Thursday, October 22, 2015

Binkley's Held Up In Front Of Customers

The out-of-control crime in Indianapolis was on full display at a popular Broad Ripple area bar last night. Three black males entered Binkley's shortly after 11:00 p.m. and held up the bar and some of the customers at gunpoint. Fortunately, nobody was injured during the robbery. Police are unsure how much money the armed bandits made off with from the hold-up.


  1. In light of this most recent proof of the non-stop rising tsunami of crime in Indianapolis: Thank God we have that fifty year chains of parking meter mess, the ubiquitous bicycle lanes crowding out traffic on thoroughfares into neighborhoods, the crooked Vision Fleet, and the illegal Blue Indy to protect us!!!

  2. Anon 11:19, you should add spending millions on pre-k

  3. And if you are the victim of a crime, when you call it in, IMPD acts like you're a criminal and very obviously wishes you wouldn't call, at all.

    The certainly never send anyone out to investigate, and no investigation is done, at all.

    Not sure what IMPD does, exactly. Speeding, spousal disputes and child support collection. They sure like to form up as a gang whenever one of them is challenged or insulted.

    We would be better off if we saved the cost of IMPD and let neighborhoods hire their own private police.

  4. The idiots on Urban Indy want to take away half the car lanes on College and turn College into a dedicated bus route right to the front door of Binkley's.

    Bad idea follows bad idea in this town.

  5. Anonymous2:06 PM GMT-5

    maybe I missed something - did the robbers escape on IndyGo?

  6. this is another organization that discourages patrons carrying fire arms.

  7. Anonymous3:03 PM GMT-5

    How do we know the perps were Blacks? Duh media that I have watched so far does not mention that. Nor do they mention that the police in that area have been greatly reduced...when the council lady protested the r's ran a primary opponent against her. I'd put this crime on the Mayor and his mis management.

  8. Anonymous3:06 PM GMT-5

    Following up on all these comments, I am coming around to the idea that we completely disband the Indianapolis City Council immediately - hell, they don't do anything except cash their paychecks- and make the social media pages come alive about three point five weeks before election day. Along with shuttering the "Urban League" and the CIB... the money saved can go toward that magic 150 police officers the political liars have baited us with since 2007.

    Ever notice no matter how the Councilors scream and howl the corruption remains and we still need more "public safety"??? The only public safety is to abolish the politicians.

  9. Anonymous3:21 PM GMT-5

    Did they use one of the Blue Indy electric cars that take up the good Broad Ripple Parking spaces as the get-away car?

  10. Anonymous4:28 PM GMT-5

    anon 303 - so what color were they?? It is just amazing that the media never includes the race of the criminals?? If they were Caucasian - SAY IT! Asian - SAY IT! African American - SAY IT! It is ridiculous the shoot straight. The news media is SUPPOSED to give the FACTS - not non-fiction.

  11. Anonymous7:23 PM GMT-5

    crime is out of control. But at least we have shiney buildings downtown.

  12. Anonymous9:40 PM GMT-5

    The Chamber of Communism says it wasn't a hold up- it's a jobs program for upstart politicians...

  13. Anonymous4:09 AM GMT-5

    There's a prevalent mindset in this burg that crime is no big deal because it's an east side and south of 38th thing. It's just thugs vs. thugs. Indy is safe one of our public officials bleated not too long ago and the masses ate it up. Cool! Maybe we'll get another Super Bowl (not). Detroit has a (mostly) shiny downtown. So does St. Louis. Both are failed cities. So is Indy. A complete an utter failure by any reasonable definition. Get out while you can. You don't want to be like the hangers-on in Motown, always angry, always delusional, always waiting for the big comeback. There's not going to be a comeback until the masses start approaching problems differently, and I simply do not see enough willingness to think for oneself in this city to suggest that will ever happen.

  14. Anonymous4:17 AM GMT-5

    Anon 12:48 - I hear you on Urban Indy. They have an Edifice Complex and support any kind of building that raises density, whether it's good or bad. They obviously love Indy but they want it to be something it's never going to be. To be urban, you have to have people and people have been abandoning Indy for well on 50 years now. This is one of the emptiest cities in America. It simply is not dense, no matter how badly they want to pretend. They don't understand that there are very few people here who want the urban experience that they do, and that most of least the ones with any gumption at all...get off their keisters and move to Chicago or New York or (if they don't want to work for their money) Washington DC.

