Monday, March 28, 2016

Surveillance Video Released Showing Shooting Of Off-Duty Indianapolis Firefighter

WISH-TV obtained surveillance video of the shooting of Indianapolis Firefighter Kevin Gill, who also doubles as a deputy coroner for the Marion County Coroner's Office. If the surveillance video is any indication, it's pretty obvious what caused the shooter to go after Gill. The 37-year old male, Jerry Glover, who police identified as the shooter, is still at large. Police originally said Gill stopped by a home in the 2200 block of E. 38th Street to pick up some food when he was shot while returning to his Corvette parked in back of the home. Glover was described by police as a neighbor of the woman Gill had visited. Gill supposedly wasn't able to provide police a motive for Glover firing shots at him. Is IMPD still claiming it doesn't have a motive for the shooting?


  1. Anonymous6:15 AM GMT-5

    Good surveillance cameras for trashy houses. Is there a reason for that?

  2. C. Roger Csee8:03 AM GMT-5

    Tax free business being run there?
    Doesn't like to share his women?

  3. Anonymous8:12 AM GMT-5

    Hey Gary, aren't you the guy who regularly doubts whether RFRA legislation has any real economic downside: this just in. fyi

    North Carolina’s High Point Market Week bills itself as the world’s largest home furnishings industry trade show and mere days after the state’s anti-LGBT bill was signed into law, the show’s organizers says they are being deluged with attendee cancellations for next month’s convention, which delivers an estimated $5.4B to the local economy with its spring and fall events. Via press release from the High Point Market Authority:

    As leaders and organizers of the High Point Market, we feel an obligation to inform the public and our government leaders in Raleigh of the significant economic damage that HB2 is having on the High Point Market and on the North Carolina economy. Based on the reaction in just the last few days, hundreds and perhaps thousands of our customers will not attend Market this April.

  4. Picking up food?

    Uh huh.


    It appears there are laws for most......and not for others.

    So,how does one go about acquiring a get out of jail card here in Marion County?

    Own a sports team?

    Have a well connected family?

    Must I have a government job?

    Must I posses pictures of prominent folks in bed with dead girls and live boys?

    Perhaps LamLawIndy could chime in and inform the lowly plebes as to how one becomes acquainted with the secret handshake?

  5. There's a pole cat in the henhouse.

  6. Anonymous1:19 PM GMT-5

    BREAKING: North Carolina Attorney General Roy Cooper Refuses To Defend Against LGBT Rights Lawsuit
    March 29, 2016 BREAKING NEWS

    Minutes ago Buzzfeed News reported that Democratic North Carolina Attorney General Roy Cooper will not defend the constitutionality of his state’s newly-enacted anti-LGBT law. Cooper is running for governor against incumbent Pat McCrory, who has issued lie-filled statements in support of the law, which excludes LGBT citizens statewide from all discrimination protections. Story developing.

  7. Anonymous1:30 PM GMT-5

    North Carolina’s Largest Newspaper Compares Anti-LGBTQ Law to Southern Segregation

    By Mark Joseph Stern

    North Carolina’s vicious new law revoking protections for LGBTQ people and denying trans individuals access to the bathroom consistent with their gender identity has provoked a widespread outcry across the country. But as we learned during the battle over Indiana’s anti-LGBTQ measure, the most effective backlash is often homegrown: When influential local newspapers take a stand against legislative bigotry, politicians tend to notice.

    It was thus encouraging to see the Charlotte Observer—the Carolinas’ largest newspaper—publish a brutal, fervent editorial lambasting Republican Gov. Pat McCrory for signing the bill into law. The legislation, the paper’s editorial board wrote, “was about a governor who decided his state will sanction discrimination against not only transgender people, but all homosexuals.”

    It was, in the end, about a 21st century governor who joined a short, tragic list of 20th century governors. You know at least some of these names, probably: Wallace, Faubus, Barnett. They were men who fed our worst impulses, men who rallied citizens against citizens, instead of leading their states forward.
    This is what Pat McCrory did Wednesday. In just 12 hours. It wasn’t the stand in the schoolhouse door. It was a sprint past the bathroom door and straight into the South’s dark, bigoted past.
    Thanks to McCrory’s prejudice and cowardice, the editorial concludes, “We got a state newly stained, and a governor joining a sorrowful list of those who decided not to lead us forward, but to bow to the worst in us.”

    A well-respected newspaper does not compare the governor of its state to George Wallace and Orval Faubus—two savagely racist Southern governors who illegally resisted integration—unless it is quite serious about the stakes involved. But the Charlotte Observer, it seems, is quite serious indeed—as it should be. North Carolina’s new law constitutes a shocking, brazen attempt to condemn LGBTQ people to second-class citizenship. It is unconstitutional, yes; but it is also morally vile, a flagrant effort to repeat the South’s segregationist tactics of the past with a modern target. The Charlotte Observer deserves great credit for standing up to this kind of animus-driven legislative bullying, and for reminding McCrory that his tactics are all too familiar for any student of the South’s shameful history.

  8. leon dixon4:04 PM GMT-5 Not going anywhere near North Carolina would seem to be a large plus.

  9. Anonymous5:31 PM GMT-5

    I am unaware that there are any well respected newspapers in America. We certainly have no familiarity with any such unicorns in Indiana. What we mostly have is a State Controlled media that trumpets for money and wears out their kneepads servicing power. As for the alphabet groups having any reference to morality it would be interesting to see that case more fully developed,in writing, rather than in some vague reference to sodomy being a social virtue. Ignoring the racism of the North is a common ploy of those ignorant of history and thinking wrongly that the rest of us are ignorant of it. That humans are made in the image and likeness of the Christian God is the only thing that gives any dignity at all to humans. Abstract that particular God away and your alphabet groups would be fair game for Muslim solutions. The game being played by the objectively disordered and their amoral corporate backers is, after all, only an attempt to overthrow representative government in the United States of America.
    Not that any of us are moral experts but this question about just and unjust discrimination depends only on the moral law. If homosexual actions and behaviors are immoral then discrimination against them and their works is justified. Going a bit further discrimination against them and any other immoral actors is CALLED FOR. If the amoral corporations can make a moral case (which they cannot because profit is their sole criterion for existence) then let's see it. I've never seen an apology from the alphabet groups explaining their case on moral grounds...perhaps it is time for that statement to come out of the closet.....if it can.

  10. Anonymous3:00 PM GMT-5

    Hey 5:31, get over yourself. Life must be fine, way up there on that pedestal where you put yourself, so very moral after all. I love that you think there are no writings finding "morality" in sodomy. You obviously don't read much. The entire culture is evolving; you find little evidence. Remember, if you will that Plato had a male lover; and Michelango; Alexander the Great and Abraham Lincoln. How odd that you ponder that if homosexual actions and behaviors are immoral then discrimination against them is CALLED FOR. Did you come to that conclusion all by yourself, from up there on that pedestal, or did North Carolina Governor McCrory help you find your way. You're a bigot 5:31. Plain and simple. And I want you to get over it and move on. Your bedroom isn't any more moral than my bedroom, and I don't give two hoots about your God or your sanctimonious religious beliefs. Your religion doesn't give you the right to think you're better than me. You aren't better than me. I wouldn't bang your old lady for a thousand bucks. And the guy I date wouldn't look twice at you. You pretend you're special. But no.

  11. Anonymous5:10 PM GMT-5

    Back to the topic. Anon 615 - I'm with you. Good footage!! WTH?!
