Friday, December 18, 2015

Media And Universities Tolerate Terrorists But Not Critical Thinkers

There's a very disturbing story out of Florida today where officials at Florida Atlantic University have taken steps to terminate a tenured professor, James Tracy, who has questioned the government narrative on a number of high-profile shootings, including the 2012 Sandy Hook school massacre, and terrorist events like the Oklahoma City Murrah Federal Building bombing and the Boston Marathon bombing. The Sun-Sentinel newspaper owned by The Tribune Company appears to have led the charge to convince FAU officials that people like Tracy who espouse what the newspaper considers to be "wacko conspiracy theories," are too dangerous to be allowed to teach at a pubic university. A strongly-worded editorial by the newspaper today applauded FAU officials' move to terminate Tracy.
Should professors be able to espouse hurtful and offensive opinions while hiding behind the protective shields of academic freedom and tenure?
In our view, academic freedom is not a license to do or say whatever you want, consequences be damned. So we welcome the termination proceedings begun against Tracy this week by FAU, a university he continues to embarrass with his "didn't happen" conspiracy theories about the Sandy Hook Elementary School slaughter, the Boston Marathon bombing, the San Bernardino shooting and other mass attacks.
Like all freedoms, academic freedom has its limits. And Tracy has gained national notoriety not because he's a blogger spouting wacky theories, but because he is a tenured professor at FAU, where he has influence over students.
Yes, freedom of thought and expression should flourish at universities, but so should high standards of research. If a professor wants to be famous for controversial theories, let him first offer some peer-reviewed proof . . .
Well, this is quite a slippery slope. I have encountered in my lifetime dozens of respected people working in academia who subscribe to the belief that President John F. Kennedy's assassination was the result of the actions of a conspiracy involving rogue elements within our own government, not the lone gunman theory advanced by the government in the now widely-discredited Warren Commission Report. Tens of thousands of government documents related to the Kennedy assassination remain under seal more than 50 years later, further fueling suspicions the government has something to hide from us. Should every professor who believes the CIA orchestrated the assassination of President Kennedy be fired from their jobs?

Why does the American Left have so little tolerance for people who have a good faith basis for questioning what we're told by the government since history tells us government leaders often lie to the citizens, particularly on matters that would undermine their credibility or hold on power if the truth came to light? After all, it's not been that long ago since it was people on the Left who rightfully questioned our government's narrative about Vietnam, Watergate and Iran-Contra. All of these shameful episodes in American contemporary history involved conspiracies committed by those at the highest levels of our government. What would have happened in each of those instances had the media joined hands to condemn everyone who questioned why we were involved in the Vietnam War, believed Watergate was more than just a second-rate burglary or dismissed the notion our government was trading arms for hostages, or illegally funding a revolution in Nicaragua with proceeds from illegal drugs smuggled into the U.S. from Central America?

By contrast, the American Left and their friends in the media had no problem with Weather Underground Terrorist Bill Ayers being a tenured professor at the University of Illinois. Ayers admitted his unrepentant role in the bombings of the U.S. Capitol, the Pentagon and the New York Police Department as a form of protest against the Vietnam War. Ayers' long-time university employer more recently hired another notorious terrorist, James Kilgore, who was a member of the Symbionese Liberation Army. As a member of the SLA, he participated in the kidnapping of Patti Hearst and the armed robbery of a California bank during which an innocent bank customer was shot and killed. Kilgore assumed a false identity of a deceased child before fleeing the country. Kilgore earned degrees at a university in Australia using his false identity. Kilgore was later found in South Africa where he was a teacher after nearly 27 years of being on the lam. He was extradited back to the United States where he was prosecuted and sentenced to six years in prison for second degree murder. Kilgore had no problem obtaining a research job with the University of Illinois following his release from prison, and the media and academia largely defended the university's employment of Kilgore.

I totally understand people's discomfort with discussing the possibility that our own government would stage mass shooting and terrorist events to manipulate public opinion and engineer consent towards the ends it seeks, but anyone who is a student of history knows that those in power have been doing such things as long as governments have been instituted among men to maintain the desired civil order. The Sun-Sentinel's complaint that Professor Tracy's beliefs lack peer-reviewed proof is laughable. Firing him from his job is the newspaper's fall back position since law enforcement concluded there was no basis for arresting him for supposedly committing a crime because the parents of the victims, each of whom have collected millions of dollars in public donations following the 2012 Sandy Hook shooting, believed he is engaged in unlawful harassment. Why those parents choose not to sue him for defamation for suggesting they were paid for their roles as crisis actors in a drill, not a real shooting where they lost a child, is a question they should answer if they believe they've been harmed by his public views.

