Wednesday, February 10, 2016

Carrier Closing Indianapolis Plant, Moving 1,400 Jobs To Mexico

This is a major economic blow to Indianapolis' struggling manufacturing sector. One of the City's largest employers, Carrier, announced it's closing its manufacturing facility on Indianapolis' west side, eliminating 1,400 jobs. The layoffs will begin in 2017 and be spread over three years according to the Indianapolis Star. Carrier's president of HVAC systems, Chris Nelson, says the move is part of the "continued migration of the HVAC industry to Mexico, including our suppliers and competitors, and ongoing cost and pricing pressures driven, in part, by new regulatory requirements." Let me guess that more than a few of these workers at this Carrier plant who are about to lose their jobs will be casting ballots for Donald Trump this year.

Carrier is also closing its facility in Huntington and moving it to Mexico, putting another 700 Hoosiers out of work.

UPDATE: Also, Fishers gains two new corporate headquarters at Indianapolis' expense. Stanley Security is moving 300 jobs to a new headquarters in Fishers. Braden Business Systems is also relocating from Indianapolis to Fishers and adding more jobs. Both the Indiana Economic Development Corporation and Fishers are offering incentives to the companies to relocate. So we're now providing incentives to poach businesses to relocate from one city to another. Smart economic development practices, eh?


  1. Anonymous2:07 PM GMT-5

    Yep, Gary. And did not Ford Motor Company just announce that after signing a very costly labor agreement with its workers is moving more production to Mexico.

    The jobs have vanished unless you call burger flipping a career. I remember how the left liberal Democrats mocked burger flipping jobs until part time, low pay positions without decent benefits became the norm under their Marxist dear leader BO.

    It is going to grow worse no matter how many empty promises HRC and Bernie and their political opposition make about a better day ahead.

    1. Stop blaming Obama for your ignorance. This is all backlash from the laws put in place to make wall street richer and real Americans poorer Wtf does this have to do with Obama. Fucking

    2. Another moron claiming Obama for something that has been going on for decades it's Wall Street first always has been. Look at all the ridiculous laws Pence signed to make it possible for out of state contractors take our jobs. The right to work law.. Not to mention the dearly hated Daniel's who has stripped everything away from the state. That used to make Indiana a desirable place to work. I work for the Indiana Government everything is fucked since Daniel's and now I'm looking for another stayed to raise my family because the conservative red necks have ruined ours

  2. Anonymous2:37 PM GMT-5

    American enterprise at its patriotic finest. It is not government, be it large or small, that actually send jobs out of country but just a decision by individual companies to increase profits to please shareholders and Wall Street traders. And if you are now concerned about availability of product, Pence has been building a highway to Mexico to get those finished AC units back to you.

  3. Anonymous3:50 PM GMT-5

    Looks like a new TIF district will be opening on Indianapolis' west side.

  4. Anonymous4:14 PM GMT-5

    United Technologies owns Carrier. They are also leaving Huntington, IN for Mexico:

    Indiana is supposed to be a "business friendly" state hence the tax breaks which are given at the expense of public services being cut like road repairs or snow being plowed.

    Instead all those years United Technologies benefited from the favorable tax structure at the expense of deferred maintenance for the residents of the State, then pounced for a location in Mexico taking jobs with them.

    Leaves a bad taste in your mouth. Maybe Bernie Sanders is on to something after all............

  5. Anonymous4:24 PM GMT-5

    Remember all the good things that Bill and Hillary Clinton said about how good NAFTA would be for the American people? Of course that was back in 1992 before some of Hillary's current hipster supporters were even born. And then there was Glass-Steagall also supported by Bill and Hillary which brought about the financial crisis that America sill hasn't recovered from.
    If I were working at Carrier in Indianapolis I wouldn't bat an eye calling for a wildcat strike today. I'd be damned if I would give the corporate bastards three years to suck more work out me before they finally fired me. Send a message and wildcat the damn place Carrier workers, you have nothing to lose at this point.

  6. Putting it another way, Obama hasn't done anything to stop the jobs leaving. Hey, how about an Executive Order prohibiting it? He stopped a pipeline and associated jobs that way.

