Wednesday, April 20, 2016

Former City Prosecutor Fired For Doctoring Public Records

A former Indianapolis city prosecutor who admitted doctoring public records he had provided to another attorney representing a dog kennel owner the city had charged with numerous city code violations regarding animal welfare has been fired from his job according to WRTV, which first broke this story last night. Mark Pizur, who had earlier been demoted to deputy prosecutor, was terminated by his boss, corporation counsel Andy Mallon. See the original post here.


  1. Anonymous4:33 AM GMT-5

    whew, finally some integrity in the CCB /sarc

  2. Anonymous5:08 PM GMT-5

    As it should have been from the beginning - not a bogus 'demoted' position. Really, such a JOKE our system is. He won't have to worry, I suspect he will show up at IUPUI teaching ETHICS.

  3. Anonymous4:50 AM GMT-5

    5:08 I thought he'd show up at U of I teaching ETHICS with his co-lecturer, Greg Ballard???
