Saturday, April 23, 2016

Yikes! Only 100 Show Up To See Ted Cruz In Plainfield

Ted Cruz returned to Indiana to make stops in Plainfield and Lebanon today. His first stop at the Oasis Diner in Plainfield was sparsely attended with about 100 on hand to greet him. Early reports don't suggest the turnout at his stop at the Boone Co. Fairgrounds is drawing a large crowd either.


  1. Anonymous6:03 PM GMT-5

    I don't know anybody who can stand the guy. His ads have started running on tv against Trump and Kasich. He creeps me out.

  2. Anonymous6:23 PM GMT-5

    Booger was in Plainfield? That explains the smell today...

  3. I wonder if any of the candidates will bother to show up here in Da Region (Northwest Indiana).

  4. leon dixon8:16 PM GMT-5

    Yikes! Duh Star says 200 people showed up at this tiny diner. So, who are you going to believe? Are you going to believe duh journalist or the entertainer with an agenda? Being as how we are in Indiana where counting to 500 is a problem both before and after Common Core the public would be adrift. Liberals tend to undercount conservative crowds and they are not to be trusted with numbers so....probably 500 or 600 showed up? Against that would be that conservatives are generally smarter than liberals and so may not have stampeded to a small diner to be part of a photo op. The real question, and, perhaps the only one, is will fair weather on May 3 favor Cruz or Trump? Whose supporters are less likely to believe duh media or duh Establishment, or care enough to slog thru rain? My guess is that rain favors Cruz. As far as all this last minute noise-I think people are smarter than that.

  5. Neither Cruz or Trump are likely to be on the Nov ballot.

    In 1824, the other US Presidential "Populist" candidate, Andrew Jackson, won the popular vote in 1824 - but lost the election. by most accounts, that election was perhaps the most corrupt (except for the current one) in American history.

    The 1824 winner was decided by the "Establishment" and Adams became president with only 30% of the vote. Following the election, both political party structures were destroyed. The corrupt election of 1824 set the stage for the Civil War.

  6. I was at the rally at Boone County Fairgrounds. The main pavilion meeting hall was packed -- standing room only. A real cross-section of people were there from what I could tell...corporate-looking folks, rural/farmer looking folks (I hate descriptions like this but dont know how else to say it), vets, a LOT of college/under-30 crowd (seemed like more that I would have guessed), and all sorts of races/ages represented.

  7. Dont care if you like Cruz or not. Just wanted to say, I was at the Diner and there was, AT A MINIMUM, 250 people there. I would estimate around 300-325, but bare minimum was 250. This 100 nonsense is a joke.

  8. Anonymous8:59 AM GMT-5

    Most of the folks there were probably promised future dishwashing jobs
    plus styrofoam take home containers with yesterday's spaghetti and
    macaroni and cheese leftovers, as an inducement to attend

  9. McClatchy reports:

    The National Enquirer has published what it says is conclusive evidence that Ted Cruz’s father, Rafael B. Cruz, is the man photographed next to JFK assassin Lee Harvey Oswald distributing pro-Castro leaflets in 1963 in New Orleans.

    The Cruz presidential campaign fired back unequivocally. “This is another garbage story in a tabloid full of garbage,” communications director Alice Stewart told McClatchy. “The story is false; that is not Rafael in the picture.”

  10. Anonymous4:10 PM GMT-5

    I won't vote for Pence because Melyssa Hubbard is voting for him!

  11. Anonymous4:53 PM GMT-5

    Ok, some of the comments on this item are just ALL OVER THE PLACE!! WTH.

    Have any of you been to the Oasis Diner?? I have just a few weeks ago, it isn't that big so it had to be a cluster with traffic - not something I am interested in doing. Also, there are so many other events going on a Saturday afternoon in April, meeting another politician isn't going to be high on that list.

  12. Anonymous8:51 AM GMT-5

    It makes perfect sense for Cruz to visit that particular section of Plainfield. There was once a bevy of massage parlors within walking distance of the diner. I wonder if the area brings back any memories for the candidate? I wonder if Cruz hit on any of the ladies attending? He's such a womanizer. He likes to go Cruzin'. Perhaps there were a lot of people attending and Shabazz is just mad at Cruz for hittin' on his wife? Who knows? Stranger things do happen. Truth is stranger than fiction. Then again,one can't believe a thing said or posted by Abdul. Hell,one can't believe a word from Cruz either. That voice is so annoying.

    When Cruz says He's Pro-Life,believe him. He seems to enjoy spreading his seeds if ya get my drift!

  13. Anonymous8:58 AM GMT-5


    The Oasis is perfect. You're right,it's very small and is perfect for Cruz to surreptitiously gently pat unsuspecting women on the butt without anyone noticing. Plus,a diminutive area packed with people makes it easier for operatives within the Cruz entourage to swipe wallets from unsuspecting attendees as well.

    Cruz comes off like a televangelist that is likely to be found with a prostitute.