Please listen to Professor Tracy's discussion of modern propaganda techniques utilized by the corporate state to effect anti-democratic and destructive policies. If our country has no tolerance for the participation of rational and reasoned ideas of persons like Professor Tracy in academia, then we truly are no better than Nazi Germany, the Soviet Union or Communist China.

If you wonder how someone with a Phd could conclude that "Nobody Died at Sandy Hook" because it was just a FEMA drill to promote gun control, I would urge you to read this well-researched work found in this on-line book by clicking here, which has barred from sale on its website. Critical thinkers would allow for a free discussion of their research and debate about the very strange facts they turned up in their efforts to learn the truth about Sandy Hook and unprecedented changes in the state's freedom of information law to block access to otherwise available public records in the event's aftermath.

From the horse's mouth, Attorney General Eric Holder explaining how the government is going to "brainwash" people into viewing guns differently, which is precisely what Professor Tracy theorizes is behind the need for staged events.
Author and professor Jim Fetzer summarizes it all succinctly here:


  1. leon Dixon4:32 AM GMT-5

    Low quality newspapers are "peer reviewed" as well for their slipshod "reporting" and opining, usually towards the left. We have the word, "conspiracy" in our language to describe a reality. I have a near 1,000 page book (just begun) whose subtitle is, "How the CIA'S Doctrinal Warfare Program Changed the Catholic Church". CIA involvement in domestic affairs used to be illegal but, wink, wink, I suspect that did not stop them from doing what they wanted to do.
    It is a very weak academic institution that pays any attention at all to a crummy newspaper though we do see a number of crummy ones here in Indiana who do just that.

  2. Anonymous9:26 AM GMT-5

    There is no academic freedom for those who play in cuckooland. Conspiracy theory isn't a recognized academic field. This is about someone who produces fiction, rather than fact.

  3. The problem is the need & legitimacy of inquiry in what should be academia; where intellectually insecure children feign maturity as they promote adult daycare schemes; insisting we serve them & suffer their arrested development. They're views- not newspapers; where a pretense inquiry is managed within a narratively narrow bandwidth.

    Thanks to Mr. Welsh for posting the accompanying video; which exposes the once main now lame stream's superficial, narrative desire, for tidy & expedient closure at the expense of facts which point toward or allow for, other possibilities in conflict with those desires.

  4. If I were a University trustee I would fire the professor. Its misinformation to claim that Sandy Hook and the Boston Marathon are false flag events. No intelligent person believes these things. It is conspiracy theory of the most hurtful nature; designed to insult the survivors and family members who lost loved ones. No. This man has no place teaching our children. And one more thing. I know scores of intelligent, thoughtful people in Homeland Security, police work and the military. Its an insult to all of us to imply that these people would deliberately hoax these events for some type of drill. Its stupid. And people who can't tell the real world from these conspiracy arguments are mentally deficient in some way. It makes my blood boil to hear you say Sandy Hook children didn't die and that nobody lost their legs in the Boston Marathon. There's something wrong with you.

  5. No, Anon. 11:03, People who look at videos and inconsistent narratives spun during each of these events and are unable to see the deceit are the ones you should be most worried about. The United States has become the most propagandized country in the world. People believe whatever is told to them no matter how absurd it appears to the least of the discerning. I've had people in law enforcement tell me they turned down opportunities to sign away their lives and rights by agreeing to participate in these so-called drills. Once they realize what's happening, they're never able to trust anything they're told by the government again. People like you will never address the issues raised head on about these events. You categorically condemn those who seek answers and provide factually-based information to support their thesis. You have no explanation for the evidence they present, only mockery.

  6. Anonymous1:15 PM GMT-5

    There were tens of thousands of people at the Boston Marathon. There were body parts blown all over the streets. If you can't "believe" that then it sounds like a personal problem. But if you began teaching that to my children at I.U. as fact I would be first in line to ask for your firing. I think you have a very odd belief that conspiracies are everywhere. That doesn't make you a critical thinker. Every Alzheimer's patient I every knew grew increasingly suspicious and paranoid about such common things; that deliverymen were spies, that everyone was stealing their money, and that everything is being controlled by gov. puppeteers. It doesn't make those suspicions true, no matter how real they seem. Its cognitive deterioration. And its progressive.

