Thursday, September 17, 2015

Carly Said What About Barbara Boxer's Hair?

Carly Fiorina has exploited Donald Trump's "Just look at her face" quip in criticizing her candidacy. "I think women heard very clearly what Mr. Trump said," Fiorina said in last night's Republican presidential debate in response to his face comment about her. During Fiorina's disastrous California Senate campaign in 2010 against Sen. Barbara Boxer, Fiorina was caught on an open mic making fun of Boxer's hair. "God what is that hair," Fionina said. "So yesterday." Is it okay for a woman candidate to make fun of another woman candidates's appearance?


  1. Anonymous6:46 AM GMT-5

    I am really happy that America is wetting itself over Hillary vs. Trump and that Carly the HP Killer is in the mix. The sooner these people destroy Amerika, the sooner we can get about the business of building a post-American constitutional republic.

  2. Anonymous7:09 AM GMT-5

    Probably ok, given that one is not likely to have much good to say about Boxer.

  3. Anonymous7:18 AM GMT-5

    846 would likely have a very poor substitute Constitution? Perhaps she could give us a few examples of the language she would prefer.

  4. Anonymous7:53 AM GMT-5

    Typical "I gotcha!" crap that we are used to seeing from special interest groups. I put this with the other garbage that is presented in a tabloid style. My "I gotcha" will be at the polls. No wonder we can't get decent one wants their entire life on a tabloid...truth be damned.

  5. Anonymous8:02 AM GMT-5

    This is really amusing, sounds like something Deb Daniels has said before about other women here at work, but more along the lines of "did you see that lipstick?"

    Classy, really classy Deb. Did you go to finishing school with Wild Cheri Daniels?

  6. How about the more important thing she said in the debate. You know, the lie she told about some non-existent film she 'saw' after lambasting Planned Parenthood. There's nothing left to harvest from this candidate.

  7. Anonymous3:49 PM GMT-5

    You know, it is a sad fact that women are always judged on their looks. I work in a male dominant industry with a bunch of pigs. My boss is a pig. It is insulting that he thinks women are there for him to flirt with. Really? I work my ass off and it doesn't matter.

    It takes all types of people to make the world. I just wish EVERYBODY would look in the mirror before they left the house. Men and women both.

  8. Anonymous4:11 PM GMT-5

    Apples & oranges.
    Happened 5 years ago.
    Was an open mike private conversation overheard, NOT a public, televised debate.
    We don't know that it even happened.

  9. c. roger csee4:15 PM GMT-5

    OK. Amending my last comment.
    Obviously, it did happen. I just watched the video. However, she was reporting that someone else said that about Boxer. She was merely reporting what she was told.
    Then, when someone warned her that her mike was hot, she immediately stopped talking.
