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Onyango Obama (left), reputed Kenyan uncle of President Barack Obama (AP Photo) |
After Onyango testified at his immigration hearing recently that President Obama had lived with him briefly in Boston when he started attending Harvard Law School back in the 1980s, the White House was confronted with the inconsistent statements. White House spokesman Jay Carney now claims there was a miscommunication that resulted from the failure of the White House staff to consult with Obama prior to releasing the statement last year claiming that the two had never met. "The president did stay with him for a brief period of time until his apartment was ready. After that, they saw each other once every few months, but after law school they fell out of touch. The president has not seen him in 20 years, has not spoken with him in 10."
The claim that the two had never met seemed dubious from the beginning given that Obama also had a reputed aunt from Kenya living in Boston, Zeituni Onyango. The aunt also obtained permanent resident status during Obama's first term despite having lived in the U.S. illegally for decades, while living in public housing and drawing welfare benefits. She attended Obama's first inauguration. A federal immigration judge allowed her to remain in the U.S. and become a permanent resident despite prior orders of deportation against her as well based on the claim that her illegal status had been improperly disclosed by a Department of Homeland Security employee during the 2008 presidential election for political purposes. As with his uncle, Obama also claimed he had no idea his aunt was living in the U.S. illegally.
My theory is that Obama and the White House are still lying about Obama's relationship with Zeituni and Onyango, and that every effort must be made to keep these two "family members" happy to avoid blowing his cover. This is based on my belief that the biographical narrative identifying Barack Obama from Kenya as his biological father is total fiction. I don't believe that he is a blood relative to any members of the Obama family from Kenya. There is absolutely no family resemblance, and the elder Obama never accorded himself in any manner that would indicate that he was either married to Obama's reputed mother, Stanley A. Dunham, conveniently the same alias used by her reputed father, a CIA asset assigned to handle the elder Obama while he was on a student exchange program sponsored by the CIA at the University of Hawaii in Honolulu, or that he was the father of her child.
Unearthed INS records of the elder Obama's time in the U.S. disclosed some filings he made with the agency after leaving Hawaii to attend Harvard where he didn't even bother to claim Dunham as his wife or Obama as his son, and that at least one INS official who reviewed his file questioned the bona fides of the couple's marriage. His mother's passport records showed a different name for the young Obama than had ever previously been disclosed. Her earlier passport records from the 1960s conveniently disappeared altogether, supposedly as a part of normal public records destruction that took place during the 1980s.
Obama's mother was supposedly given the name Stanley Ann Dunham due to her father's disappointment that her mother, Madelyn Dunham, gave birth to a daughter rather than a son. She supposedly used the name "Ann" rather than Stanley because of the embarrassment of being given a boy's name. Like her father, Madelyn was also a CIA asset assigned to work at the Bank of Hawaii where she was allegedly responsible for laundering money used to propagate American influence in the Asian-Pacific region. Madelyn's death in Hawaii coincided with the date of his election as president in 2008. Obama's mother used several aliases during her life just like her son. Although the fake Obama biographical narrative tells us that she died in 1995 from ovarian cancer, it is quite possible she is still alive today living under a different alias. It's noteworthy that photo analysts have determined that virtually every family photo of the man when he was younger, like his birth certificate, was photoshopped.
One of my working theories is that Elizabeth Duke, a member of Bill Ayers' terrorist Weather Underground organization responsible for bombing multiple federal buildings during the late 1970s and early 1980s, is Obama's biological mother. Like Ayers, she is Jewish, which is a bit ironic since that would make him the first Jewish president as opposed to the first Muslim president based on the erroneous claim that he is the son of the elder Barack Obama, a Muslim. Despite being on the lam for 20 years after she skipped bail on a multi-count indictment against her for her role in several bombings, putting her on the FBI's most wanted list, the Obama Justice Department filed paperwork to dismiss the charges and bench warrant for her arrest only months after he took office in 2009. Nobody has appeared to be able to track down the whereabouts of Elizabeth Duke, suggesting she is living under a different alias and remains in regular contact with Obama. One possibility is Jo Ann Newman. It's anybody's guess who his real father is when it's so difficult to pin down his mother.
Duke was obviously an associate of Ayers, who now admits that he ghost wrote Obama's fictional autobiography, "Dreams From My Father." Ayers' father, Tom Ayers, was the CEO of Commonwealth Edison and served on the board of directors of General Dynamics with former Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld. Ayers also served on G.D. Searle's board when Rumsfeld served as its CEO. According to the Ayers' mailman in their Glen Ellyn neighborhood, he met a college-aged Obama while delivering mail to their home one day many years prior to Obama's claim that he did not meet Ayers until he and Michelle moved into the same neighborhood on Chicago's south side and Ayers and Dohrn agreed to host his first fundraiser for him when he decided to run for the Illinois Senate in 1996.
