Monday, March 07, 2016

Trump Launches Negative Ads Against Rubio In Florida

Donald Trump has so far spent next to nothing on advertising in his self-funded campaign for president. Trump has refrained from paid advertising attacking his opponents despite pro-Rubio and pro-Cruz SuperPACs dumping tens of millions of dollars into ad buys in early primary and caucus states accusing him of every imaginable misdeed. Trump is finally firing back. He's made an ad buy in Florida with a blistering attack on Sen. Marco Rubio. The ad taps into just a sampling of a large document that Democratic opposition research workers compiled four years ago on Rubio's alleged financial misdeeds. Recent polls show Rubio in striking distant of Trump, who had been leading in earlier polls in Florida. Trump had been counting on a win in Florida to help seal his bid to become the GOP nominee.

It's not just Trump who is taking out ads against Rubio. A SuperPAC backing Cruz has launched a series of negative attack ads against Rubio in the Sunshine State, hitting Rubio for supporting amnesty for illegal aliens, his poor attendance record in the Senate and his support of sugar subsidies in exchange for large campaign contributions from the sugar industry. Florida's primary on March 15 is a winner-take-all state. Cruz has little chance of winning in Florida, and his campaign would probably prefer Trump win there and deal a knock-out blow to Rubio so he can run head-to-head against Trump. Ohio Gov. John Kasich also appears to be surging at the right time in his home state, another winner-take-all state. If he denies Trump a win there, it's going to become increasingly difficult for Trump to arrive at the GOP national convention with the majority of delegates required to win the nomination.

Here's a YouTube clip in which Trump defends his Trump University against fraud claims. I like that he personally defends it rather than relying on a third party to do the talking for him. Trump maintains that some of the students accusing him of fraud completed evaluation forms upon the completion of their course work in which they rated it highly. Of course the biggest issue is that it's not an accredited school so it's misleading to call it a university. That's got New York's Attorney General going after him, who also claims Trump misled students by making it sound like he handpicked all of the instructors who taught the seminars when he had no knowledge of whom most of them were. The Attorney General also accused Trump of bait-and-switch by luring students at an initial lower enrollment fee and then telling them they needed to enroll at a higher level to learn beyond what was taught in the initial course offerings.


  1. Anonymous8:54 PM GMT-5

    Rubio is a gifted politician. He speaks well and reminds me of a GOP Obama. Unfortunately, he is also very inexperienced.

    With that said, he could certainly have become President, but he like Icarus flew too close to the sun. He's political career is very impressive, but his desire to go into Florida isn't a good idea. The GOP field this year was just overwhelmed by the number of candidates and Trump. Scott Walker was smart and got out early.

    Rubio could have run for Governor given his experience within the State, his Senate bridges are pretty much burned at this point. It's hard to see what he gains out of going into FL. If he goes into FL and loses to Trump, his political career is pretty much done.

  2. Anonymous9:26 PM GMT-5

    Rubio is toast now but that doesn't mean he can't learn from his errors. Way too soon to count him out as a few years down the road he won't be so young or dumb.

  3. Dig his legal suggestion that we shouldn't be a nation of "settlers."

  4. Anonymous6:29 AM GMT-5

    Several years ago I read the Tea Party grass roots movement was behind Rubio, according to the readings he told the grass roots folks everything they wanted to hear, they backed him with blood sweat and tears and of course money, went to the Senate, and he was the typical Republican, say one thing to get elected do another when in office.
    Now the same grass roots folks are behind Trump, because they were lied too!
    The rise in Trumps popularity is because the people are being lied too!
    I believe this will eventually come down to the local level, local elected officials will be held accountable for what they say and do!
    The jig is up, we the people are seeing their motives every night on TV and the internet, we get it!
    When are the politicians going to get it?

  5. Anonymous6:58 AM GMT-5

    I am one Constitutional Conservative who wishes Marco Rubio no ill will but if the Political Earth opened up and swallowed him I would not be heartbroken.

    From the moment this deceiver joined the Gang of Eight as a willing puppet for the devious and dirty Chuck Schumer and that fool John McCain to be used as a beard to sell a senseless illegal alien plan to America, I saw the truth.

    Liars like Hillary Rodham Clinton, Barak Obama, Harry Reid, Nancy Pelosi, and Bill CLinton are "successful" in hoodwinking much of the public most of the time because they have a propaganda umbrella in the national liberal Democrat media machine.

    This pro-liberal Democrat media will not touch or cover the Foam Boy Escapades just as they would not cover the stories of Barak (and Rahm's) shenanigans in the Chicago Gay Bath Houses. I do not care about a persons' sexual orientation but I do care about a person being honest and having integrity. None of the politicians mentioned herein have either from what I've observed.

    Yes, Rubio is most probably "toast" and a piece hopefully slathered on both sides.

  6. Anonymous7:09 AM GMT-5

    As James Poulos recently wrote in 'The Week', "Rubio is the face of a wing of the party that acts like the future but is really yesterday's news. And thinks it's full of winners but, so many times already, has decisively lost."

  7. Little Rubio probably was my least favorite out of the over a dozen candidates. I thought Liberal Bush was more honest than Little Rubio.

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