Saturday, October 14, 2006

City Parks Official Says Monon Attack "Unusual"

The Star catches up with a brutal attack on GLBT activist Darrell Arthur on the Monon Trail eight days ago. Arthur was brutally beaten, robbed and left for dead in a nearby pile of rubble while riding his bicycle on the Monon Trail a week ago Friday about 8:00 p.m. "Kristin Weaver, a spokeswoman for Indy Parks and Recreation, said the robbery was highly unusual," reported Cordell Eddings. She reports police have little to go on with no witnesses and Arthur's inability to identify his attackers. Weaver apparently thinks Arthur's attack wouldn't have happened if he hadn't been riding his bike after dark. "We encourage people to follow the trail rules, (to use them) between dawn and dusk, and to use the trail with others."


  1. This is a terrible thing, and I hope they find the thugs who did it. But, the rules are posted.

    However, wouldn't common sense tell you not to ride after dark, alone, in that part of town? Rules or no rules?

  2. Heaven forbid law-abiding people like Darrell be able to carry a weapon in a park to protect themselves. Since bans on guns keep guns out of the park, maybe we should have a park rule about mugging people?

  3. I think the article explained that Darrell got held up helping someone, which made his trip home a little later than normal.

  4. "held up" is an unfortunate double entrre.

    Anyone got an injury report? This guy has our thoughts and prayers.