  7. Anon 11:03: No disrespect, I thought much as you do until seeing some of these things at a micro or local level; by which the like inclined spar at a version of pro wrestling for public consumption & conspire behind the scenes. This doesn't support any one theory of any particular event; only to say it's as natural among operatives or players as deception is when one team calls a play to defeat another; problem being that it's the public that's being played as an opponent. If you don't think it's going on; you're discounting the nature of power trippers, climbers & the title or resume pleasured.

    The problem here is how the American public is viewed by a once main stream media & those in government; not as citizens, clients or consumers, but as a harvestable commodity to serve the ways of these tyrannic narcissists lost in their own parasitic psychosis.

  8. The video and photo imagery depicted a few individuals missing limbs. The problem is that the emergency protocols for treating such victims was completely ignored, a fact observed by many trained emergency medical responders. You don't leave a guy with a leg blown off lying on the sidewalk for minutes, loosely apply a wrap that is not even pulled tight enough to act as a tourniquet and then place him in a wheel chair, mind you while he's alert, sitting up straight and barely containing a smirk on his face, and then rush down the street pushing him in the wheel chair while a cowboy hero guy is holding arteries in his hand. When the false prosthetic fell off, and they had to stop and reattach it, I got what was happening. People were caught prepping the fake injuries and spilling fake blood on videos and photos that made their way into the public domain. Individuals claiming to have lost limbs were identified by researchers as closely resembling persons who coincidentally had previously lost legs prior the Boston Marathon bombings. Why were only legs blown off below the knee? These bombs were supposedly filled with nails and ball bearings. Why were people standing right next to those injured totally unharmed by these flying projectiles? Look at the explosion. They were not real bombs. They were exactly what Hollywood uses to recreate real-like explosions. Why did I see in one of the videos a Craft International operative picking up a smoke machine device that detonated the fake bomb shortly after the first explosion and carrying it into the store behind where it went off? Why were Craft International operatives standing all around the explosion sites wearing thick, heavy backpacks that resembled the backpacks they claimed contained the bombs? Why was the owner of Craft International, Chris Kyle, the man Hollywood portrayed in a movie a short time later, months later executed by a person he was training in the use of firearms? Why were two FBI agents investigating the bombing accidentally dropped to their deaths from a helicopter during a supposed training exercise? Why was Bradley Cooper, the Hollywood actor who portrayed Kyle in the movie, American Sniper, so visible immediately after the bombing in promoting the government's narrative of what happened? Why did the FBI claim it needed help identifying two suspects whose identity they already knew because they had tracked and monitored them for years? Why were they brought to this country by a high-ranking CIA officer whose daughter was married to their uncle? Why did video capture the older brother being taken into police custody alive, only to be later told by police that he had been gunned down and run over by his own brother while fleeing police during a wild shootout? Why were police firing multiple gunshots into a boat where the second suspect was supposedly hiding out when he was unarmed and incapable of returning any fire at them, but they lied to the media and claimed he was armed and firing at them? Why did the younger brother's best friends go to court to see their friend during his initial court appearance and then tell reporters after seeing and hearing him say that the person in the court didn't look like him and spoke with a strong Russian accent, unlike their friend, who had spent most of his life growing up in the U.S. It's frankly difficult to live in a country where people are so stupid and are so easily fooled and manipulated into believing they face a real terror threat that is completely manufactured by our own government to exert more control over our lives. I've said it before and don't mind repeating it. We have become the very type of government we went to war in World War II to defeat.

  9. Anonymous4:03 PM GMT-5

    Gary, you need to stick to reporting state and local deception and criminal activity. It's what your good at doing. This conspiracy theory junk is no better than b***s***, and at least there is some use for the latter!

  10. Thanks for the advice, but it's my blog. I choose what to write about. It's all relevant. The same manipulations occurring at the state and local level are happening on a much grander scale nationally and internationally. Where do you think they get their training?

  11. Eric Morris4:19 PM GMT-5

    Though the US was a long way on the road to fascism, if not already there, during WWII, which it purportedly was fighting. Wage and rent controls, conscription, Social Security, all the New Deal programs, rationing, War Production Board, internment of Japanese, etc.

  12. Anonymous7:12 PM GMT-5

    Gary, thanks for having the guts to discuss these ideas. The reason that the government / shadow government can get away with false flag events and various other conspiracies is due to the fact that they are beyond the pale. While I don't purport to know what happened in all of these instance, I know that I have no reason to ever believe the government's story, particularly when it fits their agenda.

    So, keep doing what you're doing. Many of us appreciate the work you do far more than you know. Thank you.

