Monday, April 04, 2016

Ted Cruz Sex Scandal Still Has Legs

Sen. Ted Cruz dismissed a report by the National Enquirer accusing him of having extra-marital affairs with as many as five women as tabloid garbage and blamed Donald Trump as the source of the allegations he insists are untrue. is now reporting the accusations are moving into a second phase with the Enquirer prepared to launch new allegations this week accusing Cruz of being a patron of the infamous and now-deceased DC Madam.

Deborah Palfrey, the infamous DC Madam, allegedly committed suicide by hanging after she was found guilty on April 15, 2008 by a federal district court of money laundering, mail fraud and racketeering arising out of a high-priced call girl ring she operated in the nation's capital. She faced a maximum of 55 years in prison. It was claimed her list of clients included many wealthy and powerful men.

Former Eli Lilly CEO Randall Tobias was forced to resign his Bush administration job at the State Department in 2007 where he was in charge of USAID, a long-recognized CIA front organization, after he was linked to her services, although he denied doing anything illegal. Louisiana Sen. David Vitter (R) was also tied to Palfrey. He confessed his sins to Louisiana voters and managed to hold on to his job, but his past transgressions appeared to play a key role in him losing a governor's race this past year.

The DC Madam scandal recently resurfaced when the attorney who represented Palfrey, Montgomery Blair Sibley, who has since been disbarred from practicing law for filing vexatious lawsuits, made a claim that he had retained records of Palfrey's business that had the potential of upending this year's presidential race. Sibley had been barred by a federal court from releasing those records under a prior order, but he has made clear recently his intentions of making those records public unless he is otherwise ordered by the federal courts not to do so. Sibley didn't identify the candidate in question, but the common assumption was that it was Cruz since the Enquirer claimed one of Cruz' affairs involved a prostitute.

Sibley filed a motion with the Supreme Court this past week after a lower court refused to hear a motion he filed to modify the original order signed in 2007.  "If I do not get the right to file my request to modify the restraining order and if I do not get an expedited hearing, I’m going to publicly release those records and see what happens," Sibley wrote in his filing. "If they want to hold me in contempt of court for violating an order they will not give me a hearing on, I think they lose the right to enforce that order," By not promptly scheduling a hearing, he charged, the courts are “letting people vote blindly.” claims to have seen an advanced copy of what the Enquirer plans to report this week based on information it obtained from investigators who looked into the original allegations involving Palfrey's high-profile clients. One of those investigators, Wayne Madsen, is quoted as saying if Sibley has in his possession what he claims to have, then the only presidential candidate still in the race it could possibly implicate is Cruz. An anonymous leaker put online phone records claiming to show Cruz had called Palfrey's number; however, others who looked at those documents have pointed to discrepancies in them that call into question their authenticity. Sibley, notably, has not confirmed the authenticity of those leaked documents.

Meanwhile, Cruz went further than his initial dismissal of the Enquirer report as complete garbage. He tells Fox News' Megyn Kelly that he has never been unfaithful to his wife. "It's completely made-up nonsense. It's simply not true. I have always been faithful to my wife. I love my wife. She's my best friend in the world. This is the kind of garbage the Trump campaign engages in. You know why? Because they can't debate substance,” Cruz said.

It looks like Indiana will actually have some say in the party's nominee this year, although it's not saying much given the choices Republican voters will have. Cruz is a total phony, in addition to being a very unlikable person who is ineligible for the presidency as a natural born Canadian. I've looked at his tax returns he put online. Someone will have to explain to me what Heidi Cruz's qualifications were to be hired as an investment manager at Goldman Sachs in Austin, Texas, where she was pulling down about a $1 million a year for many years until Cruz launched his presidential campaign while her husband worked much of that time in a much lower-paid job in the Texas Attorney General's office before he joined a Houston law firm. Outsiders don't get that kind of money showered on their personal household by Goldman Sachs. Cruz was able to borrow substantial money from Goldman Sachs to finance his upset Senate campaign in 2012. That's enough to disqualify him as far as I'm concerned.

Donald Trump, while he did a great job early on in his campaign hitting on the key points that have caused many of us to lose confidence in our Washington leaders, has taken his street-fighting ways, which I think is a strength recent Republican presidential candidates have lacked, to unacceptable lows. Frankly, I don't have to be reminded every time he speaks what a successful businessman he is, but he can't stop saying it over and over ad nauseam. I was raised by a father who said it's bad form to brag about your wealth and success to others, and it's a lesson Trump's father must not have taught him. I wish he had the compassion and personality of any of his children, all of whom appear to be exemplars in all respects. I'm not sure where they got their good manners. They certainly didn't get them from their boorish father.

I noticed Cruz shook his head from side to side when he denied infidelity. That's a sign of deception.


  1. Rather hard to believe that we start out with 17 and end up with 2 1/3 that are difficult to swallow.

  2. Anonymous6:04 PM GMT-5

    Assuming all this is on the up and up it would appear that Lyin' Ted sees more ass than a toilet seat.

  3. Anonymous8:03 PM GMT-5

    I'd be very surprised at this point if it wasn't mostly true. Cruz is an opportunist. He rails against insiders while his wife takes succor from Goldman, the ultimate insider. He claims to be an evangelical but he doesn't tithe. In fact, his excuse for not tithing should make people squirm. Securing our family's financial foundation? More like "we're keeping it all for ourselves." Then there's the whole creepy Amanda Carpenter thing. Cruz ought to be disqualified simply for getting a matching tattoo with her. I'm a married man. You don't do that sort of thing. Not. Ever. Then Amanda comes up with a blacklist of Trump supporters? How old is she? 13? It's all very Midwestern Middle School. Speaking of which, a shout out to Leon Dixon for informing the board a while back that Amanda is one of us...a Ball State grade with Michigan (not blonde, undoubtedly) roots. Woot!