  7. I did a bit of looking and found: Senate Approves NAFTA on 61-38 Vote. Republicans supplied the most support, accounting for 34 of the favorable votes to 27 from the Democrats. House Passes NAFTA, 234-200, the strongest support in the House came from Republicans, who cast 132 votes for the trade plan and 43 against it. Among Democrats, 102 voted for the agreement and 156 opposed it. The one independent in Congress voted against the plan. Bill Clinton of course signed into law NAFTA and Permanent Normal Trade Relations with China.
    The one independent who opposed NAFTA was Bernie Sanders.

    Hillary Clinton was a on the Board of Wal-Mart. Go into Wal-Mart today and try to find some product Made in USA.

    The fact is elements of both political parties have sold out the American People.

  8. This will help fund the ill-conceived Red Ink Line right?

  9. leon dixon8:56 PM GMT-5

    Enjoyment of the Regulatory State adds, on average, 25% to the cost of ANY PRODUCT made in the USA. THAT added cost is there before you even touch a raw material. So, each new law and each new regulation ADDS COSTS and you approve of those added costs because you elect the fools incapable of cost/benefit analysis. The export of American jobs is of great benefit to the rest of the world that is getting these new opportunities to create wealth. That US Industry is being hollowed out so that we can have more Detroits is what people have been voting for. You can have more Gary, Indiana sorts of burgs, too, or East Chicago, or Gary, or soon, Indianapolis...because that is what people are voting for.

  10. Greed built America. Greed has destroyed it. We all are to blame are we not.

  11. Anonymous1:39 AM GMT-5

    We can blame politicians all we want. However: It is the decision of these American companies to move. To take advantage of the law and weaken our nation by removing tax dollars and jobs.

    Boycott them. Revoke their citizenship. Want to do business in Mexico? Support their economy while feeding off of ours? Great! Immigrate. They should not get to enjoy our freedoms. I am disgusted.

    I blame not politics, nor politicians, nor legislation. Responsibility lies with those who choose to abandon their nation.

  12. Anonymous8:39 AM GMT-5

    Plenty of blame to go around:

    1. Union workforce - inflexible to today's market drivers
    2. Corporate greed - always trying to beat the last quarterly number
    3. Federal tax code - driving businesses overseas - this while most feel the "wealthy" should pay more in taxes - ever look up US corporate tax vs Mexico??
    4. "Free Trade" agreement with Mexico - virtually no import taxes on HVAC units brought into the US from abroad - how about applying a 30-40% tax on all imported appliances? Claim it's an environmental tax considering the additional freight costs and impact of transporting goods from overseas.
    5. American public - doesn't value "Made in America" anymore.

  13. Let's eliminate the minimum wage to create more jobs, pass a national right to work law, then campaign to the fools on how low worker wages are.

  14. Anonymous1:54 PM GMT-5

    Voting for Trump? Do they think a wall would keep corporate brass in? Everybody wants to make big $ while their retirement accounts climb at the same time but yet by their own goods for peanuts to support a bigger lifestyle. People vote with their wallets every time they buy a cheap piece of junk made with cheap labor.

  15. It's funny listening to Senator Donnelly on WIBC's Abdul Show; expecting Carrier to explain or cite the precise regulations which impair their operation; which according to him they didn't cite. Funny because the discussion takes place in a vacuum where the upward trend of taxes & fees; an environment of economic decline (free market, the only legitimate market). The cost of government has long been on a steady incline in Indiana & the US- stop pretending otherwise- stop pretending it doesn't matter or doesn't affect operational comfort of an enterprise.

    Good for the Senator reminding Carrier that the state has claw back provisions on recent subsidies (the kind ignored when the UA hub closed). However, Carrier can likely justify that expense as a toll exit from a state & country whose tax & fee trend is measurably & significantly- UPWARD!

  16. The meeting with the employees was offensive, and shameless. Unfortunately, there is nothing Trump could do to stop it, but it would be nice to have discussion of the TPP before it is irrevocably part of the system.

  17. Why can't you see the truth this is how our government gains influence over foreign countries. We are governed by globalist and yes they have D's and R's after their names.The sixties hippies want to blame the repubs from their youth,truth is most of them wised up and stuck a D after their name.But in the end it's all about power and your jobs are expendable hell for that matter so are you and me and everyone else.You think a Clinton or a Bush give a damn about us wake up.Take care of yourself and keep fighting to survive in their world.
