Indy Pride plans to Celebrate With Pride at its annual pride festival for Indianapolis' GLBT community June 10, 2006 at University Park in downtown Indianapolis.
The festivities will kick off with the annual parade down Massachusetts Avenue starting at 10:00 a.m. at the corner of College Avenue and winding its way down to University Park at Pennsylvania Street. The Pride Festival in University Park will officially open to the public at 11:00 a.m. Entertainment is scheduled throughout the day and into the early evening. The event will climax with a show by singer/entertainer RuPaul.
If you've been down Massachusetts Avenue lately, you will find that businesses lining the street have displayed posters in their store-front windows promoting this year's pride festival. Please take the time to thank them for their support. One notable exception is Aesop's Table, which is owned by Indiana Equality President Kathy Sarris. It's her policy not to display any posters in her establishment promoting any events she tells a Pride volunteer, and she will make no exception for Indy Pride. By the way, Agio restaurant down the street from Aesop's Table is a big Pride supporter--something you may want to keep in mind when you are choosing where to dine.
This year's festival boasts several notable sponsors, including Anheuser-Busch, Smirnoff, Sam's Club, Chase, and AT&T, among others. Over 100 exhibitors will fill the park during the festival. Advance Indiana's Gary R. Welsh will have a booth at the festival. Please stop by and visit during the day. AI has a petition you'll all want to sign.
Wouldn't miss it. They are doing an incredible job with pride. It gets better and better every year. Thank you to all of the volunteers for the great Pride events. It is the most fun weekend of the year! Any idea what politicians will have booths? Thanks.
A list of the exhibitors has not been made publicly available. As soon as I learn, I will update. The regulars will be there (i.e., Carson, Keller, Nytes, Bowes and Sanders). I understand Mayor Peterson is still afraid to publicly appear at the event--contrast that with Mayor Richard Daley who regularly marches at the front of Chicago's Pride Event. Mayor Peterson shows up at every ethnic festival-even some where only a couple of thousand show up, but he can never fit into his schedule an event which draws 25,000. Gov. Daniels won't be there either.
Is this generally a family-friendly event (i.e. young kids)? I'd love to make it a family outing!
There is alcohol served in an enclosed area adjacent to the main stage where you must be 21 to enter. Many people do bring children to the event. I would recommend you come earlier in the day to avoid contact with people who have been drinking too much. The entertainment is more family friendly on the stage earlier in the day as well. If you go to the Indy Pride site, you can see the schedule of the entertainment: http://www.indyprideinc.com/
As far as politicians go....I do know that David Orentlicher and Susan Fuldauer have agreed to participate in the parade. I also know that efforts were being made to include Eric Dickerson as well but I don't know if anything was finalized.
I am once again disapointed at the cowardice of Bart Peterson.
Long time reader...first time poster...
There is a great concert at Garfield Park put on by the Pride of Indy Band at 7:30 on Tuesday June 6th.
Stop by!
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