Saturday, June 06, 2015

WRTV Uses Carl Brizzi As Legal Expert On Jury Selection For Richmond Hills Explosion Case

WRTV is using former Marion Co. Prosecutor Carl Brizzi as a legal expert in its coverage of the Richmond Hills explosion case of Mark Leonard. Brizzi says he thinks it was a good strategy for defense lawyers to mention in front of jurors the allegation their client had tried to hire a hitman to kill a witness. Potential jurors found that information too difficult to look past in rendering judgment so the trial court judge dismissed the entire first pool of potential jurors during the jury selection process playing out in a South Bend courtroom. Brizzi likes the defense lawyer's strategy:
"What was interesting was that, prior to what occurred this week during jury selection, with that allegation being let out there, the defense had struggled mightily, but failed, to keep that fact from the jury," Brizzi said. "So the defense says, OK, fine, if it's going to come into evidence, then we have to make sure the jury knows about it and they can separate that fact out from whether or not he committed the arson."
Laying aside the wisdom of WRTV relying on Brizzi as an expert, regular Advance Indiana readers will recall that one of the reasons former Secretary of State Charlie White proffered in support of his contention he received ineffective counsel in his vote fraud case where Brizzi represented him was Brizzi's decision to attempt jury nullification during the jury selection process by asking potential jurors if someone guilty of a technical violation of a law seldom prosecuted should be found not guilty for that reason alone. White's argument, so far unsuccessful in the appeals process, contends Brizzi poisoned the jury pool by implying his guilt before the trial commenced.


  1. Anonymous6:39 AM GMT-5

    Glenda Ritz had her campaign's announcement outside the St. Joseph County
    CourtHouse yesterday afternoon during jury selection. She must have thought
    since the Indpls TV and satellite trucks were already at the CourtHouse for the trial, try to take advantage of the media gathered there.

  2. Anonymous7:09 AM GMT-5

    I don't know where in the state you could find anyone who hasn't heard of this case and the murder of a young, innocent couple. Honestly, this was national news and my family around the country all heard about the story.

    If they want to plea bargain let's make it simple: THROW AWAY THE KEY.

  3. Anonymous7:27 AM GMT-5

    I have no interest in what Carl Brizzi has to say. If he comes on WRTV while I’m watching I will change the channel. Carl Brizzi defines bad lawyering. I hardly think he is in a position to offer worthwhile analysis to the public. Particularly when that analysis has already shown praise for tainting the jury pool like that is acceptable legal gamesmanship. Brizzi may have a notorious background because of all the whoreing with Durham. But I hardly think that overcomes his legal shortcomings. The public relies on WRTV for competent news coverage of this very important trial. There isn’t room for Brizzi at this table. Its a producer’s gimmick. And its in bad taste.

  4. I thought Brizzi was going to London for a pay back job? And his role with FSSA over the years covering up numbers of children's deaths with Payne at the helm hiding his own son's matters and Brizzi's ex wife running a call center probably owned by Sen Turner or Kenley or the other group of thugs Brizzi and Mitch Daniels and Roob set up to make money off the lives of kids. Golfing and driking. False lawyering. Fraud, corruption and more. Durham, land deals and more.
    Channel 6-Indy 11 too? What is happening to you?

  5. I remember writing on my blog about him being hired just days of his term ending in 2011 as a commentator for Wish-TV. Wonder what made them kick him to the curb?

  6. Anonymous3:35 PM GMT-5

    Brizzi, Ab dull, Dirty Sanchez, The vultures circle slowly over the city. Lawyers no, opportunist yes.

  7. Anonymous8:50 PM GMT-5

    And time for wrtv to let go of Angie from the LIST...
