Obama lived part of his childhood in Indonesia and in his meeting with the Custodian of the Two Holy Mosques attempted to evoke this. For bowing is an expression of affection in Indonesian culture and in East Asia in general. And so Obama wished to demonstrate his respect and appreciation of the personality of King Abdullah Bin Abdulaziz, who has made one of the most important calls in the modern era, namely the call for inter-faith and inter-cultural dialogue to defuse the hatred, conflict and wars. And so the American right-wing –and the media which is sympathetic towards them- is reading too much into Obama's bow.
Laying aside the Saudi journalist's attack on America's right wing, at least he knows a bow when he sees one. By lying about the obvious, the Obama administration only provides more reason for the American people to have greater suspicions about his loyalties.
The video (below) shows conclusively that it was not a two handed shake Soetoro was giving the Saudi King: Soetoro's left hand was at his side when he bowed to the King; when you click on the video (scroll down on Smith's site) and see for yourself. The White House aide was lying through his teeth... --jws
I am appalled that even AI would question Obama's loyalty to the U.S. He has already done more to improve our image and standing in the world community. He is taking major steps to lowering the threat of world war and bringing about the lessening of tensions.
Yeah, his speech in Turkey on Islam where he proclaimed he's "one of them" had a big impact didn't it? Islamic terrorists seized an American flagged ship and took Americans hostages just days later. Who is stepping up to help more in Iraq and Afghanistan? Who is trying to force an Islamic-extremist leader of Turkey down everyone's throats?
No no! Obama tripped! There's a ripple in the fine Persian rug, and he just caught the wingtips on it!
Hey, Art. Do you think that sending more troops to Afghanistan, essentially another Surge, will enhance our image? Or, how about closing Gitmo while continuing the practice of indefinite detention, merely in other places? Is that the bold new 'change' toward lowering the threats?
Obama is good at symbolic gestures- like this bow- but for anybody paying attention to substance...
I see nothing wrong with this bow, if indeed that is what he did. If anyone understands dominance/submission protocols, it would be me.
In his speech in Turkey, he said he had members of his family who were Muslims, he did NOT say he was Muslim or one of them as he has always been Christian. I dont understand why this is so hard to understand.
Good one, Melyssa!
He has not always been a Christian, Wilson. He was born and raised as a Muslim. He was still a practicing Muslim in college. There is no indication that he had any involvement with Christianity until the time he married Michelle. Obama is very selective in defining his Muslim heritage. When it suits his ends, he plays it up to the max. When it doesn't, he denies any connection to the religion.
And quite frankly, if in Obama's shoes in that moment, I would act in the same manner (without giving up a moment of my own power).
True power exists only in our power to give it up. That is THE prime lesson I learned as a grasshopper Dominant.
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