Sunday, September 06, 2015

Justin Bieber Pops Up In Angola

It would seem the most unlikely of places you would find Justin Bieber on Labor Day weekend, but it's true that he made an unannounced stop Friday night at The Venue night club in Angola, Indiana. A local band, Bonafide, was playing at the venue, which is a popular hangout spot for Trine Univeristy students, when someone recognized Bieber, who was one of the first patrons to enter the bar Friday evening donning a hoodie. The night club soon became packed when word spread he was there. He took the stage to play the drums at one point. Social media buzz says Bieber was in town to visit a friend from the Clear Lake area and to attend the Auburn Auction where vintage cars are being auctioned off this weekend.


  1. I imagine the set went something like this;

    Arguably Biebers best work.

  2. Anonymous7:24 PM GMT-5

    The linked story actually says Clear Lake. Cedar Lake is about 150
    miles away at the southern end of Lake County.

  3. Thanks for the correction.
