Saturday, April 29, 2006

GOP Meltdown In Vanderburgh County

The fallout from the flap in Vanderburgh County over tampering with a candidate's entry on the GOP's Voter Vault database has now cost GOP Chairman Brent Grafton his job. The Evansville Courier & Press reports:

Embroiled in controversy over the unauthorized alteration of a state legislator's profile in a national Republican database, Vanderburgh County GOP Chairman Brent Grafton has resigned, effective immediately.

Grafton, who did not return telephone messages seeking comment, was blasted by his interim successor as party chairman.

"He hasn't done (anything)," GOP Vice Chairman Connie Carrier said. "All he's done is create a humongous mess."

Carrier called Grafton a "huge disappointment" who left party workers in the lurch by disappearing for days at a time this week while they were struggling to meet a state law's requirement that they produce nearly 400 Republican poll workers for Tuesday's primary. "We're doing fine without him," Carrier said.
Grafton has been under fire since it was learned that he gave the password to the national GOP Voter Vault database to several party members, including Rep. Suzanne Crouch's primary opponent Jonathan Fulton. Someone altered Crouch's entry to indicate that she was pro-choice rather than the pro-life position she claims.

It is interesting that Vanderburgh Co. Republicans, like Marion Co. Republicans, are struggling to find poll workers on election day while Democrats seem to have accomplished this task. You would think the Republicans, having won back the Governor's office after 16 years out of power, would have a little less trouble finding volunteers. People must not be interested in getting a state job like they once were.

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