Monday, March 14, 2016

Dr. Ferebee Throws School Principal Under The Bus After He Failed To Report Child Sex Abuse

Apparently the buck doesn't stop with our highly-paid superintendent of the Indianapolis Public Schools. When questions arose why nearly a week passed before anyone at IPS notified DCS about the fact that one of the school's counselors, Shana Taylor, had sexually exploited her students, Dr. Lewis Ferebee conducted a press conference to blame the five other school employees, including the school's principal, for failing to notify DCS or law enforcement immediately as required by law. Dr. Ferebee had also learned of the parent's allegations the same day as other school officials but took no action or responsibility for reporting the child abuse.

Mark Cosand, the principal of the Longfellow Alternative School, was actually on medical leave when a parent came to the school to report that Taylor had engaged in a sexual relationship with her son. The mother met with the school's assistant principal, William Jensen, in Cosand's absence and shared with him messages and inappropriate photos Taylor had exchanged with the student. Ferebee accepted Cosand's resignation effective March 7 according to the Indianapolis Star. The reason given for the resignation was "personal." This is unacceptable that the IPS board members have not demanded Ferebee's resignation. It's further proof that the education profiteers who've seized control of the board are only interested in dismantling IPS and could care less about the quality of education students are receiving.

UPDATE: Call 6's WRTV talked to Cosand, who called his resignation a hard pill to swallow. Cosand explained to Kenney that he had been out on medical leave since January after he suffered a stroke. Cosand had previously worked for DCS and learned about the allegations against Taylor a day after the school's assistant principal learned of the allegations from a student's mother. He believed that because so many school officials already knew of the allegation before it was brought to his attention that someone had reported the incident to DCS.
“There were so many people who knew about it before I did,” said Cosand. “I don’t think it’s necessarily fair to hold me accountable. But, the prosecutor is going to do what he thinks is best.”
Cosand echoed Dr. Lewis Ferebee’s statement that there was a “breakdown in communication” and that everyone thought someone else had reported the abuse allegations.
“That’s where I fell in,” said Cosand. “My main concern was making sure Ms. Taylor did not come into the building. I felt like everything else was taken care of.”
Cosand said while he is resigning his position, he is not leaving the school district completely.
“I’m going to be out until the end of April,” said Cosand. “I figured it would be better if I resigned so they could get someone in there to replace me.”
Cosand also noted that he never noticed any red flags from Taylor, despite his previous work with DCS.
The former principal said IPS has a lot of work to do.
“There were so many levels of trust broken by this one incident,” said Cosand. “Everyone involved has to work to repair that with the public, and that does include me.”


  1. Anonymous4:05 PM GMT-5

    My guess is that each Board Member learned quickly and did nothing. I suppose we will have to wait for a civil suit to get those details...lacking, as we do, a newspaper or prosecutor.

  2. Anonymous4:37 PM GMT-5

    If Cosand was on medical leave, why did he resign? Does Jensen still have a job?

    When a company, and clearly by what teachers and administrators are paid they are on equal footing with any business - and we make education a business, has major breakdowns in legally and ethically doing the right thing, the LEADER should be stepping up to take the blame. Guess Frisbee (yes - I know) skipped that lesson in leadership.


  3. Anonymous4:38 PM GMT-5

    Wow... these school board members are just like Indianapolis City County Councilors... absolutely useless and a complete shame in their dereliction of duty to the people and the children.

    Ferebee is real POS as far as I am concerned but the larger POS entity is the IPS school board.

  4. This warrants a professional investigation of violations and coverup.

  5. Anonymous5:37 AM GMT-5

    This is what happens when Democrat hack Mary Ann Sullivan and her corporately bought and sold comrades purchase their board seats and are "elected"
