Tuesday, December 15, 2015

Marion Co. GOP Picks Democrats' Choice To Run Party

The Marion Co. Republican Party elected lobbyist Jennifer Ping tonight to succeed Kyle Walker as party chairman. Ping was the choice of Mayor-elect Joe Hogsett and Democratic lobbyist Greg Hahn, two of the Democratic masters she serves at Bose Public Affairs Group, to lead the party into extinction in Marion County. The overwhelming majority of Republican precinct committee persons followed my suggestion to boycott the rigged election tonight. Only 166 of the 590 precincts had someone present to cast a vote, a turnout of about 28%. That was only a slightly better percentage turnout than we saw among registered voters who bothered to participate in the low turnout municipal election this year where the Republican candidate for mayor was trounced and Democrats won a 14-11 advantage to control the City-County Council. Nobody can recall a turnout this low at a county-wide caucus meeting to pick a party chairman. Jocelyn-Tandy Adande offered token opposition to Ping's coronation. Ping defeated Tandy Adande 149-17.


  1. The chairman election in 2007 where TJ got elected chairman was just as sparsely attended. It was thought the MCGOP was dead then and TJ did his best to run it into the ground. Now it is truly just a Dem shadow group. Look for 2019 (or 2018 if Legislature moves muni elections to midterms) to offer no mayoral general election and the de facto election is the Dem primary. Just like in other large cities.

  2. Anonymous5:02 AM GMT-5

    No point in shooting a dead elephant. Anyone want to bet on the prospects of "growing" the R party in Marion County? There is that mantra about the wind, Superman's Cape, and Notre Dame. I don't suppose there is any good manner of knowing but who would care to guess about the number of those who did show up as to whether they were elected PC or appointed PC? There may not be a huge difference in such people but there might be some divergence of opinion? Those who were elected might think about their own Club.....it would likely be very exclusive, you know, you would have had to demonstrate some talent. The Zombie PC could continue to wallow about in thralldom and make their bones with the Indianapolis Star as they both slide to extinction....a happy marriage.
    Good opportunity for Tea Party sorts and even Libertarians whose feet are still on the ground. Ever notice that real mummies no longer have any ability to speak? Mummy Dummies are even worse at articulation of anything worth hearing. So, lining up a crowd of Mummy Dummies for a cheering section makes no sense nor does this rigged fiasco.

  3. Anonymous5:19 AM GMT-5

    I look at all this and continue to shake my head in disgust even though I knew the inside fix was in. I stay my course of walking far away from the Marion County Republican Party (and the State GOP as well); I am one of a multitude of Hoosiers departed from this rotting corpse who will most probably never return. You cannot be a part of this group unless you are willing to be bought, sold, and used as their pawn.

    Gary, you are right that this party is cold dead flat-lined. When an opponent willingly and publicly commits suicide the best course of action is to simply stay out of their way; that was the apparent choice of the many no-show Precinct Committeemen at the most recent MCRCC Circus.

    And that clown McQuillen and his senseless tweet about 'growing by addition not subtraction'? Think about how empty that statement is and how McQuillen's idiotic tweet reflects how little is in this foppish Councilor's head, He reminds me of Jeb Bush in terms of morphology and lack of a scintilla of intellect... totally clueless that no one wants him, totally out of step with the people, time after time predicting the fall of his rivals and the imminent rise in his popularity, and his know-it-all attitude where he's been proved plain wrong on each and every count time and time again.

  4. Anonymous6:50 AM GMT-5

    Now I know what it is like to see a political party publicly disembowel itself.

    The difference between the abdomen cutting signified by Ping's coronation and 'hari kari' is that the Japanese suicide ritual is performed with the intention of restoring honor.

    This party no longer breathes. This group does not represent The Party of Lincoln in any way, shape, or form.

  5. Anonymous9:26 AM GMT-5

    Look, some Democrats are also worried about the direction of the local Democratic Party. This is a sad day for ALL residents as both parties are no longer "political parties" who serve the interest of residents through sound policies. Rather, the two competing parties are now one large oligarchy designed to benefit insiders in both parties at the expense of electorate.

  6. ANON 9:26 The Democratic Party was wrecked by Bill Clinton, Evan Bayh, etc. It ceased to stand for Main Street, and became a puppet of Wall Street. Bill Clinton sold out the Middle Class with NAFTA, etc., and made his deals with Wall Street. Bill and $hillary have made millions on the speaking tours.

    Both parties here in Indiana essentially have a cease fire. Neither party is the slightest bit troubled by the Law since they have the power to change it or simply ignore at no peril from Prosecution.

    The McMega-Media exists to report on meaningless sports contests to divert out attention and reassure us the "System" is working.

  7. Anonymous7:56 PM GMT-5

    Flogger... you got it. I believe those outrageous "speaking fees" for Bill and Hillary, and now Chelsea, are nothing more than political payoffs camouflaged as "fees".

    And you are correct about Bill Clinton. Among other crimes against the Constitution (something no politician talks about anyome), it was that low life Bill Clinton who put the US Government and its secrets up for sale to any country willing to pay... especially China.

    I am stunned how my co-workers to this day "Adore" Hillary. Why, why, why??? She is more evil than the Devil himself.

  8. Did they illegally modify their own rule which they reportedly suspended, to accept 50% of those present (166) vs. a quorum 45% of those registered to vote (about 360)? Why the rush to ignore protocol in favor of coronation?

  9. 10:36 PM there hasn't been a quorum for several of these party "re-organizations" for quite some time. Suspending the requirement for a quorum is common and done on a voice vote.

    If you were lucky enough to ever get a list, you'd find that many names on there are not valid. I heard a birdie once tell me that State requires a high percentage of precincts filled with officials so MCRCC filled in names to some hard to fill precincts.

  10. Anonymous7:03 PM GMT-5

    Perhaps this was a gimmee since her husband Tim will likely lose his Mayor Ballard appointed seat on the Metropolitan Development Commission.

  11. Rush suggest that we disband the national GOP. http://www.rushlimbaugh.com/daily/2015/12/17/gop_sells_america_down_the_river Should we likewise disband the Marion County GOP?

  12. Rush is right, but the third party establishment "GOP" has already disbanded & joined the Democrat Party; as Americans have noticed.

  13. A 14-11 D majority in the CCC? Evidently Christine Scales is being put into the D column. What is more interesting is the shift in the composition of the Metropolitan Development Committee where SB 621 gave Ballard the two appointees that were taken away from the CCC. What was a 5-4 CCC appointed membership became 6-3 mayoral. A December year-end rush is seeing approval after approval of those at the feeding trough requesting TIF funds and multi-year tax abatements.