I've always had a difficult time buying into the meme that Bill Ayers and his wife, Bernadine Dohrn, were true left-wing terrorists given that both grew up in well-established, connected Jewish families and were highly-educated. The Weather Underground had been infiltrated by the CIA, and the two were likely working under cover for the CIA as part of an effort to radicalize and turn public opinion against the anti-Vietnam War movement. Ayers has boasted in the past of his skill at creating phony documents for Weather Underground members, including birth certificates and passports, just as Duke was accused of doing in her federal indictment. Along with Bill's father, the couple played a key role in grooming Obama for much bigger things. I don't know how accurate my theories about his true identity are, but I know for certain that the biography spoon fed to the American public by the mainstream media is a total fabrication. It's always a work in progress. What is clear is that the American people still haven't a clue who this man really is.
Oy veh! Your speculation has become meshuga.
Eyes wide shut!
Somebody other than the listed father on the birth certificate being Obama's father is exactly as likely as someone other than the listed father on the birth certificate being Mitt Romney's father or, for that matter, your father or my father or George Washington's father or Senator Cruz's father---and who, the #@*%$#@!*!, cares?
It's been a long time since you've paid us a visit, Strauss. It's good to see you're still a loyal Obot. We've never seen the actual birth records filed in Hawaii, only bad forgeries, so we can only speculate on what is in those records. It's not uncommon for someone other than the actual father to be listed on the birth certificate. John Edwards] staffer, Andrew Young, publicly claimed to be the father of his boss' lovechild originally before eventually admitting that he agreed to act as the father in order to cover up the fact that Edwards was the true father. You've been living under a rock if you don't know that this sort of thing happens all the time. Similar questions have been raised about who Bill Clinton's real father is. Blythe died months before his birth while on the road far away from home working as a traveling salesman. Clinton's mother was a white trash whore who slept with anything that moved. Some believe Winthrop Rockefeller knocked up Virginia during a trip to Hot Springs, which is why he decided to move from New York to Arkansas and become a political force there, paving the way for you first-born son.
Re: “We've never seen the actual birth records filed in Hawaii, only bad forgeries..”
Answer: Naturally birthers CLAIM that Obama’s birth certificate is forged. They hate him---that is why they claim it, but the fact that they claim it does not make it true. It isn’t.
Re: “. It's not uncommon for someone other than the actual father to be listed on the birth certificate. “
Answer: Yes, I believe a DNA survey some years ago indicates that it is 8%---so what?
Re: “You've been living under a rock if you don't know that this sort of thing happens all the time.”
No, as I said above, it happens 8% of the time (maybe I got it wrong and it is 9% or 5% or whatever, still-------so what?)
Re: “Similar questions have been raised about who Bill Clinton's real father is. “
Same answer—---so what? Who was George Washington’s real father? Who was Ronald Reagan’s real father? Who was Churchill’s real father? Who is YOUR real father? Who cares?
Getting back to the loony claim that Obama’s birth certificate is forged:
Only birther “experts” have called Obama’s birth certificate forged, and they have not shown that they are even experts, much less fair and impartial. Those are two reasons why they are not believed by Ann Coulter, Glenn Beck or the National Review (or by Mitt Romney or Paul Ryan or Gingrich or Santorum or Huckabee).
One proof that Obama’s birth certificate is not forged is Obama’s short-form birth certificate.
Short-form birth certificates are created by a clerk reading the information from the document in the file, and filling out the computer form that generates the printed short-form birth certificate. The officials in Hawaii have confirmed that they sent a short-form to Obama. So, unless they are lying—and they were Republican officials–the only way that Obama’s birth certificate could have been forged was that it was forged in 2007 and slipped into the file just before the clerk looked at the file. That is not very likely, is it? And it is especially unlikely since at the time Obama was not even the candidate of the Democrats. He was still in the primaries at the time, and he was only a junior senator from Illinois.
If you check the statements the Department of Health issued regarding his birth in Hawaii, you will note that they were always careful to confine their statement to an assertion that a record of his birth was in their files; they never said what was in that record or whether the purported birth certificates presented by Daily Kos and others, or the long-form presented by the White House three years later was an authentic document produced by their office. My criminal law professor from law school, Henry Karlson, a former JAG officer, probably had it right when he told me that if the truth is ever revealed, the public will learn that the child identified in the Hawaii birth record is not the same child who came to Hawaii from Indonesia many years later. For God's sakes, Bill Ayers boasts about how masterfully he combed public records to create new identities for people for whom he successfully obtained social security numbers, birth certificates, U.S. passports, driver's licenses, etc. The CIA as a matter of course creates false documents for their agents and family members to protect their cover. Once you stop denying the fact that this man came from a family of known CIA agents and worked for a known CIA front company in his first job out of college, you must concede that anything is possible.
