Tuesday, October 20, 2015

Hogsett Has Another TV Ad Attacking The "Downtown Insiders"

Joe Hogsett's nearly $4 million campaign war chest was raised from the downtown insiders he's attacked in his campaign commercials as people "who cheat the system and steal your tax dollars." He started running another ad this week which begins with him sitting atop a downtown building once again attacking the downtown insiders. Unlike the prior ad, this one has not been uploaded to his campaign's YouTube account, probably because he doesn't want this blog to call attention to it like we have in the past.

In not single interview or public forum has a single news reporter bothered to ask Hogsett to discuss whom he believes those downtown insiders are who are cheating the system and stealing our tax dollars and what changes he plans to make to put an end to it. I find that very odd. Don't you?

Here's a "Souls To The Polls" ad his campaign is running on black radio in an attempt to get black voters, who have shown little interest in either candidate's campaign like most of Indianapolis' residents, to go to the polls to vote for him.


  1. Anonymous8:16 AM GMT-5

    So... Lying Joe Hogsett goes to church... "a lot". Wow- if that's a "reason" for anyone to vote for one of the most connected Inside of Insiders, I will pass, thank you very much. I am tired of rich old white guys like Hogsett at the political helm.

    This rich old white guy with the expensive under-taxed home in one of the best Marion County neighborhoods... you know, the house that WAS NOT SHOWN in his lawn mowing commercial... now tosses out the blather of "souls to the polls"... the type of silly slogan Democrats just love. Let's pander to the African-American vote some more, Joe.

    Sad thing is.. Deceiving Joe Hogsett will most likely be mayor. Brewer? I don't think that old white guy really gets this town, it's history, or its people. And I do have to wonder if Deceiving Joe is trying to keep this particular political video advert under the radar... my guess is "probably, yes".

  2. Anonymous9:47 AM GMT-5

    When the candidate most likely to become the mayor of the state's largest city is saying that people are cheating the system and stealing tax dollars, it should be a newsworthy event to report on. Yes, it is odd that nobody in the media is asking the candidate what he's talking about.

  3. Hogshitt, was parked in the Federal Prosecutors Office to control who is prosecuted and who is not, like Curry. He may have been told that he needed to bide his time there in the bullpen, and then get called up to the Majors to run for the Mayors Job. Those of us in the 99% "Prole" Class will continue to notice the slow steady deterioration of the City no matter which Republicrat is elected Mayor in November.

    "Souls to the Polls", what exactly has the Democratic Party in Indianapolis done for the African American Community??? The Indianapolis McMega-Media has wrapped their protective arms the Crony-Capitalist System. You are right Gary, our intellectually vacant Media will not ask - Who the Insiders are???

    By the way the street in front Hogsett's house is in great condition in stark contrast to streets in the inner city.

  4. Anonymous9:53 AM GMT-5

    I laughed at this ad. He is such an insider being supported by his buds. Joe at least be honest!!

  5. Anonymous1:37 PM GMT-5

    Well said, Flogger. Exactly WHAT have Dems done here in Indy...with drugs and gangs running rampant, black on black violence at all time highs and neighborhoods from east-west-north-south deteriorating to a point from which we cannot recover...all the while the Colts/Pacers/500/Indians get more and more tax $$$. With an electorate asleep at the switch, the ruling class will continue to profit while more young African-American men die every night. I guess we have an all new class of slave holders.

  6. Anonymous1:42 PM GMT-5

    my downtown insiders are better than your downtown insiders

  7. c. roger csee2:40 PM GMT-5

    So....what happened to "separation of church and state?"

    And what happened to churches being prohibited from taking political positions threatening to remove their tax-free status?

    Oh...never mind...

  8. Anonymous3:05 PM GMT-5

    JH is among those who've done the least about insider corruption. If successful, wouldn't this ad contortion turn him insider out?

  9. Anonymous5:47 PM GMT-5

    ...I thought Hogsett was a career politician? How much of his adult life has he not been in a political position?

  10. Anonymous6:56 PM GMT-5

    If Hogsets campaign is running ads like this then they must think the message targets a popular opinion among voters. I just wonder if the average voter out there is dumb enough to believe these frauds. Not that it matters, the only alternative is in bed with the same people. It seems like there are more and more people at least willing to post their feelings via comment on major media outlet websites. Blogs like yours, Gary, left and right leaning, suggest frustration that the entire system is rigged to benefit the wealthy few first. Maybe people in Naptown are starting to wake up?

  11. Is he on wife three, or four? I've lost track.
