Friday, October 16, 2015

IMPD Chaplain's Actions Ruffles Feathers

A controversial IMPD chaplain raised the ire of a number of police officers and fellow chaplains following his actions this past week. A reliable source tells Advance Indiana the chaplain in question verbally assaulted a beloved, long-time chaplain for the department, LaVerne Sanborn..The 69-year old chaplain became so distraught after the altercation, another chaplain felt compelled to drive her home and spend some time with Sanborn to comfort her.

After the fellow chaplain left Sanborn's home, the attention-grabbing chaplain called Sanborn at home to resume his verbal assault of her. A distraught Sanborn suffered a severe heart attack and died on Wednesday. Sanborn's funeral is scheduled for Monday, and Advance Indiana is told the chaplain who verbally assaulted Sanborn has been forbidden to attend her funeral. Sanborn worked as an accident investigator for IMPD for nearly 30 years prior to her retirement. She put in another 13 years of service in the chaplain's office.

It doesn't end there. Advance Indiana also learned the controversial chaplain is under investigation by the Special Investigations Unit regarding missing prescription drugs taken from several DOA scenes. Someone apparently didn't make sure the prescription medications found their way to the department's property control room after they were taken from decedents' homes.


  1. Why does IMPD or any other Government entity need a Chaplain? If you have a spiritual guidance need find a priest, rabbi, etc. A police psychologist I could understand.

  2. c. roger csee9:08 AM GMT-5

    I'm betting the "chaplain" came from the Marion County Sheriff Office in the "con"solidation.


  4. c. roger csee9:22 AM GMT-5

    Chaplains are needed for immediate counselling for officers/employees/civilians/victims, etc. and for notifications to next of kin.

    They are mostly unpaid volunteers.

    1. Anonymous9:30 AM GMT-5

      Others are paid the same as a sworn Captain

  5. The police do not take deceased people's meds to the property room during a doa.

    1. Anonymous9:31 AM GMT-5

      The coroner takes the meds in for disposal. Not the police or the chaplain.

  6. Anonymous9:36 PM GMT-5

    I believe there is only ONE full-time Chaplain at the police department, and that is a Frank Straub pick, that was not based on need, but on Frank Straub's desire to placate the 10-Point Coalition & So-Called "Concerned Clergy."

    There was a single requirement for him to get his job that is prohibited by 14 USC 2000.

    This City should sue Frank Straub for the illegal hire. This city should terminate the illegal hire immediately and HOLD GREG BALLARD ACCOUNTABLE!

    Did that loser, hired based on race alone, cause a RESPECTED retired police officer to have a heart attack? -We may never know. But we do know is that this RACE-BASED hire is INCOMPETENT, cannot even pronounce the names of decedents at their funeral & spell them for death notices (because he is semi-illiterate), but he is a disgrace in all aspects of human life.

    The Police Department needs to clean the Chaplain's office immediately! The current paid Chaplain should be fired immediately and a replacement named post-haste.

    1. A copy of the memo exists. No media has the courage to publish it.

  7. I'm interested to see where the FOP stands on this. A lot of dues being paid for very little action.

  8. Anonymous7:45 AM GMT-5

    The FOP only springs into action when a drunkard amongst them slams his cruiser into a group of motorcyclists injuring 3 and killing one.

    David Bisard. The poster-boy for IMPD.

  9. Anonymous7:44 PM GMT-5

    This is one of the most disgusting, deplorable, despicable, uncalled for and saddest set of circumstances I've ever heard of. This "Chaplain"
    Is a complete waste of taxpayers money. Not one officer will ever utilize his "services" because he has chased off the ones who they respected. Get rid of the moron.

  10. Anonymous6:50 PM GMT-5

    LaVerne was a wonderful lady. I've known since 1970 and I babysat her children while she worked on her shift as a proud officer Of IPD. She was the first female voice on that radio in dispatching and later went to accident investigations. Retired and returned to the now IMPD as a Chaplain. How dare this man upset such a loving and caring lady. We buried her and shed tears galore along with memories of her beauty. I pray this Chaplain is given the punishment he needs as she didn't deserve such meanness. I pray this jerk gets his due and soon.
