Tuesday, December 01, 2015

Another IMPD Officer Arrested

Jason Thomas (Provided Photo/IMPD)
IMPD Officer Jason Thomas has been arrested for assisting a criminal and lying to police about his knowledge of her whereabouts. According to WISH-TV, Thomas earlier this year knowingly harbored a fugitive from justice, his live-in girlfriend Amanda Nickless, who had been charged with theft, criminal mischief and battery resulting in bodily injury, all crimes she had committed against Thomas. Nickless pleaded guilty to criminal mischief in August after she was later apprehended after Thomas put her on a plane to Florida, supposedly for treatment of her substance abuse problem. The theft and battery charges were dismissed as were no contact orders she violated by communicating with Thomas. She received a one-year suspended sentence. Apparently police discovered Thomas was harboring Nickless after he posted a photo of himself with her on Facebook with a caption stating he had "made her a promise to quit hiding us . . . She is my soul mate." Chief Rick Hite intends to terminate Thomas' employment. Officer Thomas was arrested more than two weeks ago. It's unclear why his arrest has just now been made public.


  1. More pig scum with the dope dealing deputy and this one covering for his jailbird girlfriend. Cops deserve no respect and receive nothing but disobedience from the proletariat

  2. Anonymous9:42 AM GMT-5

    Thank you for contribution to society Anon...I may have to look at this abortion issue from a different angle now based on your absurdities, although for you it would be too late. You can certainly choose "no respect" and obviously, I have nothing but contempt and absolutely no respect for your lack of wisdom, intelligence and ability to effectively communicate one iota of a cogent thought. However, I am so appreciative of those that have fight and died for your First Amendment right to appear as stupid as humanly possible.

  3. c. roger csee10:12 AM GMT-5

    I wonder if this was another of the deputies from MCSD that were "con"solidated into the new IMPD?

  4. Yes, he is former County. His supervisors have tried to get him to quit the strippers for a long time but he wouldn't listen to them. Funny though, I never have heard of the MCPO or IMPD going after a victim when they violate the no contact orders or refuse to cooperate with prosecution and actually help the defendant not go to jail. I have been in this rodeo for a decades and this is a first.

  5. Anonymous3:39 PM GMT-5

    11:40 you hit the nail on the head!!! Remember the phrase "we do not prosecute victims"...it happens daily in "love" court but you can never get the victim charged with false reporting or perjury if it goes to trial...Im not defending him because he did break the law but at the same time, Im wondering if he did what he did because the numerous examples he probably saw from the MCPO in courts 16 and 17...

  6. Anonymous7:54 PM GMT-5

    I'm aware of another IMPD officer who is harboring his fugitive brother. I don't believe the brothers live together, but the officer brother surely isn't doing anything to get his wanted felon brother into custody. Any idea who on IMPD would be interested in this information?

  7. Anonymous6:38 AM GMT-5

    Contact IMPD Internal Affairs 327-3434.