  13. Anonymous9:09 PM GMT-5

    Anon 1:15 - You presume a lot. It's one thing to espouse something as the gospel truth. It's another entirely to discuss the possibility that the official story is self serving tripe. The truth is probably somewhere in between. Having grown up in this state, I recognize what you're doing and I don't like it. Intelligent people don't think like you do. Intelligent people probe and question. Alzheimer's? Really? Anything not to be mentally challenged. Anything not to mess with your carefully crafted world. You're so Hoosier.

  14. I suppose there will always be crazy people who say the holocaust never happened or that we never landed on the moon. I don't know why or how people get so confused and easily led astray. But I have watched a couple of the youtube videos claiming sandy hook and bostonmarathon conspiracies, and also read a couple of articles claiming to debunk the conspiracy theorists, and it seems clear to this critical thinker that the conspiracy theories are just bunk. I don't know why otherwise intelligent people want to believe a dark underside to all these things. But I believe Sandy Hook was a terrible tragedy where a crazy autistic kid went to school and killed 26 little children. And I believe the Boston Marathon was an act of domestic terrorism perpetrated by the Tsarnaev brothers, but mostly the older one. And I think all the conspiracy theories are wrong, and a little silly, and that the people who believe them are gullible.

  15. Anybody here know about "Project MK Ultra"?

    Besides that, after 3k guns disappeared off into Mexico, with the end result being 2 dead federal agents and close to 4k murdered in Mexico the ship has sailed on how far government is willing to go with it's agenda.

    Oh it happened, but not the way you think it did.

    Look up "Chip Tatum". War on drugs my ass! War FOR Drugs is more like it.

    Let's examine the OKC bombing......a funny thing happened.......McVey worked for a cat named Andreas Strassmier, Strassmier worked for Eric Holder. Andy the German disappeared.

    Nobody died at watergate but they are dropping like flies around 0berry Davis.

    Fecking fools have no idea the shit storm headed your way. You'll be believing it soon enough though.

  16. Anonymous9:39 PM GMT-5

    I'm watching this Democratic debate, and it's obvious that every Democrat hates America and is working from within to destroy America.

    Every registered Democrat should be placed on the No-Fly list. Every Democrat is an active terrorist, of at least some potency.

  17. Anonymous8:55 AM GMT-5

    That's right anon 9:39. Line up everybody that doesn't think like you and shoot 'em. The new American way. You are part of the problem.

  18. Anonymous5:14 PM GMT-5

    Wackos. How about you pray for those dead children instead of talking like idiots with fifth grade educations. Only youtube hilljacks think about this stuff and believe it

  19. Ah yes, Communism by the back door. That is the system we now are being forced to live under, and I hate it.

  20. And Gary and all, today at JamesFetzer.blogspot, Jim posted the letter he wrote the South Central Sun Sentinel refutting its asinine editorial, and allows discussion of it there at his blog. I am on your side, Gary, as well as on James Tracy's.

  21. Anonymous7:22 AM GMT-5

    So Marycatherine Barton says aloud to all the mothers of dead children at Sandy Hook elementary that their children are not dead, that they are not really mothers at all, and that they are government manipulators perpetrating a hoax on the American public so that Obama can take our guns. Is that really what you believe Barton. Would you look these women in the eye and tell them their children aren't dead.

  22. Anonymous7:40 AM GMT-5

    I just went to the Fetzer blog and read his whining letter to the newspaper bemoaning the attacks on him professionally. You know, you read down thru his posts and you find out he thinks his appearance on Extra was in a fake CIA studio and he was being questioned by spy-ops; he also doesn't believe we went to the moon. And he bases he observations on idiotic personal beliefs; the blood on Lanza's bed doesn't look real to him. Sorry but it looks pretty real to me. And the little "moving pad" under the bed leg indicates that the entire furniture setup is a prop stage; sorry, but my bedroom has those little pads too, placed there by Stanley Steemer from the last carpet cleaning to protect the furniture. Its just garbage. Garbage. You people who believe this are just sick. This man deserves to lose his job. He has no business teaching anybody. This isn't critical thought. Its offensive, libelous disinformation intended to hurt the survivors and the parents. That half a dozen wacko readers of this site are willing to support Welsh in propagating this lie is regrettable, but don't kid yourselves, the rest of America thinks you are total creeps, gullible and hurtful, who ought to get a life.

  23. Anonymous7:27 AM GMT-5

    Let's see here now........Bloomberg gives money to Brett Kimberlin but doesn't like armed patriots........

    That should just about cover Bill Ayres!

    Who else can we point out as great socialists: Pol Pot, Idi Amin, Mao, Stalin, Hitler

    Embrace your bitter ideology, dim0KKKrats!