  4. Anonymous8:22 PM GMT-5

    Yummy. I can't wait to officially call Ted Cruz a whoremonger. Let the truth be out.

  5. I long ago gave up on the idea that the Clintons aren't above the law. They have carte blanche to break any law they want to get where they're going. There is no such thing as equal justice under the law when it comes to them. If they could get by killing all the people who got in their way in Arkansas, why would she be tripped up over mishandling classified documents or trading diplomatic favors in exchange for payoffs to the Clinton Foundation?

  6. I don't buy for a second that Trump is a "successful businessman." He has failed in one business venture after another. His businesses have declared Chapter 11 bankruptcy four times, which according to experts is a lot more than the norm. He seems very good at spending other people's money to make himself look fabulously rich. He's also very touchy about people questioning his wealth...which suggests he doesn't want people to know he's not as wealthy as he claims.

  7. leon dixon8:33 AM GMT-5

    Leon knows Amanda, worked with her on some things at BSU, counts her as a friend and does not believe the National Enquirer at all in regards to her. While I'd not get a tattoo I'd work with Amanda anytime-she is a player and a keeper. She must have been a huge help to Senator Cruz. I'd sure be willing to help fund any lawsuit (under the Gawker Rule) she might care to file. I am also amused that after all this "progressive" yack about how "sex" doesn't matter it seems to matter in every election be used against conservative Republicans only, however. As I recall, Amanda was also a big help to Senator DeMint, and before that was with Human Events Magazine.
    BSU was a stupidly liberal place in her day there. They had some speaker come into Emens Auditorium to talk on trans fats, fats, how salt was bad for you, the oceans were rising, whatever the claptrap de jour was in that era. So, Amanda organized a fairly large protest but didn't shout down or wave flags,or do any of the stupidly conformist pet tricks. She and her crew waited until the audience walked out and she and her crew handed out sacks of McDonald's French Fries. They went quickly. There were no left overs. Her points were made....effectively. I knew then that she was on a different level....

  8. So, this has been floating on the pond as scum for some time-internet rumor....apparently has a checkable source. Ya wonder why National Enquirer isn't all over it? Is America ready for a Lesbian President? Was her child merely a prop? Is Bill justified in being a whore, cad, snow nose? Where are Hill's medical records and why are they not on the front page along with lists of her partners? Why do people think duh media only has either double standards or no standards at all?

  9. She sounds like a budding corporate stooge Leon! "Would you like genetically modified transfat laden poison with that never-grows-stale bun and antibiotic laden meat patty?" I am no leftist (not even close), but we cannot continue to think that what is good for transnational corps like McDonalds is good for America .... although it is good, very good, for Goldman Sachs.

  10. More troubling than being a whoremonger is Cruz's penchant for being a warmonger. Besides working both sides of Congress to effect a destructive government shutdown, his selected foreign advisors reads like a decades long list of who's who from the neocon world.

    Preaching at AIPAC, his opening remark was that "Palestine has not existed since 1948". Continuing, on his first day in office he would tear the Iran nuclear agreement to shreds and re-impose sanctions and if Iran failed to comply with whatever was expected he would shut it down himself. He would shoot down any missile test conducted by Iran. He would move the US Embassy to the eternal city of Jerusalem. He denied that his words were mere rhetoric as, unlike other President, "he would do it".

    Cruz's view is in line with the Zionist teaching of Israel as a theocratic state, with Jerusalem at its holey center, and with religiously controlled property rights. In his references to Iran as Persia, he seems to still be seeking retribution from the events of 586 BCE.

    Cruz often repeats how the US Embassy hostages were released the day Reagan took office due to the Iranians' fear of a strong leader while in fact the delay was illegally pre-arranged outside of government channels with Reagan/Bush benefiting from any Carter negotiated October surprise. By assuring the 52 hostages would not be released under a Carter presidency, the Iranians received $150 million in arms and the release of frozen bank assets. And yes, the $100 or $150 billion 'given' to Iran under the current nuclear agreement is not American taxpayer money but is Iranian assets being unfrozen.

    While Netanyahu's invitation to Washington, by Congressional hawks, with requests for the US military to handle the aftermath of an Israeli attack on Iranian nuclear facilities was rebuffed by President Obama, it would not be a stretch to imagine a President Cruz supporting military actions in line with perceived national interests or his Biblical beliefs. While Republican presidential candidates leave much to be desired, it is Cruz that brings a self-fulfilling Armageddon ideology that would endanger us all.

  11. Oops, read it again Leon, I guess you were sayin' the presenters, not the mere lemmings coming to see the show, were munching down the freedom (from nutrition) fries. Liberal hypocrisy thus demonstrated, good story. My bad if I missed the point first time through.

  12. Agree Trump can be a boorish braggart but he's definitely not a phony like Lyin' Ted. I plan to campaign my ass off for the Donald. As a mother of two I'm terrified for the future of our country and genuinely believe Trump is the only candidate who can at least get things moving back in the right direction.

  13. Another fundamentalist, right-wing Christian having sex with everyone but his wife. Typical.
