Some near east side residents are not happy with the way one of their neighbors on Tecumseh Street maintains his home. The lack of gutters on his house, the need for a new paint job and a boarded up window are just a few of the issues they have with him. The Health & Hospital Corporation is on their side, having cited the derelict homeowner for various violations in the past, including one pending case. According to court records, the infamous blog commenter who resides at this address is scheduled to be in Judge Keele's Environmental Court on Thursday for a compliance hearing. Rumor has it that Mayor Ballard's newest appointee for an environmental hearing officer position and frequent target of the blog commenter's sharp tongue may be interested in his case. Just kidding. As for the neighbors, they're just tired of the only eyesore on the block and want something done about it.
I understand a major contract has been signed for a new roof, etc. The neighbors are comforted by the contractor's sign in the front yard. There's no problem, it seems!
The problem exists. That is why enforcement proceedings had to be initiated.
Personal responsibility...hard to find any Democrats with it.
this wouldn't happen to be everyone's favorite wilson allen would it?
This story certainly elevates the political discourse of the Advance Indiana blog.
Hey Art, it's HIS blog and not yours. If you don't agree with its content, save your smart ass comments for somewhere else.
Speaking in general terms, it is unfortunate for our whole City that the Environmental Court is so backed up. Often it takes months on end, sometimes years to get one case settled.
Judge Keele, Teri Kendrick (Prosecutor), and all the Code Enforcement Officers deserve our applause for the never-ending mountain of cases that they scale on behalf of our neighborhoods. They also deserve beefed-up departments so that the backlog can be brought under control.
In the instance brought up by AI, as with any case, it will not be dismissed because of a sign in the yard. Work will have to be completed before the case will be finalized. Keele and Kendrick have been around the block once or twice and won’t be contented by the presence of a sign.
What I like is that the resident of the property doesn't seem quite sure as to just what is, or isn't happening there.
Must be spending all his "inquisitive" points on wondering about David Orentlicher and Woody Myers right now.
As "Nelson" would say: Ha-Ha!
I'll buy the poor old guys house and do a flip. Of course he may have to live in a dumpster until he fines a rock to crawl back under. Better yet he could move in with his "sidekick" Andre. I'm sure that Andre could help if he had a mind to.
The city could always spend the
30K to tear the eyesore down. If they did it for Julia I'm sure the city would oblige her prodigy.
I guess Grandma was right, hey Wilson?
The garage room at 2530 N Park is probably available to the right renter - just has to ask.
This house could also use a new roof and some masonry work on the chimney.
Probably a gem of a house when it was built, though.
Praise to the owner for buy a "used" historic house. One of the biggest savings we can make of CO2 emissions, is mindfully reusing what we already have. Buying a beautiful old house should not be a crime. While our zoning codes exist to ensure the public safety, they don't make someone a bad person for some disrepair to the house. As an owner of an historic home, I know how much maintenance can be involved. Sometimes projects get backed up. Best of luck with the renovations!
Yes Wilson Allen I'm one of your neighbors and like so many of us, we want a nice community and that would not include someone who lets their house fall into such poor condition.
Since he has no gutters or downspouts, every time it rains, the next door neighbors have a flooded basement.
There is chipping paint, possibly lead-based that needs to be covered.
Your roof is past its prime and should have been replaced years ago.
You tie you obese pitbull up outside, why not get a fence?
I hope Judge Keal cites you in contempt for thumbing your nose at the system. And this is not political as you so want to claim. The charges brought forth are from Health and Hospital Corp, and that is ran by a neighbor of yours from just south.
Clean it up you slob!!
Wilson: I sincerely hope that the court orders you to pay the cost of prosecution!!!!!
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