  15. Anonymous4:18 AM GMT-5

    Anon 4:26 - The news media is entertainment. It has nothing to do with the facts.

  16. Anonymous4:43 AM GMT-5

    ...almost makes you miss the days of old Frank Straub lying to us "crime is trending down."NOT!

  17. Anonymous7:54 AM GMT-5

    "Leon Dixon ·
    When the Ballard administration depleted the police numbers in that area, Broadripple their presence or absence was soon noticed. The response times of the remaining police were greatly increased. One suspects that crimes of all kinds has also increased. When the Lady Council person protested this misallocation of police (and fire) resources the response of the Republican Party was to primary her (and other tactics repugnant to honest people). One cannot say that this particular crime was a direct result of Mayorial incompetence or incompentence in selecting his Public Safety Director any more than one can say such of the recent Binkley's robbery. Folks who live and work in the denuded of their former police presence might be forgiven, however, for saying such and even believing such." Noticed in the more recently reported crime in duh Star, comments section.

  18. Anonymous8:36 AM GMT-5

    4:17, I don't think the Urban Indy people love Indy, at all. There's nothing about Indianapolis they do like. it's not a city model they care for. They wish they lived in the North Side of Chicago, but they don't. They're a bunch of misfits and oddballs who won't move to where they belong, so they're trying to tear down something to make themselves feel more at home in it.

  19. Anonymous8:38 AM GMT-5

    7:54, what? They put a police substation in the parking garage just a few blocks away. There are always a few cop cars sitting in the lot just a couple blocks north of Binkley's.

  20. Anonymous4:26 PM GMT-5

    Next time, try The Alley Cat. Russ and Company might just have a little surprise for you.

    If you thugs dare, that is. Funny, didn't hit where the owner and employee's are armed

  21. Hey guys! I guess I'm one of those idiots, misfits and oddballs who lurk on the Urban Indy website (though I guess I'm pretty recent). Based on what I'm reading here, I couldn't be prouder to be one of said idiots! So thanks!

    It's funny to me, how people who see WorldNetDaily as a viable news source so consistently hate anything urban. Why such a correlation? And yes, I genuinely do love Indy, but I also have aspirations and a vision for where it can be, which most certainly does involve reclaiming the density it once had. I don't want to be in Chicago. I'm guess I see that Indy can always be better and that complacency with status quo is the real dangerous option. Because where would that lead us? Another Detroit? Yeah, that sounds like a real way to Advance Indiana (or Indy, in this case). Yet here I see some cranky people saying it's a "failed city". What is a success then, pray tell? Houston? Atlanta? They have bigger blighted areas than Indy can even dream of. All the funnier because I'm not even liberal--voted Romney/Ryan in 2012, and sometimes I feel lonely politically in Center Township, where practically everyone is Dem. But hey--I love cities far more than I love politics!

    And since we pro-urban types are really no more than a handful of misfits, what on earth is to explain all of those developments going up in Center Township, most of which are NOT TIF-supported or subsidized? What about all those 90-year-old homes getting fixed up? Or the new construction taking place around areas like 25th and Central? Is it just a bunch of delusional hipsters? If that's the case, then why is even Carmel thinking more and more urban, and its constituents keep re-electing a mayor with a densifying mentality? And now Fishers too, wants a new downtown?! Heavens to Betsy!

    The real question is, where in Fishers/Avon/Brownsburg are all the young professionals moving who don't start having babies at 23 years old...which, let's face it, is most young professionals these days? Could it be Center Township? So is it possible that, in another twenty years, the five-acre lots of Hamilton County and those low-slung corporate parks just might not seem so attractive, as more people decide that bike lanes and sidewalks aren't tyranny? And what if it's a 1980s-era McMansion at Range Line and 126th that's getting robbed at that point? After all, as recently as 1985, 38th Street and Post Road was normal, conservative-voting suburbia. Poverty migrates far more than it goes away. Who's next? If I can help it, it won't be the vital urban environment of Meridian-Kessler!

    Thanks for listening guys! Have a nice weekend!

  22. Found out on Facebook that Art Bouvier of Papa Roux Cajun restaurant (10th and Post) was held up at gunpoint. The result? Discounts to CCW holders who patronize The Roux while armed.

  23. We should all patronize Papa Roux Cajun restaurant.
