Wednesday, October 21, 2015

Brewer Turns To Ballard For Help

Apparently Republican mayoral candidate Chuck Brewer thinks an appeal from Mayor Greg Ballard in the closing two weeks of the campaign is his silver bullet. The ad also plugs the council candidacies of  Colleen Fanning, who is running against Kip Tew in District 2 and Anthony Davidson, who is running against Frank Mascari in District 21.


  1. Anonymous5:56 PM GMT-5

    OMG, what is next? ....a TV endorsement from Frank Straub & Ellen Corcella?

  2. Anonymous6:50 PM GMT-5

    Astoundingly unbelievable. This past Republican voter's jaw slammed his computer desktop at the news; then I read and laughed so hard at Anon 5:56's comment that I am still trying to catch my breath.

    Kyle Walker's personal pick as the only and best Marion County hope to succeed the uber-corrupt Greg Ballard is going down with a whimper. Chuck Brewer actually makes me want Joe Hogsett to win... that's saying a lot because I will never ever again vote for a Democrat for any reason no matter what. But I am not, repeat NOT, voting for any Marion County Republicans... ride your Vision Fleet and Blue Indy to your election results, Councilors,... the best liars among you shall win.

    The good news about a probable Joe Hogsett victory over the hand-picked invisible fast food "magnate"? Not only is Chuck Brewer washed up. So too his mentor Kyle Walker. Mr. Jen Hallowell will be seen be even more for the failure he's always been. It's about time.

  3. You think the probable embarrassment of a landslide Hogsett win will get the MCRP power lever handlers pushing Walker to resign?

    Forget attempting a coup d'etat as there's so many mummy dummies (thank you Paul Ogden!) in the party structure that ousting a sitting chairman is next to impossible.

  4. Anonymous7:54 PM GMT-5

    If the Democrats run the table Walker won't have much power left to weld.

  5. Anonymous8:46 PM GMT-5

    To SH @ 7:14- of course you are correct... (Anon 6:50 here). I did not intend to convey a coup d'etat would occur or could even be successful- the Democrat Party similarly has the PC mummy dummies as well and it's all orchestrated by both parties to keep their choke-hold on their personal political power, prestige, and privilege.

    Both the Democrat Party and the Republican Party are infected and infested and until cleared out the corruption will continue.

    There is no reason to vote because balloting is an exercise in futility.

  6. Anonymous9:21 PM GMT-5

    Imagine what could happen, if one party, either one, embraced open, ideologic or intellectual competition. Oo crazy! This process is stuck in hide school.

  7. Anonymous5:04 AM GMT-5

    "There is no reason to vote because balloting is an exercise in futility." I use this line often Anon 8:46. It's especially effective with teachers. It makes their heads explode. Then I go on to tell them that in their secular nirvana, voting is the real opiate of the masses. I get a blank stare. Most of them think Karl Marx was Groucho's brother.

  8. Anonymous6:28 AM GMT-5

    Anon 5:04... superb remarks. Dead On. You will get the same blank stares if you speak those words about voting futility to any Indianapolis City County Councilor. Any of them. They are like the Roman Senate as the Roman State was disintegrating all around them... completely oblivious to reality and quite often lower information than the voting blocs they court.

  9. Anonymous8:13 AM GMT-5

    Chuck (Chuckles) Brewer had my support until the August shooting outside his house. Two 16 year olds shot it out leaving both wounded and a school teacher caught in the crossfire.

    If Brewer had any balls about him, he'd came out that day and made a statement about the lack of police officers, the gangs that roam his neighborhood of Meridian Park, and the availablility of guns on the street.

    No, he remained silent likely out of fear of ruffling the feather's of Big Bird Ballard, who ignored the uptick of crime his first 7 years as Mayor.

    A crime ignored is a crime encouraged.

  10. What house is Brewer living in near Meridian Park? He was living at an apartment complex in Perry Township just a few months ago when he sold his condo at the Athletic Club downtown.

  11. Anonymous9:23 AM GMT-5

    He's been living at 3048 N Pennsylvania since June.

  12. That house was owned by former State Sen. Tom Wyss. It was sold to Tamara Wyss Senn earlier this year. The property is still in her name so he must be renting from her. The Indianapolis Star's bio piece on him last Sunday still referred to him as Perry Township resident.

  13. Mayor Ballard's praise of Brewer works both ways. My application for an absentee ballot sent by the Republican Party was half an advertisement for Brewer supporting the policies of the Mayor. I was thinking that Brewer's campaign should be more about him being his own man rather than following in Ballard's footsteps - either bad strategy or a requisite for being in the race.

  14. Please note that Christine Scales was NOT included in the Ballard loves Brewer video. I intend to vote for City-County Councillor Scales who chooses to represent her constituents, and not the Republican Party. Not voting for Mayor leads to the possibility that Ballard's clone will continue his legacy of taxpayer abuse, so I will be voting for Joe Hogsett.

    It is unfortunate that city-county residents forced to work multiple part-time, low-paying jobs to make ends meet are so busy that they are unaware of Ballard's taxpayer abuse. This new Underdog -- or is it Undergod? -- commercial is obviously for the uninformed voters of the Consolidated City of Indianapolis.

  15. Anonymous4:29 PM GMT-5

    yeah....that isn't going to "help"

  16. Anonymous9:21 AM GMT-5

    Wyss likes property taxes, make sure he is paying a full 2% of highest & best use with water runoff fees.
