Thursday, April 24, 2008

Orentlicher Forced To Self-Finance Campaign

In a stunning development, State Rep. David Orentlicher has been forced to loan his 7th District congressional campaign $327,000 to compete with U.S. Rep. Andre Carson and Dr. Woody Myers. Ortentlicher's loan to his campaign represents nearly one half of the $701,000 he has raised to date according to FEC records. Orentlicher had $172,000 on hand to make it through the May 6 primary. It had been widely speculated that Orentlicher would raise between $750,000 to $1,000,000 for his primary bid, but nobody anticipated he would have to rely on his own personal funds to meet that goal.

Myers has put at least $1.3 million of his own money on the line to finance his campaign. Carson has raised as much money as Orentlicher, but the vast majority of his funds have come from out-of-state PACs. Orentlicher's campaign has relied on individual contributors. It is worth noting that Orentlicher's latest FEC filing shows he refunded $18,400 in contributions, suggesting the complaint filed by fellow blogger Jacob Perry was not merit less after all.

State Rep. Carolene Mays has belatedly complied with FEC filing and reporting requirements. She reports raising $102,000 with only $17,929 on hand to take her through the May 6 primary. Mays gets most of her money from individuals, including substantial contributions from various family members. Bren and Mel Simon kicked in $1,000 to her campaign. Several of her colleagues in the House contributed to her campaign as well.


Eclecticvibe said...

Do any of the financing issues result from refusing to take money from PAC's?

artfuggins said...

The self funding probably comes from not having much support.

M Theory said...

Why do these politicians pay so much to get a $165,000 a year job? SOmething doesn't add up here.

Anonymous said...

You had earlier said that Wilson was prohibited from posting on your blog again, and even earlier than that you had said that Wilson was artfuggins. What gives?

Anonymous said...

Hoosiers for Fair Tax, what makes you think politicians have ever run for office for the salary it pays? I can't think of too many public officials who ever ran for office because of the salary. Believe it or not, there are people who believe in public service and trying to make a difference.

Orientlicher makes an outrageous salary for very little work over at the law school. That he has to fund his campaign is sort of just desserts.

artfuggins said...

I am Art Fuggins and I am not Wilson46201.....although there are times when I agree with him and times when I disagree with him.

Anonymous said...

I agree with eclecticvibe. Its because he does not take money from PACs. In the grand scheme of things, it could not be viewed as bad a Hillary Clinton's finances being in the hole, even after she lent money to herself while accepting PAC money. Sounds like Orentlicher, actually getting donations from many individuals and himself, has a little higher public support than someone who either: (1) get all their money from PACs; (2) has to foot all of his own bill; or (3) rely solely on contributions from close friends and family. I think Orentlicher has ran a good campaign.

MissouriDemocrat said...

When you add up the perks of office during their terms, then add in the retirement benefits which include health care, etc. and the office budget you come up to the millions of bucks for those in and out of office. Depending on their lengths of service, etc. I once supported building a massive luxury apartment building for them so that they could not use the excuse of having to support two homes, one in D.C. and the other in their districts. It would be a massive cost savings to them and then they couldn't whine about that issue. Of course that idea went no where.