Thursday, January 28, 2010

Daniels Says Massa Is Best Choice For Prosecutor

An endorsement from the Governor doesn't get much better than what Gov. Mitch Daniels told FOX 59 News today about the prospect of his chief legal counsel, Mark Massa, becoming the Republican candidate for Marion Co. Prosecutor.

1 comment:

  1. If Massa is what Daniels wants then Daniels needs to be the TRUE leader people tout him to be and some of his influence peddling friends need to go to jail.

    The Marion County Prosecutor now in office knows who they are and so does the Governor.

    If Mitch Daniels wants to be a NATIONAL leader of a country that is railing up against the same messes in Washington then he might want to make some calls to his wealthy friends that he has no choice but to direct Mr. Massa to clean up the Marion County Prosecutor's Office that also controls the oversight of the State activity in Indianapolis.

    When Mr. Massa opens the files of corruption that have been closed and hidden away he will have to make a decision. Be a leader and have Daniels clear the way for the clean up or sell his soul to the same arrogant, indecent, manipulative people in control today.

    Mr. Massa and Governor Daniel's if this is what you want with Mr. Massa as the Prosecutor than stand up lead, call the Democrats and Republicans that you know have robbed the cupboards bare of common sense and legal business dealings and tell them they are on their own.

    You will take some hits from your "friends" that have used the system to become wealthy and intimidating influencers but the real people will see your real leadership!

    Governor you grew tired of Capitol Hill and the politicians that would not listen to your leadership. This is your chance to make a difference in Indiana and the nation.

    Lead with Mr. Massa and clean the mess up. The insulation of the corruption is falling away and if Mr. Massa opens the drawers and files he needs to act or neither one of you will be any different than Mr. Brizzi and all the others currently being investigated.

    It is your defining moment in Indiana history. The Feds will have someone for the courts. You know that far better than anyone. Too much money is being spent to sweep the information already out in the open.

    Lead, lead, lead and clean up the mess. Some of us little people would help you!
