Wednesday, October 14, 2015

Fort Wayne City Clerk Blames Health Problems For Behavior In Resignation Statement

Fort Wayne's City Clerk Sandy Kennedy (D) released a statement blaming her health problems for the behavior that led her to engage in illegal political activities in her city office, including threatening to fire any employees who failed to help in the election of her chief deputy, Angela Davis. Kennedy's attorney, Mark GiaQuinta, appeared before a city council meeting last night to read a statement regarding his client's resignation.
“The past several years have been increasingly difficult for me. I was diagnosed with several physical conditions which have made it increasingly more difficult to work a full day, or even part of a day without pain and more recently without behavior I did not always understand,” GiaQuinta said, reading from Kennedy’s statement.
“My condition has worsened within the past year. There is no shame in acknowledging that. My neurologist has advised me that I am beginning a new phase in my life’s journey, which should not include an attempt to serve out my term as your city clerk.”
“I hope that I will be remembered as a loyal and conscientious public servant,” GiaQuinta read. “I will miss the many friends that I have met and the citizens I have served.”
With the statement read, Republicans and Democrats joined hands in singing nothing but praise for Kennedy's 32 years of service. Colin Keeney, the whistle blower who secretly-recorded Kennedy engaged in brazen illegal campaign activities within her office before resigning his job in protest was just a disgruntled worker beating up on an elderly women whose mind had become frail, and Allen Co. GOP Chairman Steve Shine is just a political opportunist trying to take advantage of her impaired condition for political gain. Never mind that on those undercover videos which Keeney recorded Kennedy appeared quite lucid as she cranked out campaign orders and made threats to fire employees who refused to participate in Davis' campaign and everyone around her, including her chief deputy, complied with her requests and suggestions for coercing employees of the office to engage in political activities whether they wanted to or not. What's their excuse? According to Keeney, Kennedy's "abhorrent" behavior didn't just flare up recently; it's been going on for a long time. One thing is for sure, Kennedy won't be getting the Charlie White treatment. The Uncle Leo defense works for Kennedy.


  1. Anonymous8:03 AM GMT-5

    Since so many adults feel their job description allows them to use fear and intimidation to harrass and bully those who report to them, perhaps we should just drop the charade and let the school kids do it, too. Let them get really good at it. That way, when they jobs in government or the corporatocracy they'll already be trained. It will save the taxpayers billions.

  2. HA, HA (Extreme Satire - Gallows Humor Laugh) I recall some Mafia type Vincent Gigante years ago who was in court who acted out his role as blabbering old man who had lost his mind. He was finally indicted on federal racketeering charges in 1990, but was determined to be mentally unfit to stand trial. Gigante later admitted his insanity was a ruse.

    I would bet if there is any prosecution she will be let off with a wrist slip and keep any pension that may have accrued. The Republicrats will make sure of that. After all what is the purpose of being elected to Public Office if not to get re-elected over and over again.

    The Whistle Blower well he will be labeled a "disgruntled employee" and a trouble maker.

  3. Anonymous9:26 AM GMT-5

    Lets let a jury of her peers decide her fate.

  4. I'd say the bar was set fairly low for Fort Wayne City Clerk. She's been luck for a long time.

  5. Anonymous2:12 AM GMT-5

    32 year of service, physical disability alleged... bull crap. This case it he poster child for term limits. 2 terms and out should be the state and national mandate.

    She belongs in jail.
