Wednesday, April 09, 2008

Myers Bankrolls 7th District Campaign

Dr. Woody Myers is dumping more than $800,000 of his own money into his 7th District bid to defeat incumbent U.S. Rep. Andre Carson in the May 6 Democratic primary. I'm enjoying watching the hypocrisy emerge among some Democrats who find it anti-Democratic for Myers to self-finance his campaign. What's worse? A first-time candidate who raised 90% of his campaign contributions from out-of-state special interest groups and individuals as Andre Carson did in the special election. Or a successful member of our community, born and raised here, who wants to give something back to his community in the form of public service.

Incidentally, the Star's Maureen Groppe notes in her story today that Dr. Myers has filed his financial disclosure form showing he has assets worth between $10.4 million and $31.6 million and debts which range between $1.5 million and $6 million. I've been searching far and wide for Andre Carson's financial disclosure statement and can't find it anywhere. He's been in office casting votes for nearly a month now. Why hasn't he filed it? Shouldn't the voters have full disclosure from their incumbent representative before they go to the polls on May 6?

UPDATE: I e-mailed Maureen Groppe and asked why she didn't provide information from Andre Carson's financial disclosure. Here is her response:

I wrote about Myers' financial disclosure statement because it was relevant to the fact that he's self-funding his campaign.

The congressional financial disclosure statements are released every June and I write about the delegation's reports every year.
In other words, the Star doesn't think the public should learn anything about the personal finances of our elected congressman until after the May Democratic primary, but we should know everything about anyone who seeks to oust Carson from office. Makes a lot of sense, doesn't it? If Rep. Carson is all for the people as he says he is, then he should on his own initiative release this information to the public now.

The Carson campaign is whining to WISH-TV's Jim Shella that they can't keep up with Myers' spending, which Shella reports could approach $2 million before the primary is over. Myers wouldn't say how much money he's prepared to spend out of his own pocket, but he says he is also getting small donations from individuals. Shella reported that the Indiana Democratic Party endorsed Carson today. I guess that was just a formality. There is no mistaking who the state party is supporting in this race.


Wilson46201 said...

I don't think the Financial Disclosure Reports are available online anywhere but are available for public inspection and copying at the Clerk of the House's Office in Washington DC. Reporter Maureen Groppe is based in DC.

Actually, all candidates in the congressional primary are required to file such reports.

Gary R. Welsh said...

If Groppe went to the trouble of obtaining Myers' form and not Carson's, the person who actually holds the seat now, then she's not doing her job.

Wilson46201 said...

She might also look up Jon Elrod's too (even though he's the loser...)

indyernie said...

"She might also look up Jon Elrod's too (even though he's the loser...)"

Wilson we are in the first round of a three round fight. The point difference is way too close to call yet. Keep an eye open for the KO punch around November when Elrod gets his second breath.

Either way it goes Elrod or Myers, Indy will be better off without a Carson.

Anonymous said...

Wilson, federal candidates file financial disclosure forms and report with the Indiana Secretary of State. I don't believe there would be any forms filed in D.C. and not filed here in Indianapolis.

I have to applaud the Democrats. They have three individuals, Carolene Mays, Woody Myers and David Orentlicher who, although I disagree with them politically, would provide Indianapolis with strong, effective represenation in Indianapolis. That's a far cry from the very ineffective representation of Andy Jacobs and Julia Carson. Indianapolis has gone about 35 years without any effective leadership in Congress.

MissouriDemocrat said...

I was not living in Indy during the tenure of Andy Jacob's early years. I moved here in 1986. All I know of Mr. Jacobs is he says Andre is the best Indy has to offer. To that I hope his family gets him to Community Norths Psychiatric Pavillion in a hurry. HE IS A DANGER to himself and others.

Gary R. Welsh said...

Andy Jacobs should be afforded no credibility in this community. He repeatedly lied to local news media about Julia's health problems. He knew she was dying of cancer and he deliberately lied to the public to aid the Carson political machine in timing events to Adnre's advantage--the public be damned.

Anonymous said...

Andy Jacobs came across as folksy and entertaining to folks back home as he pontificated on various subjects.. But inside Congress he was viewed with disdain at best, a laughingstock at worst. Democrats controlled Congress for 40 years. Still Jacobs, with nearly a 1/4 of a century experience in Congress, could not get his own party to appoint him to chair a committee. The best he ever got was to chair a subcommittee.

MissouriDemocrat said...

Ha! Ha! Flynn that just says that Speakers McCormack, O'Neal, etc. knew he was not bright and therefore decided to put him someplace he wouldn't hurt the nation or himself, a padded cell, er ..... sub-committee, er .....

Wilson46201 said...

Jacobs chaired the Social Security Subcommittee - obviously something of little importance to Republicans...

MissouriDemocrat said...

Wilson as a democrat i find my parties consistent defense of a retirement program that fleeces the taxpayer reprehensible. So I was wrong, Jacobs Chaired a Subcommittee on a program that our government can't run efficiently or effectively and that steals every penny it can from the taxpayer. For that I'd not be so proud.

Anonymous said...