The people you name who refuse to question the narrative are spineless souls who are more concerned about maintaining their seal of approval with the state-run media. All of the people you name have a paycheck they don't want to see terminated or a political career to protect from the wrath that will be brought down on them if they don't carefully toe the line. Fox News threatened to terminate Sean Hannity's contract if he uttered another word questioning the Obama family narrative. Why? Because a Saudi prince, Prince Alwaleed bin Talal, who is employed by the CIA, is now the largest shareholder of Fox News' parent corporation, News Corp. You've apparently never read about Operation Mockingbird. The program lives on, bigger and stronger than ever.
Re: “If you check the statements the Department of Health issued regarding his birth in Hawaii, you will note that they were always careful to confine their statement to an assertion that a record of his birth was in their files; “
Boy are YOU ever out of date. See the two confirmations in which the officials from Hawaii confirmed that the facts, all the facts, MATCH:
(There also is the public Index Data file and the birth notices sent to the Hawaii newspapers in 1961 by the DOH of Hawaii, and only the DOH could send birth notices to that section of the paper, and it only did so for births IN Hawaii.)
REPLYING TO: “My criminal law professor from law school, Henry Karlson, a former JAG officer, probably had it right when he told me that if the truth is ever revealed, the public will learn that the child identified in the Hawaii birth record is not the same child who came to Hawaii from Indonesia many years later.”
If he really said that, and I really doubt it, then he or you could answer this question, and I bet you can’t:
For Obama to have been born in a foreign country:
(1) Obama’s relatives would have had to have been rich enough (and they weren’t. In 1961 Obama’s grandfather was a furniture salesman, and his grandmother was a low-level employee in a bank [she did not become a vice president until 1971], and his father went from Kenya to Hawaii on a free flight) and dumb enough to send their daughter at high risk of stillbirth to a foreign country to give birth—-—despite there being fine hospitals in Hawaii;
(2) Obama’s mother would have had to have traveled overseas ALONE (since WND has proven with a FOI Act request that Obama senior stayed in Hawaii throughout 1961) and somehow got Obama back to the USA without getting him entered on her US passport or getting a visa for him (which would have had to have been applied for in a US consulate in that country and the records would still exist);
(3) got the officials in Hawaii to record his birth in Hawaii despite (as birthers claim) his being born in another country and somehow got the teacher who wrote home to her father, named Stanley, about the birth in Hawaii of a child to a woman named Stanley to lie (and since the woman’s father’s name really was Stanley, she would have had to have found one of the very few women with fathers of that name to do it).
If you sincerely believe that Obama could have been born in a foreign country, then you could answer all three points. For Obama to have been born in a foreign country, all three would have had to have happened.
So, the question is, what are the chances that all three happened?
Re: “Once you stop denying the fact that this man came from a family of known CIA agents and worked for a known CIA front company in his first job out of college, you must concede that anything is possible.”
Some nuts think that Obama worked for the KGB. Some nuts think that Obama, and his family, worked for the CIA. Neither has any evidence. BOTH claims are stupid because who would pick a family with socialist leanings to work for the CIA. The KGB also would not pick such a family because, having a mixed-race child makes you stand out, and spies are supposed to blend in.
Oh, and Obama’s birth certificate is not forged, and the birther sites that have claimed it have not shown all the real experts that have said that it is not forged, nor have they even tried to answer this:
The passport records that would show whether she left Hawaii with young Barry when she immigrated to Indonesia with Lolo Soetoro, her reputed second husband, were destroyed. We don't know that they would have shown. Hawaii has the most lax laws in the country for obtaining a birth certificate. A parent can walk into the Dept. of Health, fill out an affidavit and obtain a birth certificate for a child. It's common knowledge that Asians who immigrated to Hawaii easily obtained birth certificates for children who were born outside the country. The only record of the birth announcement in the newspapers were found on microfiche. Persons who examined the microfiche reel on which that birth announcement was found showed signs of tampering. If you know what you're doing, it's a cinch to walk into the public library, stick a microfiche reel in your pocket, walk out, splice in the information you want to add to the microfiche and return it to its place. The person who doctored the microfiche then places a phone call to a friendly person in the media and points them to the archived record. It's that simple. A falsified "unofficial" record becomes an authentic record. The birth announcement suggested they were living as husband and wife when we now know that she had left Hawaii and moved to Seattle where she was attending classes at the University of Washington in September of the same year Barry was supposedly born. They never lived together as husband and wife. That's a fact, notwithstanding Neil Abercrombie's total lies about seeing the three of them together frequently when Barry was a small child. When she finally returned to Hawaii, BO had already left for Harvard.
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