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Areas possibly impacted by tsunami |
A new report released today in the Kremlin prepared for Prime Minister Putin by the Institute of Physics of the Earth, in Moscow, is warning that the America’s are in danger of suffering a mega-quake of catastrophic proportions during the next fortnight (14 days) with a specific emphasis being placed on the United States, Mexico, Central America and South American west coast regions along with the New Madrid Fault Zone region.Many people forget our region in Middle America is impacted by the New Madrid fault line that triggered some of the worst recorded earthquakes in modern times back in the 1811-12 period when entire towns were swallowed by the earth and the Mississippi River temporarily reversed course due to the dramatic earth changes that occurred in the region. Earthquakes have been happening with increased frequency in northern Arkansas over the past couple of months. A weakening of the earth's magnetic field in recent years has reportedly accelerated, leading some scientists to believe the earth may be undergoing a pole shift, an event that occurs every several hundred thousand years. As often occurs prior to natural disasters, animals seem to be the best predictor. Massive fish and bird deaths have been reported worldwide over the past several months.
This report further warns that catastrophic earthquakes in Asia and the sub-continent are, also, “more than likely to occur” with the 7.3 magnitude quake in Japan today being “one of at least 4 of this intensity” to occur during this same time period.
Raising the concerns of a mega-quake occurring, this report says, are the increasing subtle electromagnetic signals that are being detected in the Earth’s upper atmosphere over many regions of the World, with the most intense being over the US Western coastal and Midwest regions.
Important to note are that Russian and British scientists are at the forefront of predicting earthquakes based on these subtle electromagnetic signals and have joined in an effort to put satellites in space to detect more of them.
More ominously in this report are Russian scientists confirming the independent analysis of New Zealand mathematician and long-range weather forecaster, Ken Ring [photo], who predicted the deadly Christchurch quake and this week issued another warning of a quake to hit on or about March 20th.
Ring explains his methodology for predicting earthquakes as follows:
“The planets very much affect the earth, indirectly, by having an effect on the Sun. Some planets are very large. If the Sun was a basketball the gas giants Jupiter and Saturn would be the size of grapefruits, and the Earth would be, on that scale, the size of a peppercorn.
Jupiter and Saturn cause extra tides on the Sun when they get on either side of the Sun (as with Moon – Earth-Sun when the moon is full) and when these gas giants get on the same side as the Sun, (as with Earth -Moon – Sun when the moon is new). These greater solar tides become sunspot activity and solar flares and can be understood as akin to the increase in tides caused by the Moon when it too gets alongside Earth or opposite Earth.
At the moment we have Jupiter and Saturn on either side of the Sun and creating a tug of war with Earth in the middle. That started last September and will continue until about May. In September the Earth was right in line with Jupiter, Saturn and the Sun too.
That’s why there were several 7+ earthquakes around, it wasn’t just us. For instance there was one in Pakistan on the same day as Christchurch. This Jupiter/Saturn alignment continues until about May, and the Earth comes back into line as well in March. It is why there may be an extreme event, perhaps a large earthquake, around 20 March, which is when the Moon may be again in a trigger position.”
According to this report, however, where Ring is correct in assessing blame for our Earth’s earthquakes on the Sun and Planets, his substituting of Perigean Spring Tides (also known as King Tides) for the low pressure systems associated with them may be incorrect.
The mention in this report of massive low pressure systems being associated with catastrophic earthquakes is especially dire to the United States Midwestern region, which even today is continuing to be pounded by horrific rainfall amounts, and most especially impacting the New Madrid Fault Zone State of Arkansas which has suffered over 800 earthquakes in the past 6 months alone.
Equally in danger, this report continues, is the South American Nation of Bolivia which has, likewise, suffered catastrophic low pressure system storms that in the past week have killed over 52 people.
Most ominous in this report, though, is its warning that the fault-riddled State of California may be about to suffer its most catastrophic earthquake in decades as new reports for this region show the mass death of millions of fish [photo] is now occurring, and just like the mass stranding of whales on New Zealand beaches days prior to the February 22nd destruction of Christchurch.
