Saturday, June 06, 2015

Why Is The Indianapolis Star Promoting The Consumption Of Alcohol So Much?

I don't know if this is a sign of getting old, but I find it offensive the degree to which the Gannett-owned Indianapolis Star is constantly touting the consumption of alcohol. Every time a new business opens that offers micro-brewed beer, or distilled wine or spirit products, The Star prominently promotes a story about it on the homepage of its website. I have no objection to people consuming alcohol, but I find it disturbing how much its use is glamorized the same way cigarette smoking once was in this country. Businesses with licenses to sell alcohol are popping up everywhere you go in this city. You can't get away from it. They're selling it in virtually every drug store, convenience store and grocery store, in addition to what remains of the neighborhood liquor store. Even the City Market now sells alcohol. Virtually no eating establishments other than fast food joints open up for business now without a license to sell alcohol. Alcoholism is a serious health problem for many folks, and the over-consumption of it by so many people makes our streets and highways a much more dangerous place to be. How do you convince young people it's not okay to consume alcohol when its use is so prominently promoted by our media today? Is it not a fair question to ask The Star to explain why it feels promoting alcohol consumption is a good thing for the public?


  1. In Chicago Taco Bell is experimenting with frozen daquri type drinks.

  2. Anonymous4:34 PM GMT-5

    Last year It was Sun King every weekend to the point I questioned if Gannet owned a share of that biz. Now I think we're basically seeing so many press releases published in lieu of news that it only appears the paper is written by hipster alcoholic twenty two year olds. Obviously no editor exists for the online content, or he/she has a drinking problem?

  3. Anonymous7:00 PM GMT-5

    Alcohol advertising money talks and BS walks, as usual!

    Some of us are still wondering why cigarettes are all but illegal while marijuana becomes legal and acceptable. Something does not pass the smell test in either case.

  4. People speak in codes.

    Alcohol = sex.

    In an age where everyone is trying to get laid with no social skills, alcohol eases the way for mating and companionship.

    If you got laid out of a bar, your experience of that bar, and the city in which it resides, is going to be positive.

  5. When I halted my alcohol intake a little less than two years ago, I immediately noticed how the culture of drinking is extremely prevalent. Apparently one cannot have fun without a drink in one's hand.

  6. Anonymous6:24 AM GMT-5

    Why don't we get together and discuss this over some cocktails?

  7. Anonymous7:23 AM GMT-5

    Push how "acceptable" alcohol is and marijuana will be next. With that said, I know someone who lives in Denver and bartenders are quitting out there because the patrons are just sitting there stoned out of their minds.

    Slippery slope...
