Monday, December 06, 2010

Shootout Between Rap Groups At 300 East

When former Center Township Trustee Carl Drummer announced several years ago he was giving space in the Julia Carson Government Center to a group of Center Township Democratic cronies to operate a restaurant/bar, he said the establishment with "white table cloths" was needed to provide an upscale professional eatery where African-American professionals could meet to network in the inner city. Drummer would later resign his job to become a lobbyist working with one of the establishment's investors, Lacy Johnson of Ice Miller, whose law firm also represents Center Township. Over the weekend, the Star's John Tuohy reports on a shootout that happened in the establishment's parking lot after an argument between two rap groups, one of which was performing at 300 East:

Police were investigating a fight and gunplay between members of two rap groups on the Northside this morning.

Police said at least 14 shots were fired from three guns but no one was injured by the bullets.

The members of one of the groups said they had played at 300 East Restaurant, 300 E. Fall Creek Dr., Sunday night when they were confronted by another group that also played that night, according to an Indianapolis Metro police report. The restaurant is located in the Julia Carson Government Center.

They said about 30 to 40 people were waiting for them in the parking lot and began beating them.

At some point, the victims said, several members of the rap group pulled out guns and started shooting. Two members of the complaining rap group said their cars were struck.

Police found several shell casing from different guns at the scene.

No arrest had been made.
I wasn't aware that 300 East's liquor license allowed it to have performances by live bands. Real classy establishment we have in our government building, eh?

UPDATE: This comment on the Star's website says it all:

Prior to the shootings they described the event on Facebook: " 300 East Tonight is the Indy Rap 1 year anniversary party." Prior to the controversial restaurant and bar in Marion County opening for business, opponents raised concerns about alcohol being served in a publicly-owned building.

It was described in public hearings as a family-style restaurant and bar without live music. "This is not a nightclub and it is not what it is intended to be," said Tim Ochs, attorney. That was the message to the Metropolitan Development Commission which considered a zoning variance to allow the new business to open in the Julia Carson Government Center.

Those against the project said it was the wrong business. "The people in the community do not want this project," said Darla Williams.

A major concern for opponents is putting in a restaurant and bar in a publicly owned building. "I believe it would be unwise policy and a poor precedent to locate a bar in a publicly owned and operated office building where the public's business is conducted," said Clark Kahloe, opponent.

The investment group behind 300 East put in approximately $500,000 in renovations and includes businessman Bill Mays who appeared frustrated over the concerns from opponents. "I don't know why we are making a big deal out of quote what we call a bar. 300 East is described as a restaurant and bar similar to an Applebees and will close 10:00 pm during the week and midnight on the weekend.
You may recall Bill Mays was also the controversial owner of the Savoy nightclub on the far northside that Councilor Angela Mansfield fought so hard to get closed because of various criminal activities associated with the establishment, including drugs and prostitution. You can learn more about the controversial 300 East establishment by clicking here and here.


  1. Isn't this Bar connected to the same people who owned The Savoy and Club Level? All notorious for gunfire and violence.

    300 East is a Nuisance! I have seen Fall Creek blocked by the idiots at events there before when trying to come home from a downtown event.

    Just why any government body thinks it should be landlord to a bar shows how arrogant the Township Government people actually are! Township Government is not created to make money, be a real estate developer, or barkeeper.

    The corruption of Center Township goes way back, has been the focus of many news reports in the past and still our legislature has not eliminated this unnecessary layer of government.

    Rappers rage war at a bar in a Government Building! This should have every taxPAYER outraged!

  2. I think we should demand this establishment on taxpayer property is closed immediately, as it is not safe from acts of homegrown terrorism.

    Where's Homeland Security in this matter?

  3. Yet another argument for abolishing Indiana's antiquated township trustee system, eh?
