Wednesday, April 27, 2016

Cruz Throws Hail Mary Pass: Naming Carly Fiorina As His Running Mate

Apparently Ted Cruz' big announcement in Indianapolis this afternoon is about naming Carly Fiorina as his vice presidential running mate should lightning strike and he becomes the Republican nominee for president this year. Fiorina endorsed Cruz after her own presidential campaign fizzled before the race barely got underway this year. She has accompanied him frequently on the campaign trail over the past couple of months.


  1. Anonymous1:33 PM GMT-5

    I don't think he honestly intends to have Fiorina as his running mate. Fiorina has essentially agreed to be "used" by Cruz's handlers as one time deal for Indiana only. As we recall from a year ago Fiorina made headlines when she went after Tim Cook at Apple over remarks he made about Indian's RFRA fiasco. Fiorina called him out on his hypocrisy and pledged her support or Indiana's RFRA even while Pence dumped on then evangelicals by rescinding RFRA.
    This is clearly a ploy by Cruz to gather the white female evangelical voter base of the GOP in Indiana in spite of the fact that Pence and his fellow GOP big wigs sold that same group of voters out.
    Pay close attention in the coming days to the content of Cruz's ads directed at the evangelicals to understand what I'm saying. Cruz and his people have no intention of allowing Fiorina as VP of choice. This is all a publicity stunt directed towards the evangelicals whom Cruz would sell out just like Pence when it suits his ambitions.

  2. Anonymous2:39 PM GMT-5

    I cringe at Carly being VP. No matter how you slice it, her work at HP wasn't that great. You can claim the tech bubble, etc, etc, but HP has never been a good company and this was before mobile was around. Furthermore, as an EX-CEO, after HP she never really rebounded to another company. It's hard to say she is qualified, and Ted Cruz is pretty amateur like Rubio. At least Trump has experience running a business or had business involvement like Mitch Daniels.

    I'd like to see Trump grab Mike Huckabee or Rick Santorum for VP, he could appeal to the evangelicals that he lost to Cruz.

  3. Anonymous2:41 PM GMT-5

    Hmmmm, this on the heels of the $500K payment to Carly's PAC. I wonder what Amanda Carpenter thinks about all this. No, not really. I don't care. I'm confident that Cruz is Throughz. Carly, too. Amanda, ditto. Good riddance. Real conservatives don't keep blacklists.

  4. Anonymous3:51 PM GMT-5

    whatever 133 pm. Makes me like him more. I mean, I have to vote for someone and I like Carly so why not? I should vote for the LIAR Hillary? Socialist Bernie? Boisterous Trump???


  5. Anonymous4:11 PM GMT-5

    Huckabee and Santorum have established their crazy creds and should vanish into the mist from whence they crawled.

  6. leon dixon4:22 PM GMT-5

    If politics makes for strange bedfellows at least he got the gender right. No one gets the perfect candidate but a Cruz/Carly ticket indicates his good judgement. It isn't often that intellect is elevated in the Republican Party. I am pretty sure that the next President will be reviled and blamed for the house of cards that serial lying, buying, and trying have created and that cannot be continued. For instance, what is the annual cost of $20 trillion at 5%? It is roughly the total amount of "discretionary" spending that our Congress has....since those enemies of the public put everything else on auto pilot. If, instead of the media" number of $20 trillions you add in the unfunded obligations and promises you can multiply that interest cost by a factor of five or six. It is why Mitch calmly tells folks that math is the problem (These examples are not from Common Core) and that if we are going to pay our debts then we'd best figure out how. I'd add that digging the hole deeper suggests that we have no intention of ever paying those debts or those unfunded obligations-at least none of the clowns we have elected have any intention of so doing. Carly, if given a free hand, would reduce government costs by billions and knows how to do it. I will ask Amanda about the 500 K-that is a good question.

  7. Anonymous4:44 PM GMT-5

    No, Cruz will not drop Fiorina after Indiana's primary. Rafael's last stand is in California and Carly has name recognition in Palo Alto although maybe not all that positive. Pence's heart must have sank when he learned the Senator selected Fibbin' Fiorina over his alter ego. Talk about nails on the blackboard - can Trump match him with Palin?

  8. leon dixon7:15 PM GMT-5 The spokesperson, Conway, is well respected and a smart lady. The Turnip Truck driver says that there may have been other reasons as well and you probably know some of them, however, dispelling the idea that Republicans are always the stupid party might have been worth $500,000 all by itself. A lot of people found Carly's reasonings and manner attractive and resented not hearing from her. They were served up republican fools, Jeb, John, Chris, Hucksterbee, et al who had nothing to say that anyone wanted to hear.

  9. Fiorina's an excellent choice & Bob Knight's endorsement is equally good for DT. These options are a quantum-improvement over what we've suffered under idiot statists...

  10. "I'd like to see Trump grab Mike Huckabee or Rick Santorum for VP, he could appeal to the evangelicals that he lost to Cruz."

    I think Huckabee would be an excellent choice for vice president.

  11. Cruz isn't polling well with evangelicals. That's another media lie. The states he's won, with the exception of his home state and its northern neighbor, are not evangelical strongholds. I would like to see a westerner and a woman, someone hard on immigration and solid on trade. Santorum is a great pick but he's too regional. It makes the ticket all NE. Huckabee, well, I like Mike but he's not the right guy. Jan Brewer or somebody from one of the Rocky Mountain states who's hard on illegal immigration and anti-TPP is his best bet. Trump needs a running mate who broadens his national appeal in the region of the country he's done the worst in while satisfying ideological conservatives that he's one of them while not turning off the millions of crossover voters who will choose him over the wicked witch. He'll win the South regardless...even Texas, though look for Hillary to tap a Texan (Castro) and try to put the state in play. She may need it if she has any chance because Trump's gonna win an awful lot of states Dems are counting on, just like Reagan did.

  12. Anonymous8:35 AM GMT-5

    We would love to see Huckabee brought back out for political parade. Perhaps we can also recycle those old 1980's Willie Horton commericals as well.

    Wasn't it Governor Huckabee who pardoned a serial rapiest Wayne DuMond, the guy who later committed rape and murder in Missouri?

    And who can forget another Huckabee pardon of Maurice Clemmons, again, because of Jesus or some other relgious reason. Clemmons went on a murdered 4 Seattle policemen after his release.

    Sure, bring Huckabee along as VP. Hillary would gladly approve of this.

  13. Anonymous8:29 PM GMT-5

    Cruze and Fiorina are the two candidates I despise most. Both far-right wing nut jobs that believe all Americans should be forced to live by their extremely narrow view of religion. I'm not sure Fiorina ever made a truthful statement in any debate, it was all spin or complete falsities. And Boehner's comments about Cruze today were outstanding!

  14. Roger Stone called that one right too.
