Star editorial cartoonist Gary Varvel is always at his best when someone else is at their worst. His "Dumb and Dumber" take on Marion Co. Clerk Beth White and former Clerk Doris Ann Sadler will resonate with many observers. Varvel blogs today:
I opened up the window and listened very carefully to see if I could hear former Marion County Clerk, Doris Anne Sadler saying, "See, it's not as easy as it looks, is it?" But instead, I heard a voice that sounded a lot like Governor Daniels whispering, "Privatization. Privatize the election." Weird, huh?
Inner circles in Washington don't call it privatization, but rather piratazation. Tis true!
Who did you get that tid bit from? Carson?
got from a former co-worker who now works in the state department.
Believe it or not, but there are some readers and posters to this site who know the inner-workings of the federal government.
And as for Julia Carson...do the posters of this site ever NOT think about her?? Get over your obsession already, it's boring and most intoxicating.
Is it possible that these absentee inspectors were part of a conspiracy?
A week ago, people tried to make political hay that the clerk was calling former Republican insepectors and asking them to serve (seems reasonable to me), and then we have all these absentees?
Is it possible that there was an organized effort to sabotage an election?
No need to "privatize" the election.
Just do what Oregon has done and let us all vote by mail! They've got 86 percent turnout -- and don't have to find hordes of the unemployed to work 14 hours for $70 in polling places!
I'm a Democratic party volunteer, and have been for 30 years. I got a call asking me to go help collect cards that inspectors failed to return (this happens every year). The election board asked for 5 D's and 5 R's to go help. The 5 D's showed up right on time at the warehouse. We are still waiting for the 5 R's.
The conspiracy theory might not be too far off...
At my precinct (2-1) no Republican workers whatsoever showed up on Election Day. First time ever! Most peculiar...
"At my precinct (2-1) no Republican workers whatsoever showed up on Election Day. First time ever! Most peculiar..."
A simple request may have helped. Ms White has admitted that she did not ask for help from the R's.
This is simply a mess that transpired when the D's decided that they were capable of doing it themselves.
I know of numerous retirees who were willing to help and volunteered, but were not called. I volunteered and was not called. A friend went to training was treated like dirt by the D's but served anyway out of spite. The D's got what they wanted total control and they screwed it up.
Simple Simons make terrible organizers.
>And as for Julia Carson...do the posters of this site ever NOT think about her??
I almost never think of her. She is my so-called "representative," but since I never ever see or hear from her, it's pretty hard to keep her in mind.
Nonetheless, I thought 9:00 a.m. had a pretty good point. "Piratazation" does sound like something Carson would say. But she wouldn't have said to be clever or cute. That's just the way she talks, isn't it?
"At my precinct (2-1) no Republican workers whatsoever showed up on Election Day. First time ever! Most peculiar..."
Basic Hoosier election law: One Party gets to provide the Inspector but each Party is required to provide a Clerk and a Judge for each precinct. It's not a matter of 'requesting' - it's a matter of statutory provisions to ensure a 'fair and balanced' election. As I said, NO Republican workers whatsoever as required by statute showed up at my precinct. Did the GOP purposely try to torpedo this election or are they just so disorganized they couldnt provide the legally mandated precinct workers?
Inquiring minds want to know!
Simple Simons what a great term for these morons. Wilson you can shout from the rooftops, won't matter. This won't be over until White's head rolls. Your team screwed up, take the heat like a man.
"Take the heat like a man. "
Thats the problem, isnt it? He's a queen. I'm not bigoted towards all homosexuals, Wilson. Just hypocritical, smarmy ones, such as yourself.
When logic and reason fail, the bigots always attack using sexual orientation ... kinda feeble, really.
"When logic and reason fail,"
Like when the democrats failed at managing the election?
Logic, the science of corrects reasoning.
Reason, exercise the mind.
One would think that a political party that has been around for 150 plus years could use "Logic" and "Reason" to insure that an election ran correctly.
Beth White and the democrat party should have planned for the worst and implemented a back up plan.
The democrat party needs to ask for help when necessary and stop making excuses, they have control.
Wilson its time to quit blaming the republicans for this mess, you and your party should accept blame and take the criticism without excuses.
A precinct election officer or public official who knowingly fails to perform their job commits a Class D felony.
Why isn't Ed Treacy standing with Wilson in the media spotlight demanding CRIMINAL charges???????
If the above anonytroll kept up on the news, it would know that Ed Treacy is retired from active political leadership ... Mike O'Connor is the current Democratic Party chair.
You dont have to buy the newspaper, it's free at the library or online -- AM/FM newscasts can be heard on a $10 radio. Stay informed!
"If the above anonytroll kept up on the news, it would know that Ed Treacy is retired from active political leadership ..."
So hypocrisy ceases to exist when one retires?
I think not, he still carries weight in local politics.
I think that it is a valid question, care to respond?
Ed Treacy's political career consisted of making his wife a judge! She is unqualified but she is political...that is all that really matters. It really makes no difference what party Rep. or Dem. the Judges of Marion County are a complete joke. Grant Hawkins just let a killer go free and we have an arrogant, racist as Juvenils Court Judge! Marilyn Moores? Who selected this fool?
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