Making the situation for our Planet even grimmer are the reports that our Sun is continuing to spew forth massive solar flares, the latest warned to hit our Earth today or tomorrow thus prompting the Hermanus Space Weather Warning Centre (SWWC) to issue a Solar Flare warning for the Southern Hemisphere.
Interesting to note in all of these events is the United States Army announcing this week that it is holding a rare training event involving the US Military, the CIA, Canadian officers, US Treasury and State departments, the US Agency for International Development, the Defense Threat Readiness Agency and the International Red Cross between March 21-25 at Fort Leavenworth, Kansas, and which should the worst happen they will certainly be prepared for it.
As this report concludes, that as of yet, “no firmly reliable” method for predicting earthquakes has been scientifically recognized, it is well worth noting the too many to be ignored anomalous coincidences leading up to catastrophic mega-quakes are breaking out all over the World and should only be ignored at ones peril.
In other words, it is always best to be prepared should disaster strike, wherever the warning comes from.
Follow live feed of the ongoing tragedy here.
UPDATE: A major radiation leak is reported at the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear power plant damaged by the earthquake in Japan. Radiation levels at the facility are 1,000 times normal Reuters is reporting.
Interesting read. We also have, on March 19, the moon at perigee and the closest it has been to Earth in years. The decreased distance between the two objects increases the gravitational interaction.
The size comparisons the guy used are way off base though - unless you could cram 920 grapefruits in a basketball (Jupiter to Sun ratio). ;-)
Plus all the birds dying suddenly in the midwest recently. Just watch the animals. They know more than they let on.
I have earthquake insurance. I live in Greenwood, and it's cheap.
I am totally stocked up on water, canned foods, and Coco Krispies.
But the world isn't supposed to end until 2012, is it?
Some say it's May 21, 2011.
And it's not the end of the world. It will still be here. Just the beginning of a new era for those still around to pick up the pieces and start anew.
This guy is a bit of a alarmist.
Most of the tidal forces on the Earth are due to the moon and it's close position to the earth, the sun is 93 million miles away and also influences the tides. The sun's tidal acceleration is about 45% of the lunar tidal acceleration, which means that the sun accounts for about a third of the total tidal forces created by combining the sun and the moon.
Saturn and Jupiter are considerably farther away from the earth and mass so much less than the sun, that their tidal effect is about 1 * 10 ^ (-6).
Saturn masses about 1/28000 of the sun and at the closest is eight times farther away, Jupiter masses about 1/1000 of the sun and at closest is 4 times farther away.
Since tidal force falls off with the square of the distance, and directly with the mass, the Jupiter tidal force is about 1/16000 of the sun's tidal force, and the Saturn tidal force is about 1/416,000 of the sun's tidal force.
Adding in the Jupiter and Saturn tidal force does not really change the overall impact. Also note that it takes about 6 months or so to move from being as close as possible to Saturn/Jupiter to being the farthest away. Saturn and Jupiter take 12 and 30 years respectively to orbit the sun which means that Earth is almost always racing away or toward these two planets.
This was interesting, Gary. See 2012? I hadn't heard that some thought the end of the world would be on May 11, 2011. Is that a difference of interpreting the Mayan calendar or what? What's your background, Rob? You seem very well versed in this. I thought they were talking about Jupiter and Saturn's effect on the Sun and resultant solar activity, not those planets' direct influence on the earth.
Some argue the Mayan calendar doesn't specifically say the end of one era and the beginning of a new era starts on Dec. 21, 2012; rather, it's a general reference date that actually may cover a several year period if transitition. By that account, we're in that window of transition now. The celestial aligning of the planets and the sun may play a key role in bringing about the transition. Clearly, the Mayans, as well as other ancient civilizations as indicated by the design and layout of the Great Pyramids, suggested they possessed a far greater knowledge of the importance of the earth's interaction with the solar system and other celestial bodies.
I did see 2012, Paul. Makes you wonder if that explains the unexplained disappearance of trillions of dollars in recent years. Interestingly, there are people who claim the U.S. and other governments have constructed very large underground facilities and lunar bases that have not been disclosed to the public. What are they preparing for?
One thing I know for sure is if the world's leaders have figured out a cataclysmic event is about to unfold wiping out most of the world's population, they aren't going to tell the masses in advance. The movie 2012 was dead on in that respect.
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