby Street, right by my Garfield Park property, and on into downtown Indy whenever you have business in town. In fact, I'd like to see you do that every time you go downtown, just to make sure the Red Line is doing its job and living up to expectations. Would you please make a public statement affirming your intention to do that. I may write a letter to the University asking them to make it an affirmative part of your duties to travel by Red Line back and forth into the city. I'm not being facetious. You have stature. And this was your baby. I'm certainly paying for it, and my apartment building right on the park will be impacted in dozens of ways I'm willing to bet. How about a commitment to taking personal responsibility that it all turns out right. I think Red Line Monitor sounds like the coolest job for you, and your students will also be dependent on that bus to get to their transit, so we're all going to do this together. Glad to have you down on the south side. You'll definitely be hearing from us.
Down by the station, early in the morning, see a little Mahern sign on it? It is next to the public's erection, a line of crosses waiting to be fit. Hanging on the crosses are the lying politicians, the ones who lied about the public's suspicions. But, as to the ex Mayor, did he not come out of the classroom down there as some sort of instructor? More than a few people were taken in by his straight talk and his promises but we neglected to factor in the power of the Dark Side. I think it was Flogger who first noticed that the Mayor had been captured. We didn't want to believe it and so stuck with him, thinking that we were choosing the lesser evil.....the usual choice offered by the dealers who own both decks. So, stick with Buber who noted that each unchaining is followed by a new one.
The University of Indianapolis proves it has zero real-world understanding of what is needed for an ethically and morally based institute of civic leadership. That ex-soldier, uber-corrupt RINO Republican Greg Ballard - he who should be rotting in a federal prison for all the laws he broke while in office- was hired in a make-do job is proof positive of that fact.
Attention all University of Indianapolis philanthropic staff... I am now ceased in financially (or otherwise) supporting your obviously non-academic existence. But then again, a third-rate crook at what I consider a third rate enterprise may be a good fit after all.
Make him take a Blue Indy, which I am sure he is getting a cut from. U of I has now made two disastrous hires in the past two years. My respect for U of I just went down the toilet.
Can someone on this board explain exactly what the heck a "visiting fellow of the Institute for Civic Leadership & Mayoral Archives" does? Some on this board might know but I am a bit out of touch with what the responsibilities with this role will be for the ex-mayor and what he will be accountable for in his new position. I suspect it pays well and that reconciling his bi-weekly pay stub will take up a large part of his time.
With his record of unethical conduct: The Regional Operations Center corrruption (clink link), Frank Straub corruption that was so evil the City-County Council eliminated the Department of Public Safety so this could never happen again, Blue Indy scandal, etc. Ballard has no place as an employee in an institution of higher education, but would best be served as a student taking mandatory ethics training.
Thanks for using this picture of HRH (His Royal Highness). It's perfect in every way.
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