Wilder told the newspaper Powell decided to retain him because of concern she could face criminal charges based on statements she made in her new book, "Breaking Cardinal Rules." “The book does not indicate that any of her daughters were not of legal age to undertake the activities they undertook,” Wilder told USA Today. The national newspaper raised Wilder's past drinking episode in the article. "Wilder was found passed out in a trash can in 2009, and photographs were leaked to the News and Tribune in his home of Jeffersonville, Ind," USA Today reported. "As a result, Wilder lost jobs as an attorney for the Jefferson City Council and the Clark County, and he told the Louisville Courier-Journal that he'd been out for a night of celebratory drinking."
Wilder told the paper he had represented other prominent clients as a criminal defense attorney, including University of Louisville athletes. One of Wilder's former clients was former Clark County Sheriff Danny Rodden, who pleaded guilty one year ago to lying to the FBI and witness tampering regarding allegations he had paid for sex with a prostitute in a Louisville hotel room. Rodden admitted that he met with a prostitute in a hotel room at the Hyatt Regency Hotel on May 29, 2013 in which he paid $300 to the prostitute for oral sex and also provided the prostitute with a uniformed shirt and other clothing bearing the insignia of the Clark Co. Sheriff's Department. Rodden was accused of telling the prostitute to get rid of the evidence and lie about his involvement with her. Indianapolis criminal defense attorney Jim Voyles also represented Rodden in that criminal case. Do you think there's any connection to that case and Ms. Powell's allegations against the Cardinals' basketball program?
Powell's own book appeared to implicate her in the human trafficking of her daughters. Quoting from her book, the Courier-Journal wrote on October 5, 2015 of Powell's daughter's involvement in her adult escort business: "She admits, for example, that she pimped her three daughters — the youngest when she was only 15 — and she makes no apologies for it. "People may think that I expose my kids,” she writes. “But ----, they enjoy themselves, they meet new people. ... For those who have a problem with it, kiss my ---." Wilder is saying something quite different now. "Based on the facts, none of those daughters were underage at the time they engaged in conduct involving Mrs. Powell, involving all of these folks who are up in a hornet’s nest."
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