When Andre Carson ran for the special election race to replace his grandmother in Congress last year, one of the first groups he turned to in Washington to help raise money for his campaign was the Council on American Islamic Relations (
CAIR). The group
hosted a fundraiser for him at their D.C. offices near the Capitol. Carson is unhappy that a spy, Dave Marshall shown above with Carson, pretended to be an intern for
CAIR and posed with him during a
CAIR event. That and a new book Marshall co-authored recounting CAIR's efforts to infiltrate the highest levels of government has
Carson upset. The leftist Talking Points Memo writes:
Rep. André Carson had no idea the guy he posed with at an Islamic event was a fake intern, and thinks the accusations that the Council on American Islamic Relations planted spies on Capitol Hill is "shameful."
A spokesman for Carson (D-IN), one of two Muslim members of Congress, told TPM the campaign to investigate whether CAIR spies were interns is "fearmongering at its worst."
Justin Ohlemiller, Carson's communications director, said in an interview the photo is one of dozens members of Congress take every week with constituents and at events. He didn't know the man was pretending to be Muslim and doesn't recall interacting with him.
"I don't think my boss was necessarily aware of who this person was or that he was posing as a Muslim to help write the book," Ohlemiller said.
He said his boss thinks the Republicans are wasting taxpayer money on "extremist, off-the-wall stuff" and added they have provided no proof there were spies. He added that all members should be trying to avoid stereotypes and unite people of all faiths.
The fake intern recently wrote a book disclosing what he learned about
CAIR's activities at the highest levels of government to infiltrate our U.S. government through spies posing as interns of Capitol Hill. Four GOP congressmen
called for an investigation yesterday based on the findings in Marshall's new book, "Muslim Mafia: Inside The Secret Underworld That's Conspiring To
Islamatize America." As one news source describes the book:
The book begins as a real-life, heart-pounding thriller, with Chris Gaubatz, the son of co-author David Gaubatz, preparing to go underground as an intern for CAIR at its Herndon, Va., office.
Astoundingly, the younger Gaubatz, posing as a bearded Muslim convert, ends up with a position at CAIR's national office in Washington, just three blocks from the U.S. Capitol building, working alongside top leaders Ibrahim Hooper, Nihad Awad and Corey Saylor.
Along with declassified government documents, the book unveils thousands of e-mails, faxes and internal memos that were never meant for public viewing.
Carson touted his experience as an anti-terrorist watch officer for the Department of Homeland Security when he first ran for Congress. After raising all of that dough courtesy of the terrorist-linked
CAIR organization, Carson
returned at least one contribution raised at the event from M.
YaQub Mirza, who was at the center of a 2002 terrorist investigation by our government. During an interview with CNN during President
Obama's inauguration in January, Carson, who is only the second Muslim elected to Congress, was described as a
key Arab advisor to Obama. Carson is actually a Christian-turned-Muslim with little backgroud or knowledge of Arab nations.
Its not hard to dupe a dupe.
So, what's your point here? I've read your post twice, and I still have yet to find one.
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