Wilson, if after a 1/4 century in U.S. House, when your party has been in the majority the entire time, and you're still not a chairman of a committee, then, by definition, you are a failure.

Gary R. Welsh said...

As I recall, year after year Andy hammered away at that damn notch baby issue--some populist BS about certain people born between two years back in the 1920s getting screwed out of part of their social security benefit. He never succeeded at passing that legislation or virtually anything else he ever sponsored. About the only thing people remember about him was his marriage to some congresswoman from Kansas, who lost her seat because her constituents didn't like the idea of her marrying some congressman from Indiana while she was out in Washington. Isn't Kim Hood his third wife? Governor Matt Welsh's daughter divorced him soon after his first marriage to her.

Fiftysumthin said...

Excellent post, as is the norm I find, and many potent and interesting replies.
Informative and deeply interested responders makes this one of my favorite online sites.

Wilson46201 said...

What the hell does Andy Jacobs marital history have to do with the price of tea in China or the topic of this thread? AdvanceIndiana is always desperately trying to find something, anything, to slam a popularly elected Democratic Congressman!

Go back to peddling your tabloid stories about crack whores and Black Democrats...

MissouriDemocrat said...

Wilson I have never met you, don't know much more about you than what you write and i read from others, but if you represent our Congressman that might be enough to force me to move to Dan Burton's district and I think he is scum.

artfuggins said...

Maybe Myers got confused and filed in California or New York since that is where he has lived for the last 15 to 20 years.

Wilson46201 said...

MissouriDemocrat, your politics are more rural Missouri than big city Indiana - you'd love Danny Burton's boonies!

7th CD guy said...

I hear that another member of the 7th contacted Andre Carson and concerning a problem in the 7th, and Andre HUNG UP ON HIM because he thought the conversation was being listened in on by a third party.
Great representation there! Huh, Wilson?

indyernie said...

Wilson tell the Union members who voted for Andre how he turned his back on them by hanging up on one of their own when asking for help on their behalf.
Andre Carson proves again and again that he is incapable of thinking for himself. The few times he tries, he gets everything wrong and steps on his “Johnson“. Great leadership within the Carson team. Aunt Nancy and Uncle Ted would have listened. Andre Carson refuses to talk on the phone when his constitutes need help, he doesn‘t bother to transfer the call to staff, he just says he won‘t listen and hangs up.
Three Hundred Union members and their families, close to two thousand 7 Th district hoosiers are getting the shaft because Andre Carson thinks someone is out to get him. What a piece of walking BS Andre Carson is.

indyernie said...

"All I know of Mr. Jacobs is he says Andre is the best Indy has to offer. To that I hope his family gets him to Community Norths Psychiatric Pavillion in a hurry. HE IS A DANGER to himself and others."


Damm MD you are one funny guy...and right on target.

Wilson46201 said...

Ernie Shearer himself is the reason for Congressman Carson's distrust of the caller: it was Ernie's sidekick, Gary Jennings.

Mr. Jennings and I have been in communication to get the matter straightened out properly. Shearer was simply screwing things up again as is normal for him ... Being a bully has blowback!

Of course, unions properly despise Shearer's candidate, Jon Elrod, for his anti-labor votes in the Legislature. That's why organized labor enthusiastically endorsed Congressman André Carson.

indyernie said...

"Ernie Shearer himself is the reason for Congressman Carson's distrust of the caller: it was Ernie's sidekick, Gary Jennings."

I had nothing to do with Gary's call or Andre Carson's lazy approach to serving his constituents.
Andre Carson turned his back to these union workers when they needed help and only when brought to the attention of the voters in the 7th district did he re-think his position.
Wilson I wouldn't call a veteran union railroad man and father of two young ladies a "sidekick". Gary is a very bright and caring guy who went to his congressman trying to help others, only to have his congressman Andre Carson hang up on him. What makes Andre Carson think that he can ignore a constituent anyway. Andre Carson is the representative of all citizens in the 7th not just those who supported his campaign with money and votes. Would Jon Elrod, Woody Myers or David O turn their backs on citizens in need? I think not. Andre did a great job by anyone's standards hey Wilson?
You Wilson are the reason for Andre Carson's mistrust. You planted lies and innuendos in so many places that you started believing them yourself. Andre Carson's downfall will be that he isn't bright enough to think for himself. He needs people like you and his Uncle Ted and Aunt Nancy to tell him how to vote and what to think.
For the record, I asked Andre Carson a very simple question and Carson was unable to think on his own long enough to answer without posing a threat. The question was something like this, “If elected will you represent Indiana’s 7th or the DC elite?” We know the answer now. Every vote he’s cast in congress was party line even the tax increase. Andre Carson can’t think on his own and he definitely doesn‘t represent Indiana‘s needs.
Wilson you will help bring this Grandma's boy down just keep doing what you are doing. Please don't stop. The sooner it happens the better for Indianapolis.
So Wilson, please tell us ...are you Andre Carson’s “sidekick”?... or is he yours?

Anonymous said...

Andy Jacobs was a congressman from Indianapolis for 15 terms, or 30 years. Here is a list of what he accomplished:

Ironically, Julia Carson accomplished the same thing in 11 years.